The Strange Deaths Of UFO Researchers - Alternative View

The Strange Deaths Of UFO Researchers - Alternative View
The Strange Deaths Of UFO Researchers - Alternative View

Video: The Strange Deaths Of UFO Researchers - Alternative View

Video: The Strange Deaths Of UFO Researchers - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, June

Many researchers of the UFO problem, who worked on it in the 70s and 80s of the last century, died under mysterious circumstances, and may have been killed - this is the conclusion of an amateur astronomer, former US government consultant Timothy Good. He stated this at an international conference in Amsterdam dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Actually, we are not even talking about hunters for unidentified flying objects, but about researchers who were fond of searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, among which were professional astrophysicists … This idea was prompted by Goode's 30-year study of the sources of the relevant topic.

So, the famous American astronomer Morris Jessup, whose books about intelligent life outside the Earth have become bestsellers, committed suicide. He brought a hose from the exhaust pipe into the interior of his car, sat there, locked the door and turned on the ignition … Professor James Edward MacDonald, who for many years headed the Institute of Physics of the Earth's Atmosphere and studied unidentified aerospace objects, shot himself in the forehead while walking.

Edward Ruppelt, who led projects to study unidentified objects in the sky over the United States, died at the age of 37 from a cardiovascular crisis. On the night of November 5, 2001, William Milton Cooper, a well-known ufologist who has repeatedly accused the US government of concealing the truth about UFOs, was killed by police in his own house.

Recently, Cooper, clearly suffering from persecution mania, lived in Yeager, Arizona. He bought weapons to create militant squads to fight a secret government led by aliens …

On the eve of the tragedy, the police received a statement that Cooper had threatened innocent local residents, apparently believing that they were pursuing him on instructions from the authorities. The police surrounded the ranch where the mentally ill lived.

He said that everyone who dared to cross the threshold of private property would be killed on the spot, but the guards ignored his words. As a result, one policeman was seriously wounded in the head from a pistol, and the second had to shoot the owner in self-defense …

The Sheldon's List is also well known. The famous American writer Sidney Sheldon, while working on the novel The End of the World, drew attention to a series of mysterious deaths among British specialists involved in the development of space weapons.

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In October 1986, Professor Arshad Sharif committed suicide after driving a hundred kilometers from his home in London to Bristol. He tied one end of the rope to a tree, made a loop at the other end, stuck his head into it and jerked the car off …

A few days later, another London professor, Vimal Dazibay, threw himself head first from the Bristol Bridge. Both Sharif and Dazibai were engaged in the development of electronic weapons for the British government program, an analogue of the American "Star Wars" …

In January 1987, another scientist, Avtar Sing-Gida, went missing. He was subsequently pronounced dead. In February 1987, Peter Pippel was run over in his garage by his car. In March 1987, David Sands committed suicide by crashing into a cafe at high speed. In April 1987, four space program developers died at once. Mark Wisner hanged himself, Stuart Gooding was murdered, David Greenhalgh fell off a bridge, and Shani Warrenn drowned. In May of the same year, Michael Baker died in a car accident …

In just a fairly short period of time, about 25 people who worked in the "space" sphere died for various reasons. Incidentally, Sydney Sheldon, who discovered this tragic phenomenon, seriously believed that he was related to aliens.

According to Timothy Goode, all these deaths are far from accidental: this is the work of the special services, which removed the experts, since they knew too many secrets.

In the 70s and 80s of the last century, there were secret UFO research programs in the United States, such as the Blue Book, Aquarius, Area 51, Majestic-12, GEIPAN. Although the official data suggests that most of these projects have been phased out today, many conspiracy theorists doubt this. Every now and then, "sensational" materials appear in the press, the purpose of which is to convince the public that the American government is hiding the truth about human contacts with aliens …

Although, maybe it's not about the aliens at all, but about some military secrets? Or are the facts simply rigged? One way or another, the intrigue remains. The topic of contacts with "brothers in mind" continues to excite the minds, and the fact that it can be dangerous only adds "pepper" …