Invisibility Visits In Heavy Iron Boots - Alternative View

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Invisibility Visits In Heavy Iron Boots - Alternative View
Invisibility Visits In Heavy Iron Boots - Alternative View

In the late 1960s, we lived in the city of Volgograd. And this is what happened there with my older sister. I, too, became an eyewitness to these events, so I am telling you without embellishment and distortion.

Conversation at the entrance

My sister then divorced and, left with two children, changed an apartment in order to live separately from her husband. As a result of the exchange, she got a small one-room apartment on the first floor, but in the center of Volgograd.

When my sister moved, I helped her carry things from the car to the apartment and noticed that the grandmothers sitting on the bench at the entrance were talking among themselves.

“New tenants are coming into this apartment again,” one said.

- Yes, they change very often, - the second shakes her head. - Do not have time to call in new ones, as they move out again.

I was somewhat alarmed by these words. I passed my grandmothers' conversation to my sister. But she shrugged it off:

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- You never know what the grannies on the bench are chatting! Trust them more. And people have all sorts of circumstances. There are various reasons for moving.

I calmed down and soon forgot that conversation. But, as it turned out, the circumstances forcing people to move out of the apartment were very unpleasant.

Midnight visit

Only a few days passed. And suddenly my sister comes running to us, not herself, frightened eyes, and tells that something terrible happened to her at night. And this is what happened.

She put the children to bed in the evening: a little son in a crib, and her daughter, who was seven years old, put on the sofa with her. She herself fumbled in the kitchen for a long time: washing dishes, putting things in order. When I finished it was past midnight. Finally, she went to bed too. Before she had time to fall asleep, she suddenly hears that the front door has opened, and someone has entered the apartment.

The first thought was that I forgot to close the front door with a key. However, she immediately remembered that she had definitely locked it not only with a key, but also with a latch installed by the previous owners. She listened - in the tiny hallway it became quiet again. The sister listened warily for several minutes - nothing.

And as soon as she calmed down, thinking that it all seemed to her, suddenly terrible steps were heard from the hallway. It seemed as if a huge and very heavy man in iron boots was walking. Each step shook the floorboards, which creaked pitifully. At the same time, there was an incredible roar!

Mom, who is this?

My sister's heart sank with fear, her breathing stopped. She couldn't even lift a finger. The invisible "iron man" meanwhile, without hurrying, went through their room into the kitchen (such was the layout of the apartment that the kitchen could only be entered through the room).

At the same time, the guest still rumbled with his heavy boots. From these heavy steps, my daughter woke up and whispered in fright:

- Mom, who is this?

And my sister's even speech was taken away from fear. And the "iron man" has already entered their tiny kitchen and, apparently, has touched a saucepan in the cramped space, which my sister had recently washed and, turning it upside down, put it on the stove to dry, and put a lid on top. This very lid fell off the pan and began to roll on the floor.

Coming out of her daze, the sister jumped up and turned on the light. Then everything was quiet. No steps, no rumbling. The sister carefully looked into the kitchen - no one! Only a pot lid is lying on the floor, and the full moon is shining through the window. The sister went to the window, checked - it was closed.

She examined the front door - locked with a key and latch. What was it?

You dreamed

In the morning, when my sister and children were leaving the apartment, a neighbor in the stairwell asked:

- Who was that stamped with you at night? The roar was such that we all woke up.

The sister made a surprised face with difficulty and answered that she had not heard anything, she was fast asleep. I was afraid to tell the truth. My daughter also asked when they went out into the street:

- Mom, who's that terrible walked with us at night? Why didn't you tell your aunt about this?

The sister told her that there was nothing.

“You dreamed it all,” she said to her daughter. “Don't tell this dream to anyone.

In those years, we still heard little about poltergeists, aliens and the like. For such conversations, they could be declared insane. Therefore, my sister and my mother and I forbade anyone to talk about this incident.

Urgent exchange

The next day, my sister sent the children to my mother, and she invited me to stay with her for a while. However, the night passed quietly, no one walked or rattled with "iron boots". After that, quite a few of these quiet nights passed. We have already decided that the visit of the invisible was really just imagined.

But one day it all happened again, and exactly as my sister told me. What fear I experienced then - I cannot convey! There was a complete impression that an iron man was walking through the apartment with a heavy, rumbling step. Fear seized such that neither I nor my sister could move. It was only when everything was quiet that we gained the ability to move and speak.

Again we checked all the locks on the doors and windows - everything turned out to be closed. There was no one in the apartment except the two of us. Of course, we couldn't sleep that night. And in the morning my sister ran to the apartment exchange office and soon quickly exchanged her "bad dwelling" for an apartment in the factory district. The place turned out to be worse, but my sister was willing to do anything to move as soon as possible.

Many years have passed since then. I left Volgograd long ago. We don't see our sister often, but when we meet, we always remember that "iron man" and his heavy tread. We still do not know what it was.

Lyubov Mikhailovna MILOVIDOVA, p. Lesnoy Gorodok, Moscow region.

Magazine "Non-fictional stories" №6