Hitler: Life After Death? - Alternative View

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Hitler: Life After Death? - Alternative View
Hitler: Life After Death? - Alternative View

Video: Hitler: Life After Death? - Alternative View

Video: Hitler: Life After Death? - Alternative View
Video: The death of Adolf Hitler | DW Documentary 2024, September

Hitler did not commit suicide in 1945. Together with Eva Braun, he fled to Argentina, where he lived until 1964. This is the opinion of Abel Basti, author of the 400-page book Hitler in Argentina. Basti, a renowned Argentine journalist and publicist, has conducted an independent investigation for many years, tracking the routes of German Nazis in South America. His book, released this month, has brought the world back to the events of 60 years ago, becoming the subject of controversy and bitter controversy. The author of a sensational study on Hitler spoke about the details of his work.


Abel, how many years did it take you to get the material for the book? When did you start writing it?

Fifteen years ago. It was then that some of the FBI archives became available, which were previously classified.

In particular, in the book I publish a secret report dated August 14, 1945, which speaks of the possibility of the Fuhrer's arrival to the shores of Patagonia, other declassified reports, as well as letters announcing Hitler's arrival in Argentina.

Abel Basti, author of the book about Hitler


Was it difficult to study what happened so long ago?

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It is hard work - most of the people involved at that time are dead or are already very old. They are scattered throughout Argentina, Europe and are not very willing to give interviews. Many started talking only now, for a long time they were simply afraid to talk about their past. For example, I spoke with an old man who was a German Nazi in the past and fled to Argentina after the end of World War II in 1945. In the book, I also published the story of a woman, Catalina Gamero, who served Hitler during his stay at the villa of the Eichorn couple, who are well-known financial agents of Nazi Germany in South America. This woman is still alive, she is in her right mind and recalls such details that it is impossible to come up with. I have done hundreds of such interviews. While I was working on this research,I published articles on the topic - it caused a lot of controversy in the society. The facts that I have found and proved may look unconvincing in scattered form - together they fit into a coherent system that is difficult to dispute.

In the book, you write that Hitler and 7 other Nazi leaders landed from a German submarine off the coast of Caleta de los Loros, in the southern province of Rio Negro, in July-August 1945. What evidence is there?

I also write about this: Hitler's boat was accompanied by two more submarines, and all of them were flooded after the passengers disembarked. I and my assistants managed, using special equipment, to prove this fact: at a depth of 30 meters in the place of Hitler's supposed landing, three German submarines really rest. They are not mentioned in any of the documents in the archives of the Ministry of Defense. Unfortunately, we still have not been able to explore what is inside the submarines - it is too expensive an expedition.

Do you think that what happened so many years ago matters now?

Yes, of course, because it's not just the figure of Hitler, but the politics pursued by a number of countries. Many documents are still banned, since the secrets of the past can affect the present. You know, judging by the letters, documents I found, eyewitness accounts, Hitler did not hide in a secluded place, but rather freely moved around Argentina and even held political meetings. For example, there is evidence that he met with the Croatian Nazi leader Ante Pavelic. You see, for a long time the topic was taboo: America and the countries of the alliance were generally considered the messengers of freedom and defenders of human rights, Adolf Hitler embodied the devil and all the evil of the world. There were only black and white colors, it was unacceptable to think - and speak aloud - that cooperation between these two poles was possible.

But what about the remains of Hitler stored in Moscow?

All these remains are pure farce, it's time to admit it. There was no evidence of Hitler's death. The bones that are said to be his are actually the remains of his sister. The fact that Hitler managed to escape was intolerable for the USSR, this simply could not be allowed - and they created the myth of suicide in the bunker and the found remains of the Fuhrer.


Could the Fuhrer have escaped?

Elena Syanova, writer, historian, author of a cycle of novels about the leaders of the Third Reich, is sure that Hitler committed suicide in 1945 - all other versions, in her opinion, are just "propaganda"

Who and why periodically revives Adolf Hitler? Why does the controversy arise - is Hitler dead or not?


Over the past 20 years, America has been rewriting 20th century history and its key event - World War II. America won this war - this is how 99 percent of those Americans who, of course, have heard of it at all, will answer you. Now we need to convince the rest of humanity of this. If it is impossible to directly prove that the Americans, if they did not take, then at least were in Berlin in the first half of May, then one should try to shake the generally accepted truths.

Recently, Hitler has been periodically revived in different parts of the world: in South and Latin America, in Australia, in Antarctica … the names of pathologists with supposedly American surnames …

How about proof of Hitler's death? How reliable are they?

The data of the examination of Hitler's remains were published in our country and were reprinted more than once by different publications. Data on the study and identification of Hitler's jaws and dentures were also published. These are facts that cannot be simply “overlooked”.

Did Hitler still have a theoretical possibility to escape from the bunker?

If only he teleported. The soldiers of the 1st Belarusian, in fact, locked Hitler in Berlin. He could only leave under or above the ground. There was no underground passage. Over? But to miss, not to notice the plane with Hitler and Eve? Impossible.

In addition, the "late" Hitler did not look like a ceremonial himself. The fact is that the rogue Morel, who kept Hitler on strong stimulants all the time after the assassination attempt in 1944, fled, and Hitler very quickly turned into a physical ruin. Goebbels, Magda, and even Bormann wrote about this with bitterness.

Why did Hitler need to flee Berlin? To lead a guerrilla movement in Europe or the Fourth Reich with its capital in Argentina?

For some abstract Hitler, it might be tempting. And for the real one - a physical ruin, with impaired vision and hearing, semi-paralyzed, with wild pains in the stomach, with memory lapses ?! At the same time, he is still in permanent hysterics from hatred for the betrayed Himmler, the rubbing generals, for the people who did not live up to his expectations.

Is it possible to put a dot on the "i" in this question, close the topic once and for all?

Such controversy can drag on indefinitely. The difficult wartime situation in 1945, the lies of witnesses, Stalin's known uncertainty about Hitler's death, not only because of his own mistrust, but primarily because of the real attempts of the American special services to hide someone (the story of Lei's suicide in prison Nuremberg), an inexhaustible source that stimulates the fantasies of journalists.