UFOs Fly Over Moscow - Alternative View

UFOs Fly Over Moscow - Alternative View
UFOs Fly Over Moscow - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Fly Over Moscow - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Fly Over Moscow - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, June

The Muscovite captured on video the sky over the Zhulebino district in the south-east of Moscow, when round, luminous objects flew over it. The user posted the video of the UFO on youtube. There are no tall buildings in the area where the UFO sighting was filmed, and therefore it is impossible to explain how this happened.

Unidentified circles in the sky appeared by midnight on January 30th. In the video, the young man managed to capture four glowing objects in the form of balls, one of which was bright red. The rest of the balls just glowed, but one of them often dimmed and disappeared altogether. The paradox is that all the balls were arranged in the correct diamond shape. The Muscovite was very surprised by what he saw and said that this had never happened before in this place.

Ufologist Vadim Chernobrov, head of the Cosmopoisk research association, explained that the mysterious glow is not atmospheric. The specialist also noted that this also cannot be a mirage in terms of geometric calculations.

And this is not the first time a person has met a UFO. A resident of Kemerovo also managed to capture the fall of an unknown ship: the alien machine crashed at a rapid speed, but then abruptly disappeared. All these examples have caused heated discussions on the Internet, and many seriously believed in the existence of unidentified flying objects.