The Twin Soul Knows Everything - Alternative View

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The Twin Soul Knows Everything - Alternative View
The Twin Soul Knows Everything - Alternative View

Video: The Twin Soul Knows Everything - Alternative View

Video: The Twin Soul Knows Everything - Alternative View
Video: Your Soul Knows 2024, July

Throughout its history, mankind has been concerned with the question: is there life after death? Religion answers in the affirmative. And official science is negative, since there is no reliable evidence to the contrary. As they say, no one has ever returned from the afterlife.

Nevertheless, there is evidence, and absolutely objective. This is psychography or automatic writing, when a person, against his will, records various information on paper, which by itself comes to him.

This mysterious phenomenon has been known since biblical times, and its manifestation is not limited to any geographical areas. But only relatively recently, researchers of the paranormal, coupled with a few scientists in different fields, began to study it. Although the mechanism of psychography has not yet been fully understood, its main characteristics have already been identified with sufficient completeness.

Live fountain pen

With all the external diversity, it essentially boils down to one thing: without wanting it, the psychograph is used as a kind of "writing instrument", like a pen or a typewriter, less often an artist's brush. And this happens in different ways.

The first type of psychography is purely mechanical writing, when the operator suddenly has an irresistible desire to write. He picks up a pen, but does not understand what he is writing, and besides, he is often in a state of trance.

But with the second type of automatic writing, which can be called deliberate psychography, the operator perfectly understands the meaning of what he writes, and at the same time realizes that he is expressing other people's thoughts. Most often this happens among highly intellectual psychographs, mainly representatives of creative professions: writers, artists, musicians.

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Many writers of the past spoke directly about this incomprehensible "outside interference" when they are engaged in literary creation.

Who is the author?

And now let's try to figure out from whom the information is received, which is read by the operator in the process of automatic writing. Psychographers themselves do not at all seek to obtain it and always serve only as a passive tool for transmitting information from some active subject or subjects.

Moreover, the content of the incoming messages varies in an infinitely wide range - from cosmogony to morality, from the events of deep antiquity to everyday life trifles, that is, they reflect our world in all its diversity. At the same time, they all have one thing in common - the virtual correspondent must know the future. Indeed, psychograms, although rarely, contain very specific predictions that later come true.

As far as we know, only four reliable predictions have been registered. So, on the eve of World War I, the British Society for Psychical Research conducted an experiment, a report of which was published in the Society's Notes for 1923. Several well-known mediums were invited to participate in it. Each went into a trance in which they showed the ability to automatically write: their hands moved by themselves on the paper, as if they were being controlled by someone invisible.

When, after the end of the psychographic session, the experimenters began to study the texts written by mediums, it turned out that none of them is similar to the other. Almost all of them were just a set of words that were not related to each other and therefore did not contain semantic information. It became clear that the ability of mediums in a state of trance to establish a connection with the souls of the departed does not manifest itself in automatic writing.

Otherworldly correspondents were unable or unwilling to communicate with them using pen and paper. Only one text mentioned the "hot breath of war", "sea of tears and blood", etc.

During the second experiment with mediums (May 24, 1915), almost a year after the start of the war, there was no mention of it in psychograms. But the texts contained several strange phrases that the experts of the Society for Psychical Research, no matter how they tried, could not connect with the battles taking place at that time: “The hand reached out and stopped in Berchtesgaden … The Munich Agreement … You will see terrible things … Nemesis is getting closer and closer. Nothing will stop her …”And only after the outbreak of World War II these messages became meaningful: Hitler's headquarters was located in Berchtesgaden, and the infamous Munich Agreement preceded the Nazi aggression.

Now let's get back to the source of information contained in psychograms. Based on everything that was said above, it can only be a global information field, which contains information about everything that was in the past, is happening now or will happen in the future on our planet, and possibly in the Universe.

In this case, a legitimate question arises: who are these virtual correspondents who have access to the global information field?

Currently, many scientists believe that each person as a biological system has an energy-informational twin. It appears at the moment of its birth as a kind of computer matrix, which ensures more reliable functioning of a biological subject. Moreover, in order to insure a person, this double must exist independently of its biological system, that is, it must be located not inside, but outside its physical shell. Moreover, the energy-informational double, or, as it is also called, the energetic essence, does not die at the time of death of our mortal body, continuing to remain an active subject. From the point of view of religion, it is nothing more than a soul.

Of course, we are not talking about any heaven or hell as the seat of this essence. Most likely, it is located in the global information field and is one of the countless cells of this databank. During the life of a person, information about everything that happens to the "ward" and in the world around him continuously arrives at such a double. It is these data in the aggregate that make up the boundless sea of information contained in the global field, from where it gets into psychograms.

Since our double exists forever, it can be assumed that after the death of the body, he is able to establish informational contact with other living people with or without the sanction of his own energetic essence. At the same time, virtual correspondents prefer to speak incognito, as if making it clear that they do not care what people think of them.

But there are exceptions when they give their names to the addressees.

Miracle of Glastonbury Abbey

Among the destroyed architectural monuments of England, one of the most famous is Glastonbury Abbey, which is considered the most sacred place in Britain. King Arthur and his beloved Ginevra were buried here.

However, later Glastonbury Abbey gradually fell into decay. In the 17th century, when it was already in a miserable state, King Henry VIII put the last point in its centuries-old history by hanging the only remaining abbot in front of the church. The building of the church itself and other buildings were blown up, the stones were ground and burned to lime.

In 1907, the English archaeologist and architect Frederick Bligh-Bond set out to excavate the ruins of the abbey and to establish the location and size of two chapels erected in honor of Edgar the Martyr and Our Lady of Loretta. These buildings were mentioned in early descriptions of the abbey, but where they stood and what they looked like, no one knew.

The main difficulty was that the archaeologist did not have a starting point for excavations, and without this there was no point in starting excavation work. Searches in the old archives yielded nothing. And then Bly-Bond decided, as an experiment, to enlist the help of his old friend Captain Bartlett, who claimed that he could receive information about the past using automatic writing.

On November 7, 1907, the archaeologist invited Bartlett to his Bristol office and asked him to pick up a pencil. Then, lightly touching the medium's pencil with his fingers, Bly-Bond turned to the unseen correspondent and asked: "Can you tell us something about Glastonbury?"

However, there was no answer

While the archaeologist and Bartlett recalled different stories from the hunting life, the pencil, which the psychographer continued to hold in his hand, suddenly scribbled a single uneven line: "All knowledge is eternal and accessible to the sincere thoughts of the mind."

Both friends were surprised and puzzled. They later admitted that they did not know how to view this short message: as the beginning or as the end? What could it mean? Should they seek the answer themselves, or ask and wait for an answer? They decided to ask.

On the same day, in response to questions posed by Bly-Bond, Bartlett automatically wrote down a message in vulgar Latin, used centuries ago. It said that the chapel of Ed-Garu the Martyr was first erected by Abbot Beer, and then it was rebuilt. Abbot Whiting, the last master of Glastonbury, was in charge of this.

Then Bartlett's hand slowly began to draw a contour map of the upper part of the abbey, on which there was a strange shape, under which Bly-Bond suspected one of the objects of search. "Isn't this a chapel?" - he asked.

Very slowly, as if specially testing their patience, a pencil in Bartlett's hands wrote the answer letter by letter: “Yes, this is the chapel of Edgar the Martyr, long destroyed and lost. The entrance is through a partition to the back of the altar, five feet, the chapel stretches thirty yards east, the masonry is horizontal, the vault is fan-shaped, the windows are transom and blue glass."

Is it really dictated by someone from the other world? Only excavations could confirm this. Using instructions obtained in such an unusual manner, Bly-Bond workers soon excavated the ruins of the ninety-foot-long structure, i.e. exactly 30 yards. Remains of a fan-shaped vault and masonry with mason marks were found, as well as fragments of blue window glass. This means that what Bartlett wrote down under someone's dictation contained reliable information.

Where is the second chapel?

Bartlett picked up the pencil again. But now he was writing answers to Bly-Bond's questions in early 16th century English. When the instructions received to dig in hard ground in the northern section of the abbey seemed dubious to them, the friends decided to ask the reporter again. “Look for my chapel where I pointed out to you,” the mysterious informant confirmed and added that they would find only one wall, everything else was taken away to private buildings.

Once again, excavations have confirmed the accuracy of the data obtained. Over the ten years that they were excavating, Bly-Bond and Bartlett received hundreds of such messages by automatic writing. Moreover, the accuracy with which various measurements were indicated in them, down to an inch, was amazing.

Naturally, during such a long "cooperation" they could not help but ask who was supplying them with such comprehensive information. In response, the pencil wrote that these were monks who had lived in the abbey from the day it was founded. Each monk was responsible for his own period of life. The long pauses that occurred, as the pencil wrote, appeared due to some difficulties. When any doubt arose, the monks conferred among themselves and tried to answer as accurately as possible.

In 1933, Frederick Bligh-Bond published The Gate of Memory. In it, he cited messages "from the other world", not only confirmed by him during excavations, but also those that still had to be verified.

If we exclude the case with an English archaeologist and his friend, a psychographic, one can only guess what makes the “orphaned” twin souls send deliberately unrequited messages to our earthly world. Here another thing is important: why do psychograms come to certain specific people?

The answer is the latest discovery by biophysicists and neurophysiologists. If you do not go into the energo-physiological details, its essence boils down to the fact that our brain shields itself from external electromagnetic radiation, including from waves coming from the global field. Otherwise, he would have died under an avalanche of information. However, for some people this protection is weakened, at times or constantly, and then they accept psychograms, the authors of which are virtual doubles from the subtle world. Obviously, they become aware when someone "reads" these messages, and they send them to those addressees again and again.

However, even if this is not so, the phenomenon of psychography itself, undoubtedly, testifies to the fact that there is life after death.

“Interesting newspaper. Oracle №1 2013