Mind Control - Alternative View

Mind Control - Alternative View
Mind Control - Alternative View

Video: Mind Control - Alternative View

Video: Mind Control - Alternative View
Video: CIA Mind Control | CIA Secret Experiments 2024, September

Mind control, brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind control, and thought reform are all manipulative techniques when trying to change a person's thinking, behavior, beliefs, emotions, or decision-making process against their will and wishes.

So Wikipedia writes. People say more simply: "brainwashing", "brainwashing", although such terminology has not become widespread in psychology because of its negative connotation.

The term "zombie" is rooted in the psychotropic magic of African Voodoo sorcerers. From Africa, this mystical doctrine subsequently spread throughout the world through the export of slaves. At the moment, the practice of Voodoo is known mainly on the island of Haiti, although it is common in all the countries of the Caribbean. In Cuba, this doctrine took root so strongly that it gradually became the religion of Santeria. Once thousands of slaves were brought from central Africa to work on cotton plantations in Louisiana (USA), so New Orleans is now considered the second home of Voodoo.

The mechanisms of influence on the subconscious of the masses have been studied for a long time. Even in ancient times, principles were developed, some of which almost unchanged reached us, having undergone some transformation, some were irretrievably lost in the process of evolution.

In the ancient mysteries of death and rebirth, in sacred and secret rites, psychotechnics were used that change consciousness.

What techniques were used in these secret rituals is not known for certain. It was only established that the participants in the mysteries consumed the drink kykeon - containing ergot alkaloids, similar in effect to LSD, and the wine for bacchanalia contained potent psychedelic ingredients.


In various spiritual philosophical and mystical traditions: Vedanta, Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism, Gnosticism, Christian mysticism, Kabbalah, experiences were described that we are not aware of in everyday life. Many of the spiritual systems are the product of centuries of study of the human psyche and consciousness. Various mystical traditions and spiritual teachings of the East are of particular interest to researchers of transpersonal psychology.

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The phenomenon of mass consciousness manipulation has been described by such outstanding psychologists as Sigmund Freud, Gustave Le Bon, Vladimir Bekhterev. Psychologists argue that the main role in the human psyche is played by the subconscious, or the unconscious, where thoughts, desires, actions, aspirations are born - that from which later human behavior is formed. When a person is under the constant influence of some information, manipulation of the mass consciousness is possible. In this case, he doesn't have to think anymore. Everything is “thought out” for him, and the result is achieved due to the fact that a person is forming a new ideology. Manipulation of the masses with the help of the mass media turns out to be the most effective in influencing the audience.


What are the energy-informational aspects of the “zombie” program? Initially, psychotronic technologies were used to enslave the will of some people by others. In a way, they were magic "games" - which of the magicians is stronger. But over time, all kinds of special services became interested in these "toys". The so-called psychotronic models represent a mental construction - a fully formulated mental image of the required behavior of the "victim".

Psychotronic programs usually pursue one goal - to impose their will and certain behavioral functions on a person or group of people.

As Viktor Rogozhkin writes in his book “Eniology”: “The principle of action of thought forms is quite understandable from the point of view of eniology and does not differ in any way from verbal mental magical NLP coding. The only difference is that psychotronic models are already self-sufficient only in the astral plane. There is no need to pronounce key phrases to launch them. Psychotronic models are launched by the author-creator and can then independently exist for an arbitrarily long period of time and at any distance. The ruling clans, more precisely, their esoteric layers hidden from public view, were aware of the hidden danger of the consequences of psychotronics. Therefore, in order to deliver precise targeting to thought-forms, they tried to apply both the methods of NLP and the programming of consciousness”.

If you try to recall the numerous speeches of leaders at various kinds of public events, often an attempt to retell what they listened to is unsuccessful. Pavel Taranov's book "Techniques for influencing people" provides a "cheat sheet" for executives. This small piece of paper is quite enough to successfully “powder the brains of adepts” for 40 minutes.

Universal speech code:


The table uses the terms of the pre-perestroika period, but the simple replacement of some of them with such as “marketing”, “default”, “privatization” will make it possible to apply this terminology in modern conditions. By combining an arbitrary part of the phrase from the 1st column sequentially with parts of the phrases of any of the rows of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns, you can get a universal text. A set of 10,000 combinations allows you to deliver a 40-minute speech without repetitions. Try reciting this “masterpiece on a dictaphone” for five minutes, and then listen. By inserting familiar words-parasites, you can get speeches of famous leaders.

As Viktor Rogozhkin says: “Those who read such speeches to the crowd did not think. The crowd did not even think, applauding the dull leaders. Nobody thought that the stupidity of leaders and nationwide stupidity would have to pay off with cataclysms, wars, accidents, terrorist attacks - everything that the System reaps its "harvest" on this planet. Everyone who zombified, coded, programmed is encouraged to analyze their actions and think while the Universe still provides the last chance …"

To control the consciousness of people on a planetary scale, projects such as Blue Beam and HAARP have been created, the idea of which is to "launch the mechanism" of events that can unite the world. The main idea of Blue Beam is a new world order, one world government, one army of the world, one world religion. There are many hypotheses and versions of researchers of the Blue Beam project about the use of holography and HAARP technologies in its implementation, a program of high-frequency active auroral research, which was launched in 1997 in Gakon, Alaska.

HAARP has featured in numerous conspiracy theories, including those claiming that the program is a geophysical or climate weapon. It is believed that HAARP, affecting the ionosphere, can have catastrophic consequences in the form of typhoons, tsunamis and earthquakes. Recently, some major natural disasters have been accompanied by anomalies, which, according to independent scientists, were created by the HAARP project: multi-colored clouds, aircraft tracks “hanging in the air” for hours, and even the Chelyabinsk meteor.

Can it be argued that space threatens humanity? Are people threatening themselves? And who is watching us: the "All-Seeing Eye" of the Universe or the HAARP installation? There are many questions like this, but the answers to them are skillfully hidden from us.