Over Astrakhan, Eyewitnesses Observed UFOs - Alternative View

Over Astrakhan, Eyewitnesses Observed UFOs - Alternative View
Over Astrakhan, Eyewitnesses Observed UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Over Astrakhan, Eyewitnesses Observed UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Over Astrakhan, Eyewitnesses Observed UFOs - Alternative View
Video: NASA now investigating Navy's UFO videos: 'There is something there' 2024, June

Residents of Astrakhan and the region observed a series of inexplicable phenomena last night, consisting in the appearance of strange luminous objects in the sky. Corresponding evidence has appeared today on the vastness of Russian social networks. What actually were the UFOs over Astrakhan, the real invasion of which occurred on the night of July 22-23, 2016?

Some users of social networks who consider themselves ufologists are sure that strange flying objects are spaceships of representatives of alien civilizations who arrived in Astrakhan to enslave local residents.

Others explain the phenomenon in a much more prosaic way, recalling that now army exercises are taking place on the territory of the Astrakhan region, during which the military is practicing various anti-aircraft weapons, and the lights moving in the night sky are just special targets that imitate targets.

“It is quite obvious that under the guise of exercises, in fact, a full-scale military operation against aliens is being carried out, which is not advertised so as not to sow panic among the population,” declare the most stubborn ufologists who are sowing panic among the population.

Kolesnikov Andrey