Scientists First Teleported Entangled Particles Under Water - Alternative View

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Scientists First Teleported Entangled Particles Under Water - Alternative View
Scientists First Teleported Entangled Particles Under Water - Alternative View

Video: Scientists First Teleported Entangled Particles Under Water - Alternative View

Video: Scientists First Teleported Entangled Particles Under Water - Alternative View
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The researchers managed to transport the so-called entangled particles under water over a distance of three meters. It has been called the first step towards creating a quantum Internet across the Earth across the oceans. But so far this process has been reproduced only in a glass tube filled with seawater under laboratory conditions, reports The Next Web.

In the future, the authors of the study plan to expand the teleportation range of particles to almost a kilometer.

Installation for underwater teleportation of entangled particles
Installation for underwater teleportation of entangled particles

Installation for underwater teleportation of entangled particles


The term "entangled particles" originated from the phenomenon of quantum mechanics - "quantum entanglement". Particles are called entangled if they are interdependent. For example, if you take two entangled photons and measure their own angular momentum (spin), then they will turn out to be opposite - positive and negative. The connection between two entangled particles is maintained even if they are separated by thousands of kilometers.

Quantum entanglement is one of the prerequisites for creating a teleport

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The process of creating entangled particles is very complex, requiring a lot of equipment and special conditions. Scientists from Jiao Tong University used a system of laser and crystal optics for this.

Scientists from China in early 2017 were able to send entangled particles into space and back. But before that, no one sent them underwater.