"Alien Machine" By David Hamel - Alternative View

"Alien Machine" By David Hamel - Alternative View
"Alien Machine" By David Hamel - Alternative View

Video: "Alien Machine" By David Hamel - Alternative View

Video: David Hamel's machine, levitation and nuclear energy! 2024, April

The information about what happened to this person and the mechanism he created is so bizarre and incredible that it sounds like a fairy tale. But she has a lot of listeners: several books have been written about a person, a fairly popular and visited site has been created, and ufologists around the world consider the created device (no matter how fabulous it may sound) one of the proofs of the existence of alien civilizations.

David Hamel with his story in magazines and newspapers in America
David Hamel with his story in magazines and newspapers in America

David Hamel with his story in magazines and newspapers in America.

The man's name is David Hamel - he is an inventor and contactee who has built several "magnetically controlled" devices that create various phenomena, from energy production to flying.

Model of the device in front of Hamel's house
Model of the device in front of Hamel's house

Model of the device in front of Hamel's house.

According to Hemel himself, it all started when, while watching TV with his wife, he experienced something like a "waking trance" in which he was, as it were, transported to an alien ship. The ship was built around two large cones, one held on top of the other by magnets. After asking the "kidnappers" about this device, David received a detailed answer.

Drawings * of a flying saucer *
Drawings * of a flying saucer *

Drawings * of a flying saucer *.

Of course, all this looks like nonsense or fiction, but having come to his senses, Hamel decided to try to repeat the knowledge that was revealed to him. The first model was flawed: bicycle wheels, aluminum foil, simple magnets, and electrical tape. However, the result exceeded expectations - it worked! The cone rotated, as if "floating" in a magnetic field.


Promotional video:

Hamel then built a large model of a flying saucer-shaped cone mechanism. The diameter of the mechanism was about two and a half meters, and the height was just over a meter. As a result of the experiments, it was possible to achieve the flight of this mechanism, which David calls evidence of twelve photographs taken by him during the experiments (he could not find it on the Internet, unfortunately).

The bottom of the Hamel device
The bottom of the Hamel device

The bottom of the Hamel device.

Researchers say that Hamel's devices are based on a principle learned and studied by John Charles (Searle), but achieved it in a completely different way. Where Charles (Searle) uses rotating magnetic rings, Hamel uses "the compression of magnetic energy in a confined medium to create an ionizing effect, coinciding with energy storage and flight."

Pierre Sinclair, a businessman and researcher who joined the inventor, organized work on a project he called Project Magnet, the implementation of which will build a fully working model of the device, obtain a patent and further use technology that “is critical to the survival of humanity in our world, as evidenced by contact David Hamel with aliens."
