Found The Source Of The Last Alien Signal - Alternative View

Found The Source Of The Last Alien Signal - Alternative View
Found The Source Of The Last Alien Signal - Alternative View

Video: Found The Source Of The Last Alien Signal - Alternative View

Video: Found The Source Of The Last Alien Signal - Alternative View
Video: Alien Radio Signal From Outer Space Discovered 2024, July

The unusual signal, which was previously thought to come from the red dwarf Ross 128 and may be associated with alien civilizations, is of terrestrial origin. This was reported on the website of the University of Puerto Rico.

“The signal is most likely generated by one or more satellites in geostationary orbit. So far, we do not rule out other options and study the signal shape anomalies,”said Professor Abel Mendes, who first noticed this radiation.

Signals of broadband quasi-periodic unpolarized pulses with very strong dispersion were recorded in May 2017. Subsequent observations confirmed their existence.

Scientists have put forward several versions of the origin of the radiation, including unusual stellar activity, emissions from other background objects, or interference from satellite communications.

The new study showed that the unusual signals are not coming from the Ross 128 system, as previously thought, but from geostationary satellites emitting waves with observable characteristics.