Men In Black - Extraterrestrial Intelligence Agents? - Alternative View

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Men In Black - Extraterrestrial Intelligence Agents? - Alternative View
Men In Black - Extraterrestrial Intelligence Agents? - Alternative View

Video: Men In Black - Extraterrestrial Intelligence Agents? - Alternative View

Video: Men In Black - Extraterrestrial Intelligence Agents? - Alternative View
Video: Запросы, похожие на 2024, September

They wear only black clothes, drive in huge, luxurious black cars, don't even take off their dark glasses at night, and they have absolutely no dandruff … No, they don't use the advertised shampoo, these strangers in black simply don't need it, because, most likely, they not from Earth …

Intimidated ufologist

For the first time, people in black were talked about in ufological circles in the first half of the 50s of the last century. In 1953, Albert C. Bender, head of the International Flying Saucers Bureau, unexpectedly announced in his journal that he was on a trail of top secret information about UFOs associated with very influential forces. The researcher not only did not disclose it, but did not even hint what it might be. Apparently, he managed to learn something so extraordinary that he even warned readers about the dangers of researching the UFO phenomenon.

Soon, this ufologist disbanded his organization, stopped publishing the magazine, and quit doing research on flying saucers. Later, in 1962, in the book "Flying Saucers" and Three Men "he revealed the secret of his sudden refusal to deal with the secrets of UFOs. It turns out that three strangers in black came to him, who telepathically advised him to stop research and so intimidated him with their appearance and It is curious that unusual visitors told him about people abducted by aliens, supposedly extraterrestrials had to take their appearance to disguise … After this mysterious visit, Bender was tormented for a long time by severe headaches, indigestion, loss of appetite …

Mysterious Visitors in Black

The message of this ufologist could be mistaken for a hoax or a fantasy of a sick imagination, if similar cases did not begin to occur with other researchers of the UFO phenomenon. As a rule, before visiting people in black, there was quite an impressive psychological preparation: the victim was overwhelmed by endless strange phone calls, poltergeist phenomena were noted, health was upset … When a person was fully "ripe", mysterious visitors in black came to him and advised him not to poke his nose anywhere follows. If the victim, driven to despair by the mental stress preceding the visit, agreed to their terms, everything in her life returned to normal.

Promotional video:

When reporting to ordinary eyewitnesses to the appearance of UFOs or some kind of alien actions, people in black simply presented themselves as government agents, took away negatives and photographs of flying saucers, any material evidence of the presence of extraterrestrial forces on our planet. Eyewitnesses were intimidated and offered to keep everything that they could see or learn in the strictest confidence for their own good.

These creepy visitors were dressed in all black (except for white shirts), eyewitnesses, who were not afraid to tell about their visit, noted the unnatural pallor of their skin and a certain strange sound (as if a robot was speaking) of their voices. True, if you believe other descriptions, sometimes people in black were distinguished by dark skin and even a slanting cut of the eyes.

Ufology is a dangerous business

“My dossiers are filled with descriptions of hundreds of cases (some of them have already been investigated by highly qualified psychiatrists),” writes the famous American ufologist John A. Keel, “when many men and women who showed an active interest in the phenomenon UFOs, frightened with their visits by some strange personalities, pursued suddenly appearing and disappearing black Cadillacs. And in the end, terrorized, they gave up studying this issue. There were also many contactees among them."

“This ufologist also mentions a number of mysterious deaths of researchers involved in the UFO problem. Ominous is the fact that they all died on June 24 … Thus, Frank Edwards, a journalist, UFO researcher and author of two books on this topic, John Keel, said that “to deal with the UFO problem is like this as dangerous as black magic”, and advises parents to prevent their children from being interested in such issues. Is the researcher right in this case or not? Hard to say. One thing is clear: all ufological practice shows that even a simple observation of a UFO can lead to irreparable consequences for health, and this must be remembered.

Extraterrestrial intelligence agents?

Let's go back to the men in black. Who are they? It is clear that from their actions it is difficult to assume that they are agents of the Western special services, the methods of their influence are very unusual, and the very appearance of these "supermen" is painfully loud - the special services do not like to stand out. One gets the impression that some alien boss just saw enough of primitive terrestrial militants and decided that such a cool outfit would simply horrify any person … Thus, it is natural to assume the involvement of people in black in extraterrestrial special services, whose main goal is to keep the secret of their stay on our planet aliens. Although they work rather clumsily, they still often manage to achieve the expected effect.

Some ufologists have long assumed that aliens not only observe the development of earthly civilization, but are also among us and even influence the course of our history. A statement by a highly respected scientist, head of the French National Center for Scientific Research, Jean-Pierre Petit, sounded a sensation. He said that since March 28, 1950, a research detachment of aliens from the planet Ummo has been operating on Earth, orbiting a star known to earthlings as Wolf 424. Jean-Pierre Petit managed to receive a number of letters that the Ummites sent to various addressees describing their history. philosophy and science. According to the scientist, some of his discoveries were made thanks to information received from the aliens. Of course, the Ummites, if they actually exist, are clearly not men in black,this civilization is very well disposed towards earthlings.

Most likely, black lovers are representatives of a different civilization, or maybe just biorobots of some gray dwarfs. The latter assumption is not too fantastic. Take, for example, the case with the American ufologist Dr. Herbert Hopkins. In 1976 he was visited by a mysterious stranger dressed in all black. Striking was his deathly pale face without hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as lips painted with lipstick … The visitor demanded that Hopkins erase all recordings of the sessions of regressive hypnosis, which were conducted with contactees. The strange visitor spoke with difficulty, he was shaking all over. “My energy is decreasing. I have to go. Goodbye,”he said, leaving the ufologist.

Such different aliens

Judging by the descriptions of contactees, several civilizations can study the Earth at once, they are very different in appearance and in their parameters UFO pilots found in various parts of our planet. It seems that these civilizations do not always get along with each other, because in the ufological archives there is even a message about an air battle between UFOs …

Recently, more and more articles have appeared in the press, where it is suggested that an invisible battle of extraterrestrial civilizations for the colonization of the Earth is going on around us … I would not even like to assume this. Many of the older generations have grown up, having absorbed from science fiction books the idea that intelligent inhabitants of other planets, capable of covering great distances in space, will necessarily be noble and humane. Now our children, playing computer games, enthusiastically destroy any alien evil, and in most science fiction films it has become very difficult to find humane aliens … For the younger generation, aliens from other worlds are increasingly acting as invaders, our enemies. Alas, this is, in all likelihood, so, although I would like to believe the opposite.

Having studied the planets closest to us, we have already realized that our Earth is unique, it is quite possible that such planets are extremely rare in the vastness of the Universe and, like precious pearls, can attract not only disinterested gaze.

The worst option: if we forget our own earthly history, when for a dozen rusty guns some Indian tribes betrayed their fellows and helped the colonialists … What did Albert K. Bender learn in his time? Maybe the fact that the US government entered into a conspiracy with aliens, trying to get new military technology from them? Why did the people in black, despite their defiant actions, never fall into the hands of the police and special services? Hopefully, there are no real reasons for such questions. After all, the Indians who helped the colonialists, at best, ended up on the reservation, that's something we shouldn't forget …

Fedor Perfilov