Theories And Hypotheses Of The Structure Of The Universe From A Scientific Point Of View - Alternative View

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Theories And Hypotheses Of The Structure Of The Universe From A Scientific Point Of View - Alternative View
Theories And Hypotheses Of The Structure Of The Universe From A Scientific Point Of View - Alternative View

Video: Theories And Hypotheses Of The Structure Of The Universe From A Scientific Point Of View - Alternative View

Video: Theories And Hypotheses Of The Structure Of The Universe From A Scientific Point Of View - Alternative View
Video: Fact vs. Theory vs. Hypothesis vs. Law… EXPLAINED! 2024, September

The founder of the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein, admitted that more than anything in the world he would like to know how God created our world. Einstein wrote: “I see that our Universe is arranged in an amazing way and obeys certain laws, but we do not understand these laws. Our limited mind is simply unable to comprehend the mysterious force that moves the constellations. But is it possible to understand how our world was created? What is needed for this? What scientific tools should be?

Few people know that back in 2012 the Russian scientist Timur Timerbulatov formulated five laws of the structure of the world:

- the law of hierarchy, - the law of balance of opposites, - the law of universal interconnection, - the law of development, - the law of continuity of motion.

The application of the laws of the structure of the world allows you to answer a huge number of questions that have accumulated in modern science and have not yet found their solutions. Knowledge of the laws of the structure of the world opens the way to knowledge of the Universe. Everything everywhere is arranged according to the same laws, that in the microcosm - the world of photons, electrons, atoms, molecules, that in the megaworld - the world of planets, stars, galaxies and universes.

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An analysis of the actions of these laws will make it possible to gain an understanding and description of the structure of the Universe, to know the features of its functioning, to see the mechanisms of formation of particles and atoms, stars, planets and galaxies. Given the manifestation of these laws in the Universe, you can find the right way to study incomprehensible phenomena.

According to the hypothesis of a number of scientists and researchers who rely on the latest discoveries in the field of astrophysics, mathematics, data from orbiting telescopes, our Universe is still not an infinite space with a chaotically scattered cluster of giant stones, but a material entity created according to a single, although still inaccessible our understanding of the law. In addition, scientists are inclined to conclude that our Universe is not so infinite, as it was commonly believed, and it does not necessarily have to expand. Moreover, it most likely has a certain axis around which the Universe rotates. At the heart of the world order is substance, which scientists have designated by the term "Ether".

Ether theory

Cosmologists believe that space and all outer space is a product of ether. People knew about ether in ancient times. The mention of an inexhaustible source of free energy, an omnipresent and all-pervading fundamental principle of the material world, was preserved in the manuscripts of ancient Indian sages who lived about five to six thousand years ago, and the name of this fundamental principle was Akasha. Akasha in Sanskrit means - incessant radiance, illuminated space.

In addition, the great Plato for several centuries before the advent of our era believed that God created our world from the ether. His disciple, the famous ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, believed that the planets, other celestial bodies, space consist of ether, which he called the eternal and unchanging fifth element of nature along with fire, air, water and earth. According to Aristotle, ether for the Earth is a transfer medium for light and heat arising on the Sun.

Ether, according to the teachings of the ancients, is capable of creating visible matter, and it has always been considered the bearer of the spirit. It was from the ether that the force leaked out, which caused what is called life.

The inventor Christian Huygens lived in the seventeenth century. He argued that light is carried by the ether. The scientist could not prove this, but on the basis of this theory he developed mathematical formulas for wave optics and they work great.

His contemporary Rene Descartes described the ether as a superfine matter that cannot be divided into atoms and has the properties of a liquid.

All these famous scientists of the past centuries considered the ether as a carrier of light and waves, and the main quality of the ether - the ability to create visible matter - began to disappear in physics. And the involvement of the ether to the spirit, which was not at all accepted by science, completely disappeared from the teaching about ether. Thus, the knowledge of the ancients about the ether began to emasculate, and science focused only on the light-carrying ability of the ether.

Few people know, but ether was in the periodic table. The Russian chemist called it Newtonium and believed that the particles of ether are millions of times lighter than the atoms of all other elements. It seemed that with the beginning of the twentieth century, the era of ether, an era of new life filled with discoveries and fantastic achievements, would deservedly begin for the population of the planet.

The civilization is real, it has come to the threshold, beyond which the golden age began, based on new unknown types of energy and methods of their transmission over huge distances without loss. This implied a multiple reduction in all costs for the production of material goods and services.

The desired welfare society was just around the corner, but this expected holiday did not happen. Ether suddenly mysteriously disappeared from Mendeleev's periodic table. They began to forget about him and, moreover, it became completely out of fashion to talk about him. Why did this happen?

The beginning of the twentieth century went down in the history of physics as a year of miracles, after the publication in 1905 in the leading physics journal of Germany three outstanding scientific articles by the still unknown German physicist Albert Einstein. In them, a novice scientist reflects and rather quickly prints a number of articles in which he practically negates the teaching of the great minds of mankind through the ether. Einstein opposes his special theory of relativity to the theoretical provisions on the luminiferous ether.

The opinion of dissenting authoritative scientists, including the great Frenchman Henri Poincaré and the outstanding Dutch physicist Hendrik Anton Lawrence, who rejected the theory of relativity in the interpretation of Albert Einstein, were not particularly taken into account.

In 1915, Einstein published the main equation of general relativity. By this time, all theoretical research in relation to the ether had been stopped, undeservedly forgotten, and recalling the ether was considered a rule of bad taste and professional personal blindness.

The American theoretical physicist author of the popular scientific bestseller "Physics of the Future" Michio Kaku believes that although Einstein destroyed the original theory of the ether, he gave the concept of "energy of nothing" instead, which physicists from different countries are very willing to use.

In 1920, Albert Einstein wrote an article in which he argues that, according to the general theory of relativity, space is unthinkable without ether.

In January 1926, in his article: "My theory and Miller's experiments," he admits that we cannot do without ether in theoretical physics. However, despite the statement of the late Einstein about the ether and his recognition of the ether, the scientific community has not returned to the ether to this day, hiding behind the concept of a physical vacuum, a scalar field or the Higgs field.

What is ether and what is it?

Ether is an elastic medium that underlies the world. We ourselves are made of ether, and we breathe ether. All particles, atoms, molecules, stars, planets, galaxies are created from ether. All this condensed ether and all this, including the Universe, is in a single cosmic rarefied etheric medium.

Scientists have hypothesized that the ether is extremely elastic and capable of changing its density. Ether is a moving etheric currents and creates etheric vortices that form particles, atoms, stars, galaxies and the Universe itself. Therefore, matter is formed only from the ether. It is able to accumulate and release energy, as well as receive, store and transmit information.

The Big Bang Theory

The latest telescopes have given us incredible discoveries. It turned out that the entire solar system revolves around the center of our Milky Way galaxy. And galaxies do not stand still either. First of all, they scatter to the sides. This is how an amazing property of our universe was discovered - there is nothing motionless in it. Moreover, it expands itself all the time. This was stated by the famous American astrophysicist Erwin Hubble, who, observing the galaxies, came to the conclusion that the galaxies are moving away from us and from each other.

Thus, the most important modeling of the universe in the twentieth century was the understanding that the universe is homogeneous, isotropic and not static, that is, it is expanding. A little later, physicist Georgy Gamow had an idea: if galaxies fly apart, then it is quite possible that once there was a starting point from which everything began. Then the reason for this phenomenon may well be an incredibly powerful cosmic explosion, which scattered the stars and planets throughout the universe.

According to experts, despite all the fantasticness of the possibility of hiding our entire surrounding world in one ultra-small point, the big bang theory has taken its fairly stable position in modern cosmology. But as physicists believe, for all its positive aspects, the theory did not explain the mechanisms of formation of particles and atoms of chemical elements and did not answer the questions: what happened before the big bang? How was all the matter in the universe concentrated in one ultra-small point? If the entire universe could have been collected into one end point, then it was not infinite? Why did the universe, being at this point, suddenly explode? What caused this explosion? What is the nature of this phenomenon?

Therefore, hypotheses and theories about the origin of the universe, sometimes the most shocking, have been put forward by scientists more than once. In search of answers to new questions of the evolution of the universe, the American scientist Alan Guth in 1980 proposed and described the process of a superfast inflationary expansion of the universe, which supposedly preceded the Big Bang.

Alan Guth's ideas were developed by the Soviet physicist, now a professor at Stanford University, Andrei Linde, who formulated his theory - the theory of chaotic inflation, which assumed, along with electromagnetic and gravitational fields, another field - a scalar one.

The essence of string theory

In the mid-80s and 90s of the twentieth century, the so-called string theory was actively developed, the essence of which is that all fundamental particles are not point objects of the microworld, but certain vibrations of the thinnest strings with an extremely small length. According to scientists, the vibration frequency of such a string can determine the mass and energy, that is, in fact, a kind of portrait of a particular fundamental particle.

As an analogue, you can imagine some stringed instrument with strings of different sound, frequency and thickness.

String theory, according to its developers, American scientists Brian Green and Michio Kaku, is also suitable for describing the microworld at the level of fundamental and elementary particles using quantum mechanics; and for understanding the megaworld at the level of stars, galaxies and the universe, using the position of general relativity.

String theory says that at the birth of the universe, it had eleven dimensions, that there are hidden dimensions that we cannot see with the naked eye, but that make the universe what it is today.

However, string theory has not yet been fully formed and has a number of significant flaws. Moreover, it is quite difficult to understand the eleven dimensions of the universe, especially if you live in a three-dimensional world.

Toroidal universe hypothesis

Quite recently, the scientist Timur Timerbulatov put forward a scientific hypothesis about the structure and functioning of the toroidal universe. The scientist believes that particles, and atoms, and a living cell, and living organisms, and stars, and planets, and galaxies are arranged like the universe. In accordance with his hypothesis, the core of the universe - a black hole with two funnels and a universal tunnel, as well as particles, atoms, stars, planets and galaxies rotating through the core and around the core - constitute the material basis of the universe.

There are many similar analogs in nature. The universe, for example, is very similar to a tangerine. If you peel the tangerine, you will notice that it has a fairly regular toroidal shape. Inside this tangerine is: a channel, a core and many seeds that resemble galaxies.

This hypothesis makes it possible to explain many phenomena occurring in the universe for which today they still have no answers.
