Spanish Scientists Have Conducted Experiments On Aliens: Science Has Solved The Mystery Of UFOs - Alternative View

Spanish Scientists Have Conducted Experiments On Aliens: Science Has Solved The Mystery Of UFOs - Alternative View
Spanish Scientists Have Conducted Experiments On Aliens: Science Has Solved The Mystery Of UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Spanish Scientists Have Conducted Experiments On Aliens: Science Has Solved The Mystery Of UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Spanish Scientists Have Conducted Experiments On Aliens: Science Has Solved The Mystery Of UFOs - Alternative View
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For more than a decade, the Earth has been surrounded by a giant dump with an enormous amount of man-made space debris. But recently, this fact prompted researchers to quite bold reasoning, they say, if there are aliens, then they should leave behind space debris. According to the assumptions of scientists, if there are extraterrestrial civilizations on other planets, then around these planets it is quite possible, the debris of various satellites and spacecraft also revolve.

Astrophysicist Hector Sokas-Navarro from Spain has recently started tracking space debris in Earth's orbit, although his duties include the study of our star. But year after year, the researcher increasingly began to show interest in man-made space structures and their remnants, which prevent him from observing the Sun.

And not so long ago, an astrophysicist made a sudden conclusion that intelligent alien beings, mastering space like us, are undoubtedly obliged to throw a lot of space debris into the space around the planet. And in the case when the fragments of their technical means, like ours, have metal in their composition, then it must reflect the light that comes from the stars, which can actually be seen from our planet.

This inspired the Spanish astrophysicist to conduct a series of experiments using a ten-meter infrared telescope. And although Hector Sokas-Navarro has not yet found anything similar to the garbage left in space by intelligent beings of other planets, the scientist is sure that this is quite realistic to implement. So, according to his assumptions, this will be possible only after at least two centuries.

According to his calculations, just after this period of time, the technologies of earthlings will rise to the proper level, which will enable earthlings to reveal debris of metal in alien orbits. In the meantime, he believes that our telescopes lack power, so they are unable to distinguish where space debris is, and where is the natural circumplanetary ring, around a possibly habitable space object.

True, ufologists only laughed at Hector's theory, since they are sure that intelligent beings from other planets do not need to be searched for, because they have been here for a long time, and with regards to garbage in space, this is a sign of an underdeveloped civilization. And the time is not far off when this space debris will become the main problem of mankind, with which earthlings will have to fight.

In addition, they believe that based on this, we will be able to detect only the same intelligent creatures as we are with poorly developed technologies that still little understand in space and the structure of the Universe. Moreover, they can also be very aggressive. And do we really need such an alien contact now, not to mention the expiration of 200 years.

Janusz Serpnien