Two Meetings With Vampires In Russia - Alternative View

Two Meetings With Vampires In Russia - Alternative View
Two Meetings With Vampires In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Two Meetings With Vampires In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Two Meetings With Vampires In Russia - Alternative View
Video: The REAL Reason why Hitler HAD to start WW2 2024, September

Victor N. was returning from Moscow to Samara. In the same compartment with him was a mysterious citizen, who in all seriousness called himself a vampire. Victor did not attach much importance to this.

When they began to fall asleep, Victor suddenly felt a sharp pain and instantly came to his senses. It turned out that the neighbor was biting his chin. Moreover, he did not even think about sucking blood. He behaved like a wild animal.

"Cannibal!" - a terrible thought flashed in the head of the frightened Victor. He jumped out of the compartment and, shocked by what had happened, got off the train at the first station. I got home on another train. The Samara newspaper "Budni" told about this fantastic case.

Lydia Kosheleva recalls the following story.

- This hot Far Eastern summer of 1958 will be remembered for a lifetime. And what happened, down to the smallest detail, like a photographic film, is stored in my memory to this day.

We, young specialists, were sent to work at the disposal of the Okhinsky Mezhraytorg. A long road led to the Pervomaisk branch of trading, located in the most remote, remote place of the distant island of Sakhalin. The only joy in my free time from work was the source of mineral waters.

We, young girls, ran every day to the spring four and a half kilometers away along the narrow-gauge railway track - there was no other way.

Chatting merrily, they ran along the sleepers that day. Tall grass hid us from prying eyes. At the bend, all of a sudden everyone stopped from a premonition of something unkind. On both sides of the canvas, the tall grass was rolled for some reason. One and a half meters away from us on the grass lay, scattered, in a torn shirt, a bloody, handsome guy, a student of the Leningrad Forestry Institute named Alyosha.

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The picture was terrible. The student had no nose, ear, forehead and cheek in bites. There were lacerations on the chest and neck. Pale as a sheet, Alyosha moaned softly. A young man of solid build was kneeling beside him, his head seemed to be resting on his shoulders. The guy did not pay any attention to those who came up. Tousled blond hair, a wandering detached look amazed everyone. Numb with terror, we

they stood motionless for a while. Then fear spurred us on: we ran, stumbled, it seemed that we were flying. However, in fact, they moved very slowly. The ubiquitous boys returning from the source were ahead of us, and when the frightened flock of girls approached the village, people were already running to meet us.

A crowd of us rushed into the office, where we worked 30 minutes ago. Everyone stared at us with a mute question: “What happened? There is no face on you! Slowly recovering, they began a rambling story.

Meanwhile, the village was buzzing like a disturbed hive. They reported on the radio about the incident, waited for a car with policemen and a doctor.

The tortured, unconscious Alyosha was put on a stretcher in the corridor. Where that young man had gone, no one knew. Suddenly he appeared himself in front of the doors of the accounting department, stopped and began to look into the office through the glass. Disheveled and stained with dried blood, the huge fists of his hairy hands rested on the frame. We were seized with terror. One employee jumped up and turned the latch of the English lock. The guy asked something - we did not understand him. We called the head of the personnel department. He quickly persuaded the newcomer, and both immediately left.

A few minutes later, the young vampire man approached the stretcher on which Alyosha was, and settled down next to him on the floor, lay motionless for five minutes, then got up and sat down. The stranger's face turned purple, after a while it turned green, and soon it began to vomit. It was an eerie sight. On the floor lay a chewed ear, nose, and pieces of human meat in blood clots. Many felt bad. Some of the women were crying. Weak nerves jumped out into the street.

Finally the police and a doctor arrived. Alyosha received assistance and was sent to the regional hospital. The vampire was taken away in handcuffs later. After interrogation and examination of the scene, the contents of his stomach were put into bags.

We did not see the victim for a month and a half. When Alyosha returned to the village, it was a pity to look at him. But no one pretended to feel sorry for the unfortunate student. The head was in a bandage, bandages hid the bitten off ear. On the nose - a hut made of adhesive plaster, imitating the bitten off part of the face. On the forehead, cheeks, neck, there are scars from lingering wounds …

Here's what happened. Alyosha's work in the forestry was coming to an end. Just a replacement was sent to him. The shiftman turned out to be the same guy whom we saw on that unforgettable terrible day.

As usual, the guys bought a bottle of vodka in the store to wash their acquaintance, appointment to work and departure for study. In a word, all together. Let's go to the source. We sat down to drink on the way. Alyosha, opening a can of canned food, hurt his hand. The intoxicating smell of blood awakened the hidden animal instinct of the vampire in the young man.

Alyosha hardly remembers how everything happened. He was weaker than his drinking companion. At first I thought that the newcomer was joking, challenging him to fight. But when things took a serious turn, Alyosha began to resist. Alas, his strength quickly left him. He remembered nothing else.