The Magic Of Mirrors - Alternative View

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The Magic Of Mirrors - Alternative View
The Magic Of Mirrors - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of Mirrors - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of Mirrors - Alternative View
Video: Как я сделал столик с эффектом бесконечности. Infinity Mirror table diy 2024, September

The magical properties of mirrors in our lives

Many secrets are kept in itself by a familiar object - a mirror.

In the 80s of the last century in Sicily, one resident of Messina enjoyed the terrible fame of a murderer. Seeing him, people immediately tried to turn into alleys: being careful not to become another victim. It was impossible to prosecute him, or even to bring charges. This man killed in a rather unusual way … with a glance. And yet he could not escape punishment. Once lingering at the shop window, he peered at his reflection in the mirror for a long time … And this became the reason for his sudden death. At least the city dwellers insisted on this. A victim of your own gaze?..

It's hard to believe, but here's a fact: for some reason, sorcerers and some of the psychics avoid looking in the mirror once again. What is the reason? Perhaps the German scientist Karl von Reichenbach was right, who back in the 19th century argued that the rays emanating from the eyes (this energy has long been called "od"), reflected from a mirror, can cause a serious blow to the health of those who sent them? Yes, even today they say that a mirror is capable of reflecting not only visible reality, but also dangerous invisible energies. Superstition? And you will conduct a simple experiment - control the TV using the remote control not directly, but through the mirror. Everything works out great - you can make sure that the mirror reflects rays that are not visible to the eye.

So, perhaps, a mirror can reflect more subtle energies, for example, the energies of feelings and emotions of a person? Then our ancestors were not so "dark", who hung a small mirror instead of a pendant on their chest from damage and evil eye. By the way, this kind of beliefs exist in the world and our time. In Spain, for example, mirrors are attached to the shoulders of children. It is believed that they reflect an envious and malicious look and return it to the ill-wisher.

Customs are customs, but what does modern science say about it? Some scientists are sure that every object is surrounded by some kind of invisible field. Different scientists call it differently so far, but all believe that it speaks of many "subtle" properties of the object. It is believed that in front of rough objects this field is "loose" and poorly reflects (but absorbs well) the energy falling on it. But for shiny objects, for example, mirrors, it is very dense. And so "smooth" that its surface (psi-surface) almost completely reflects subtle radiation. And not only the primary cosmic energy - prana, but also the images of the invisible Astral world adjacent to us, including psi-radiation generated by man: emotions, feelings, thoughts …

These incredible magical properties of mirrors have been used in the East for a long time. They believe that very strong flows of prana in the house can suppress the energy of the residents, unbalance their body and even cause disease. Mirrors are widely used to combat these "energy drafts". So, for example, if the energy entering the house through the front door or window "accelerates" along a long corridor and "shoots" straight at a small room at its end (kitchen, bath, toilet …), then it is advised to hang it on the door of such a room mirror from the outside.

To slow down the strong energy flow from the road that runs into the house, a mirror is also installed in front of its entrance. They also put up mirrors in the windows: to reflect the "bad" energy from a bad neighbor or closely located "harmful" buildings: an industrial enterprise, a prison, a hospital … Convex mirrors are used from the overwhelming effect of large structures, reflecting these buildings in a distorted form and dissipating the energy …

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Mirrors raise many questions. Olga A. from Vyborg wrote: "We bought new furniture … And my grandmother said that the mirror should be removed from the bedroom, or the sores will torment … I do not know whether to believe this?" Maybe grandmother's advice should be heeded.

It is believed that mirrors are capable of reflecting the dangerous energies of the so-called lower astral. If the mirror is directed at the bed, then these energies, which are most active at night, will "irradiate" the sleeping people. Nightmares, chronic lack of sleep, weakness, fatigue are usually the result of this neighborhood. If it is not possible to rearrange the furniture, try covering the mirror with something at night. This tradition exists in many countries.

And here is another option for protecting sleeping people with the magic of mirrors. In ancient times in China, small (always round!) Brass mirrors (with a shiny surface from a sleeping person) were attached to the bed curtain or somewhere near the bed. It was believed that evil spirits, seeing themselves in the mirror, would be frightened and go away. As you can see, this is not such a naive belief: today, experts are well aware of how radio waves are sometimes extinguished when the reflected signal is strictly towards them. It is possible that the same happens with more subtle pathogenic energies ("evil spirits"), when their own reflection from the psi-surface of the mirror comes towards them.

These "neutralizing" properties of mirrors are useful for other purposes as well. Today everyone has probably heard about the so-called geopathogenic zones, which are very dangerous to health. Often, energy flows from underground (energy “pillars”) have a very small area - the size of a book, but very concentrated. Therefore, it is important to arrange furniture in the house in such a way that the bed and other places where we can stay for a long time do not fall into the danger zone. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible in our small sizes. And then the mirror comes to the rescue again. Placing it on the floor under the bed with the reflective surface down, you significantly reduce, and sometimes even get rid of disease-causing radiation.

It is also recommended to stick foil crosses on the bottom of the bed, table, chair. Such a shiny cross not only reflects energy, but also, thanks to its shape, twists and disperses it. It is worth doing this - and soon sleep will improve, irritability will decrease …

However, mirrors are capable of neutralizing not only dangerous radiation from the bowels of the Earth, but also useful energy coming to us from Space. Perhaps this is why it has long been advised against storing a mirror with a shiny surface up?..

By the way, with the help of mirrors it is possible not only to reflect “bad” energies, but also to attract “good” ones. For example, when you are ill and cannot go out into nature, the mirror will help us not only to feed on external energy, but even heal a poorly functioning organ. It should be positioned so that fresh energy flows into it, at approximately an angle of 45 degrees (from a window, from the sky, forest …). The reflected stream should be directed to the eyes (for general energy supply of the body) or to a diseased area of the body. However, be careful - this cannot be done with organs in which the inflammatory process is taking place: excess energy will further intensify it.

“I was told that through a mirror it is possible to recharge and heal yourself with your own energy. Is this so?.. (L. Vinogradova, Maikop).

Yes, but it's not that easy. The most important thing is to subtly feel the required distance from the mirror. Indeed, only in one place - a kind of focus - a powerful amplifying effect appears. A little closer or further, and the mirror will vampirize, drawing out your energy …

Guess about it …

“Is it true that women age faster than men because they look a lot in the mirror?..” asks N. Grishina from Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

It may well be. At least, this is quite understandable from the standpoint of modern bioenergy. The fact is that our energy, reflected from the mirror, usually does not feed us, but partially neutralizes (extinguishes) and, as it were, “eats away” our protective aura from the front. So it turns out that the mirror acts as an energy vampire, sucking out our energy. And the longer we admire ourselves in the mirror, the more we lose strength …

In Russia, mirrors have always been wary. It was believed that this "gift from the devil" can not only "become infected" with bad energy, but also be able to transfer it to other people. No wonder Ivan the Terrible demanded that only blind masters make mirrors for his wife Maria Nagoya: being careful of the evil eye and damage that could come through the mirror … And according to the Slavic tradition, it was forbidden to look in the mirror for women during menstruation, pregnancy and some time after childbirth … And in Germany, in the last period of pregnancy, mirrors were completely removed from the house …

Maybe this is not such a superstition? After all, mirrors not only reflect, but also partially absorb (and therefore remember) the energy falling on it. And our subconscious mind is influenced by the information once "memorized" by the mirror. Needless to say, we most often “charge” him with negative information? Agree, as a rule, we look in the mirror to find and get rid of the shortcomings. And we find: the hairstyle is not the same, the face is crumpled, the clothes have begun to tightly fit the figure suspiciously … If we are unable to fix it, we leave the dissatisfied. And the mirror remembered all our emotions and next time "will share" them …

To the recommendations of psychologists and cosmetologists (to approach the mirror with a smile, less often to look into it on "critical" days, when sick or overworked), we add: you should not scold yourself in front of the mirror. "Offended", it will "remember" everything … And more. Before leaving him, smile and wish yourself well. A positive program reinforced and returned by the mirror can help relieve stress, cheer up, and tune in to good luck. After all, we put a program in the mirror, and it programs us …

Today there is every reason to believe that a mirror can actually “memorize” and reproduce subtle-energy information. And not only her … They say that a mirror, like a magnet, attracts and deposits poisonous fumes on its surface. The famous mystic, doctor, diviner of the Middle Ages Paracelsus (1493-1541) believed in this.

The same question was discussed by French scientists two centuries later. In one of the acts of the Paris Academy of Sciences for 1739, you can read the following: “When one old woman approached an absolutely clean mirror and brought before it more time than necessary, the mirror sucked in a large amount of her bad juices, which were collected and analyzed. Chemical studies have shown that they are very poisonous. And if this is so, then here is another reason why you should not go to the mirror during periods of ailment: not only in case of illness, but even in a bad mood, human skin releases toxic substances. Not to mention breathing …

Popular experience recommends wiping all mirrors in the apartment with a damp cloth after a visit of a not very pleasant guest. Better yet, rinse them with “holy” or spring water. Water will not only wash away the chemical residue, but also take away negative emotions and thoughts of “well-wishers” that have not yet had time to be deeply remembered in the mirror. And if after that you move a lighted candle in front of him, then the "cleaning" effect will be even stronger …

“I read in the newspaper about the strange death of our famous figure skater Sergei Grinkov … In November 1995, on the ice of the Lake Placid training rink, his heart suddenly refused - athletic, enduring. However, what worried me most was that on the eve of his death, the mirror on his car broke. The fact is that in my family there was a similar case. The day before my mother died, a mirror cracked in her room for no apparent reason. I then thought it was a coincidence. And now I began to doubt …”(E. N. Ufimtseva, Moscow).

Yes, there is a belief that a broken mirror is a bad omen: either someone will die soon, or you yourself will have to live in poverty. Warn: even a cracked mirror should not be kept in the house. Superstition? Who knows…

But the question is: why does the mirror often spontaneously crack on the eve of the owner's death? Much is still unclear here. For example, what is the cause and what is the effect. A cracked mirror entails the death of a person (there is a belief that the one who first looks into the cracked mirror will die)? Or, on the contrary, as if “anticipating” future death, does the mirror crack after the doomed looks into it (in some places it is believed that death awaits the one who was the last to look in the mirror before it cracked)? It is hardly worthwhile to unambiguously associate the death of the famous skater with the broken mirror on his car. Much is unknown: what kind of mirror it was, how often it looked into it, under what circumstances it broke … But about the cracked mirror in the mother's room, the picture is clearer. There are many such cases. And this is hardly a coincidence …

Today, many physicists are convinced that any crack in a crystalline material, be it the earth's crust or glass, is a source of very strong and sometimes dangerous radiation. Energy, multiplied by multiple reflections from the walls of the crack and escaping outward, has an exceptional effect. In fact, it is an energy "blade" sticking out of the crack. Over the cracks in the earth's crust, weight is lost and heavy objects rise upward, planes caught in the "beam" lose control, which leads to a plane crash, people develop mental disorders, diseases …

It is possible that cracks in the glass can also concentrate and “shoot out” radiation hazardous to health. And, apparently, for a reason in the East they say that a broken window glass (even if the crack is sealed with paper) entails diseases of the ears, eyes and nose of the residents of the house. Who knows, perhaps this "superstition" should be thought of, say, by motorists who continue to drive a car with cracked glass?

But the sharp and dangerous energy “blades” that protrude from the cracks can also be “infectious”. This is especially true of old mirrors, which have accumulated huge reserves of negative emotions and are freed from them through cracks. These are very dangerous radiation. Perhaps that is why it was always considered a particularly bad sign to break the old family mirror? It is not excluded … However, there may be other explanations. For example, this: a mirror, like an old family member, helped the owners with its “native” radiation. Or it was a kind of window to another world, connecting those living on earth with their deceased ancestors. And now he was gone …

It may be that other factors cause the pathogenic effect of a broken mirror. For example, the fact that chips, sharp corners emit concentrated streams of energy accumulated in the material. (It is hardly by chance that the Chinese used exclusively round mirrors to protect sleeping people. Perhaps, when choosing a new mirror in a store, it is better to pay attention to a round or oval mirror?) But there is another surprising effect of sharp corners: as it was recently found out, they distort near themselves time field! And if so, then the fragments of the broken mirror are doubly dangerous! Who knows how the body will react to them: rapid aging of biological cells or, on the contrary, slowing down of metabolic processes?..

Questions, questions … Much is not clear yet. In any case, it is better to get rid of cracked and broken mirrors as soon as possible. How? Briefly about this … With a wet broom (not a mop!), Notice the fragments and take them out of the house as soon as possible …

A strange custom exists almost all over the world: to hang or turn mirrors against the wall in front of the dead. It is so deeply rooted in the tradition of our people that even in the era of militant atheism, during the funeral of the highest statesmen, mirrors were removed from the premises or covered with black cloth. This custom is explained in different ways. But it is almost always said that the mirror is a kind of door to the other world, through which souls can pass both in one direction and in the other. Some claim that through the "open window" the soul of the deceased can drag someone close to him "there", into another world: wait for a new death.

Others believe that the lust for life of the deceased can lead to the fact that through the mirror he will come to us from the “other world” and remain restless - a poltergeist. Still others say that while the deceased is in the house and the "window" from another world is "slightly open", dangerous astral entities, including other people's restless souls, can penetrate into our home. And this allegedly can be the cause of some mental illness of family members (associated, for example, with a split personality) and even displacement (replacement) of the soul.

Where do such beliefs come from? Some of them, I think, are echoes of some real, but not correctly understood events. For example, every now and then they say that in the house of the deceased in an unfinished mirror they saw the figure of the deceased: either leaving somewhere "deep", then, on the contrary, looking as if from the "looking glass". This can be explained, for example, by the fact that the astral body of the deceased was reflected from the psi-surface of the mirror and became visible, which, as you know, has been next to the deceased for quite a long time. But there may be another reason for "seeing". Some researchers believe that under certain lighting conditions, the once "remembered" physical appearance of the owner of the mirror can "manifest" and become visible to an outside observer.

There is a popular belief that the soul of a deceased person can enter an unfinished mirror and remain in it, as if trapped, forever. Moreover, they warn: if such a mirror is received as a gift or bought, then the consequences can be quite tragic. Up to bringing a curse on the whole family. They tell how to recognize such mirrors: they are very cold to the touch and church candles are extinguished in front of them. And that no amount of "cleaning" of such mirrors helps: they are advised to simply break and thereby free the soul of a once deceased person enclosed in them.

I hardly believe in the souls of the dead, stuck in mirrors. But the fact that some mirrors have extremely strong negative energy seems to be a reality. This is especially true of old mirrors that have remembered the negative emotions of the quarrels that took place in front of them, scenes of violence, and even more so murders. It is believed that such mirrors can greatly affect the human psyche and even change its character. They are especially dangerous for children: nightmares, someone else's memories will haunt them … And then you should think carefully before taking into the house the mirror left over from the dead. And even more so you need to be careful when buying an antique mirror, the history of which is unknown. But if you are "lucky" and the candles go out in front of your mirror, take it away from home and break it …