The Egyptians Discovered America ?! - Alternative View

The Egyptians Discovered America ?! - Alternative View
The Egyptians Discovered America ?! - Alternative View

Video: The Egyptians Discovered America ?! - Alternative View

Video: The Egyptians Discovered America ?! - Alternative View
Video: Who Discovered America First? 2024, September

The Greek philosopher Plato (429-347 BC), one of the greatest thinkers of the ancient world, in the Timaeus dialogue, left a surprisingly detailed description of the ancient geography of the western hemisphere of the Earth.

“Then the island of Atlantis still existed,” the priest says, “and it was easy for travelers of that time to move from it to other islands, and from the islands to the entire opposite continent, which covered that (western) sea. Plato states unequivocally that the opposite continent (America) encompassed the entire western sea, i.e. the whole Atlantic Ocean and it is! Moreover, he carefully refers to his sources - the Egyptian priests. This indicates that in Ancient Egypt they knew about the huge western continent - America, as a long-known fact!

In 1929, quite by accident, a map of the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, dated by specialists in 1513, was discovered. On its surviving, western part, cartographers were struck by the extraordinary detailing, like Plato's orally, the images of the shores of America and the islands of the Caribbean. In the margins of the map, in notes, Piri Reis writes that he is not responsible for the initial survey and cartography. He admits that he played the role of a simple copyist, and his map is based on a large number of maps - primary sources.

Among them, Piri Reis mentions eight Egyptian maps, which, in his opinion, date back to the 4th century BC, but they themselves are based on earlier sources, and those on even earlier ones. Piri Reis trusted these cards and did not make any changes. As it turned out, on all the surviving medieval maps of the world, including the Piri Reis map, the main direction was the line from south to north of Egypt. It went from Aswan to the Nile delta through the Giza plateau, i.e. through the Great Pyramids. It was the prime meridian of the ancient Egyptian cartographers. The Egyptians were the first, in ancient times, to develop the so-called equidistant projection and, using it, exactly in latitude and longitude indicated on their maps, copied by Piri Reis, the location of the islands of the Caribbean Sea and the coastline of America!

On the south side of the Great Pyramid is a long, glittering glass building known as the Khufu Rook Museum. Found in 1954, Pharaoh Khufu's boat lay unassembled untouched for 4,500 years. This is one of the most important archaeological finds of recent times. When the boat, made of Lebanese cedar, was reassembled, its length was 43 meters, width 6 meters, and the estimated displacement was 45 tons. The design of this ancient vessel demonstrates an exceptionally high level of craftsmanship in the field of shipbuilding, and its high bow suggests that it was a vessel designed for sea crossings, not just sailing the river water of the Nile.

However, medium-sized boats were used directly for ocean voyages. 12 of these vessels ranging in length from 18 to 21 meters, dating back to the earliest times of Egyptian history (about 3000 BC), have been discovered at Abydos in southern Egypt. The sight of these proud ancient forms is simply breathtaking with admiration. This high bow, center cabin, sturdy oars and sail - everything, literally everything, creates an impression of confidence and calm, based on a deep understanding of the art of sailing, designed for a long sea voyage.

It is easy to imagine such a ship on the open sea, cutting the crests of waves towards an unknown distant land. As stated in the Sixty Books of Chilam Balam, written in the Latin alphabet by native priests and scribes who sought to preserve and perpetuate the sacred history of the Maya people, the first civilized inhabitants of Mexico and Yucatan were the so-called ah-kanule - the Serpent people. The book Chilam Balam provides overwhelming evidence of the arrival of these people in America on a “strange ship” that sparkled like scales on a snake's skin.

The simple-minded natives, who saw that it, without the help of oars, was approaching the shore, took it for a huge serpent, slowly moving towards them. Pale-faced creatures arrived on this ship. They wore strange capes, and they all wore emblems of two snakes on their foreheads. The amazed natives, who met them on the shore, saw that the symbol of the Sacred Serpent, which they worshiped, was sparkling on the aliens' foreheads, and realized that these were the Gods who had left their home to teach them teachings and command them. The detailed accounts of the natives clearly point to the purely Egyptian attributes of the time of the pharaohs.

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A strange ship in the form of a huge snake is an ancient Egyptian boat with a high nose and sail, and the emblem on the forehead of the aliens with the image of two snakes is the Uray of the Egyptian pharaohs, the supreme gods, as well as nobles of royal origin. (The divine uray is colorfully represented on the death mask of the pharaoh Tutankhamun). It became clear that the arriving "people of the Serpent" are the ancient Egyptians! They conquered the tribes of Mexico and Yucatan not by the power of new, unprecedented weapons, but by their wisdom and power, thus laying the foundation for the development of civilization in this region of America.

All the main features characteristic of the civilization of Ancient Egypt are also inherent in the cultures of Mesoamerica. In Mexico, not far from the ancient Mayan city of Palenque, there are still two magnificently preserved pyramids. Square at the base, they are crowned with a pointed top, just like the late Egyptian buildings. In ancient Palenque, the architectural style of the Temple of the Inscriptions is strikingly similar to that found in a number of ancient Egyptian pyramids. The interior of the structure is lined with stone blocks, processed according to the ancient Egyptian model. The ornate ceiling is decorated in the same style of architecture.

Egyptian influence is particularly evident in the original visual arts of Mesoamerica. The murals in the temples of Mexico and Ancient Egypt were applied in the same way - using a grid divided into 19 squares! The way of depicting people, objects and the very technique of painting wall paintings in the ancient city of Palenque is surprisingly similar to what was practiced in Ancient Egypt. The human figures painted on the walls of temples, like the ancient Egyptian ones, are arranged in rows, while the legs and heads of most people are depicted in ancient Egyptian - in profile. The burial of the ruler of Palenque, Pakal, is decorated with the same sophistication and care that is characteristic of the unique tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs.

Anna Nenasheva