Is Being A Ufologist Deadly? - Alternative View

Is Being A Ufologist Deadly? - Alternative View
Is Being A Ufologist Deadly? - Alternative View

Video: Is Being A Ufologist Deadly? - Alternative View

Video: Is Being A Ufologist Deadly? - Alternative View
Video: Reverse Engineering a UFO | National Geographic 2024, September

Not long ago, former NASA employees who had no personal contact with each other surprised the public with a series of revelations, talking about what methods the government is using to hide the existence of aliens.

For example, mechanical engineer Dr. Bergran found out that NASA was deliberately darkening photographs of the moon so that the public could not see anything suspicious on them. According to him, once he analyzed a picture of a natural satellite of our planet and saw strange objects on it. When he reported this to the chief, he was embarrassed and said that it was necessary to correct the mistake. Say, he thought that they had darkened the lens enough so that nothing superfluous could be seen.

Dr. Brian O'Leary, who was involved in the study of Mars and in the 70s of the last century was present at the receipt of the famous image of the "face on Mars", said that this iconic image among ufologists has been edited. As a result, the contours of the “face” were blurred, which made it look like a natural phenomenon, and not like an artificially created object.

Retired soldier Bob Dean admitted that he personally participated in the destruction of four dozen tapes with footage of the Apollo program, in which the manned landing on the moon took place. The lost videos captured the flight itself, the landing on the Earth satellite and the movement of people on the surface. The reason for the destruction of the materials was that they were considered socially and politically unacceptable due to the presence of objects of extraterrestrial origin.

Donna Hare, who worked for NASA, claims that astronauts regularly encounter UFOs in space, but cannot tell the public about this, as they receive threats from the special services.

Meanwhile, ufologists claim that the governments of the Western world have opened a new hunt for them. According to Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigator's Guide, the situation is repeated half a century ago, when in the 1960s at least 137 researchers of everything related to aliens were found dead under mysterious circumstances.

“Now the 'liquidation' of ufologists who can get to the bottom of the truth has begun, says Watson. "I don't exclude that even President Kennedy has become a victim of this dirty game." The ufologist adds that anyone who gets too close to unraveling the origin of aliens will face an untimely demise.

But it seems that not only the "skeet hunters" may suffer, but also ordinary researchers of the paranormal. Only last summer, under strange circumstances, two well-known "paranormals" left for another world, the Indian ghost hunter Gaurav Tiwari was found dead at home. The mystery of his death has not yet been revealed. And literally a few days after this tragedy, Polish citizen Max Spiers, who, according to some sources, participated in a secret government program related to the development of superpowers, died.

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