The Roving Planet Could Be Our New Home - Alternative View

The Roving Planet Could Be Our New Home - Alternative View
The Roving Planet Could Be Our New Home - Alternative View

Video: The Roving Planet Could Be Our New Home - Alternative View

Video: The Roving Planet Could Be Our New Home - Alternative View
Video: MARS - A Traveller's Guide to the Planets | Full Documentary 2024, September

5 years ago, astronomers discovered a lonely planet in the moving group of stars AB Dorado. The hot celestial body, the resulting name CFBDSIR 2149-0403, is "only" 50-120 million years old. It is not tied by gravity to the stars and any other galactic objects, therefore it does not have a "permanent registration" and simply drifts in space.

Further research showed scientists that this orphan planet is habitable, that is, organisms that can withstand high temperatures can already inhabit it. In addition, CFBDSIR 2149-0403, the closest lonely planet to us (located 130 light years from Earth), may become a new home for human civilization. Despite the fact that while it is too hot for people, in the future, as its surface cools, colonization of this "orphan" will be hypothetically possible.

According to the information obtained by the researchers, the size of this celestial body is 4 times the size of Jupiter. Today, the surface temperature of CFBDSIR 2149-0403 is about 400 degrees Celsius, however, given the fact that the orphan planet is rapidly moving away from the parent star, the temperature on it will drop over time. This can lead to the formation of liquid water there.

Experts suggest that if space progress does not stand still, then in about 100 years our descendants will be able to colonize the planet CFBDSIR 2149-0403. Just imagine what kind of space will open for humanity on this huge Earth number 2.