Chernobyl: Mystical Facts That Have Long Been Hidden - Alternative View

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Chernobyl: Mystical Facts That Have Long Been Hidden - Alternative View
Chernobyl: Mystical Facts That Have Long Been Hidden - Alternative View

Video: Chernobyl: Mystical Facts That Have Long Been Hidden - Alternative View

Video: Chernobyl: Mystical Facts That Have Long Been Hidden - Alternative View
Video: The Real Chernobyl Ep. 3: Hidden Facts You Didn't See in Chernobyl HBO |☢ OSSA Exclusive 2024, July

On April 26, 1986, at 1:23 pm, the largest nuclear disaster in the history of the last century occurred - the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl gas station exploded. Until now, this event is shrouded in secrets and legends …

Animal escape

Officially, the Chernobyl disaster was presented to the whole world as the negligence of Soviet nuclear scientists. Allegedly, due to inattention, they made some mistakes, the emergency protection did not work, the reactor overheated and exploded. Soon, specific “guilty” were named - the director, chief engineer, head of the reactor department and other employees of a lower rank. Many were sent to jail, the case materials were classified. Only over time, when those involved in the events of those days were released, and the representatives of state structures simply died, new details of the emergency began to appear in various sources.

The most interesting thing in the opening circumstances is not that the authorities concealed the true number of victims, kept silent in what agony the soldiers who were thrown to eliminate the consequences died, who worked without any protective equipment whatsoever, and some officials from the leadership of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant bought off the prison for bribes … The mystical details of the Chernobyl events are interesting. For example, such a fact: at the time of the incident, practically not a single domestic animal remained in a few tens of kilometers from the hearth.

Back in early 1986, residents of Chernobyl, Pripyat and other settlements in the vicinity began to notice that their pets were behaving restlessly. Calm domestic cats for no apparent reason ran wild, could start rushing around the apartment, yelling, rushing to the feet of their owners. The dogs that were taken for a walk tried to escape, many gnawed at the leashes and ran away. Even birds behaved strangely - parrots could bang their heads against the wall.

In the newspaper "Molod Ukraini" in February 86th there was a small article, which spoke of a strange epidemic in the city of Pripyat. It was about the unusual behavior of animals, which was explained by a massive illness and it was recommended that all pet owners turn to veterinarians.

At the same time, as noted by eyewitnesses, the posts in the cities were hung with notices of missing dogs and cats. There is information that more than a thousand animals fled from their homes. What is this, if not a premonition of trouble for which our smaller brothers are famous?

Promotional video:

Portal to hell

Lydia Arkhangelskaya, a representative of the Moscow branch of the Chernobyl Union, an organization uniting liquidators from all over the CIS, and in those years a participant in the events in Chernobyl, recalls that during all the time she worked at the site of the disaster, she did not see a single representative of the fauna.

“There were neither living nor corpses. Even the crows weren't circling, - says Lydia. - Of course, all this was terrifying. Although we had no fear at all. For us, young people, a trip to Chernobyl was an adventure, we did not realize that health could be harmed, we did not know what radiation was at all - we got acquainted with it and its consequences only years later. And then … I remember going to bed in the evenings in eight-bed rooms and before going to bed speculated about what really happened at the nuclear power plant. Somehow, no one believed that our scientists had screwed up something. The versions were different, sometimes the most incredible. They said, for example, that scientists opened the entrance to hell and evil came to earth from the underworld … Some locals said that the next day after the catastrophe, they supposedly saw the face of the devil in the sky, who looked down and laughed …

Many local Zhigels, in conversations with the liquidators who came to help from all over the Union, also talked about strange objects in the sky, similar to flying saucers. Thus, the famous Soviet ufologist Vladimir Azhazha was once convinced that Chernobyl could not do without aliens. Here's just what they were doing there: whether they staged a catastrophe or, on the contrary, helped to prevent it - he never found out. In one of his last interviews (and he died in 2009) Azhazha said:

“I personally interviewed more than a hundred people who saw UFOs on the eve of what happened in Chernobyl, and on the night of the disaster, and even weeks later. I can assure you that they were telling the truth, because people who did not know each other lived in different cities tens of kilometers from each other, described completely identical alien ships. In total, four types of unidentified flying objects were observed in the ChNPP zone. These are traditional disc-shaped "plates" with a dome on top, cigars, luminous and constantly changing colors balls and "triangles". What is their mission is the mystery of my whole life. But I want to believe that the alien intelligence has come to our aid. " Independently of Azhazha, another ufologist, a famous Ukrainian scientist from Gostomel Valeriy Kratokhvil, conducted his investigation of the participation of UFOs in the Chernobyl incident.collected and analyzed eyewitness testimonies in the book "UFO - Time Machine".

Kratokhvil managed to find the person raised on alarm that tragic night - Mikhail Andreevich Varitsky, senior dosimetrist of the UDC (dosimetric control department) of Chernobyl, who has been working and living there since the very beginning of the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He told the ufologist that on the night of the emergency with a group of dosimetrists he left on an urgent call to the fourth power unit. At the entrance, seeing how the reactor of the unit torn apart by the explosion was blazing and feeling a “burning sensation” on the face, the specialists, realizing the threat of radiation exposure, decided to abandon the immediate task and return to the base for protective equipment. But as soon as they started to turn their car - GAZ-51, “… they saw a fireball slowly floating in the sky of bright brass color. It was 6-8 meters in diameter and hovered at a distance of approximately 300 meters from the fourth block reactor. All this lasted for about three minutes … The ball suddenly turned pale, became barely noticeable, slowly sailed away to the north-west, towards Belarus. What is most interesting: when we turned around, the devices showed a radiation of 3000 milliroentgens / hour, and after a UFO flight - 800 milliroentgens / hour. It is impossible to explain it scientifically."

But the real UFO boom happened after 1986 - both over Chernobyl and over territories contaminated with radiation (the adjacent regions of Belarus, Bryansk region and, of course, Kiev). According to the reporting documents of the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena at the Ukrainian branch of the Scientific and Technical Department of Radioelectronics and Communications. A. S. Popov from 1990, within 4 years after the accident, more than 8 thousand UFO sightings were recorded. Most of all - over the Pripyat River, over Lake Raduga (within the boundaries of Kiev), in the area of Belaya Tserkov, the villages of Yablunovka and Brodyanka and above the Goloseevsky forest.

Message from Tesla

Another curious fact associated with Chernobyl has haunted mystics for many years. The thing is that exactly 25 minutes before the explosion, when nothing had happened yet, seismic stations scattered around the globe recorded a powerful seismic wave. Today there are records of dozens of devices installed, for example, in Germany, Israel and even Canada, which reported the incident before it started!

Of course, you can again pick up the rumor associated with the message from Hell - something burst out of the bowels of the earth, and that's how it shook her decently. But another version looks much more robust. So, according to one of the researchers of the incident, scientist Pyotr Voitsekhovsky, the explosion is the result of the American testing of a secret weapon. “The explosion comes not from Satan, but from Nikola Tesla,” suggested Voitsekhovsky. - He conducted experiments on the transmission of impact force over a distance; perhaps one of his followers repeated the experiment. And why was the nuclear power plant chosen for him? Well, this is always more interesting and more resonant than just arranging cotton in the taiga. In addition, radiation would hardly have reached the United States, and what will cover half of Europe, God bless her."

By the way, economists say that the only country that has benefited from what happened in Chernobyl is … America. After the explosion, work on the construction of several hundred nuclear power plants was mothballed throughout Europe (14 construction sites were closed in Germany alone). All of Europe, which began to abandon nuclear power plants, began to switch to oil, which soared in price. In one year after the disaster, the US budget increased by 37 billion (!) Dollars. So, maybe it was a planned sabotage? An undeclared war with secret weapons?

This is destiny

As you know, all events significant for history have always been predicted by someone. And we are not talking about home-grown psychics and clairvoyants. Historians, esotericists and scientists unanimously assert that the Chernobyl events are described in the Bible, which means that it was impossible to avoid them and there is no one to blame for them, except for fate itself.

A passage in the Revelation of St. John the Theologian ":

“… and a large star fell from the sky, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the sources of waters. The name of this star is Wormwood; and the third part of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter …”(Rev. 8; 10). The fact is that "wormwood" in Ukrainian will just be - "Chernobyl".

Of course, the great Nostradamus could not but say about the coming catastrophe: “The face of the Sphinx will be discovered on the Red Planet, which brought many troubles to the peoples. In 13 years a comet will arrive, and five new disasters are taking people away. " "Face of the Sphinx" was discovered by the American spacecraft "Viking" on the surface of Mars in 1973, and 13 years later - in 1986 - Halley's comet approached the Earth, 2 weeks after the closest approach to the Earth, an accident occurred on the 4th block Nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. Apparently, this was one of the "five new disasters" that, as predicted by Nostradamus, will take people away. However, the most amazing prophecy is Andrei Tarkovsky's film "Stalker", based on a script by the Strugatsky brothers. One of the reasons for the "Zone" according to the scenario is an accident in the fourth bunker. And this is six years before the real explosion in the fourth block of the nuclear reactor and the emergence of a 30-kilometer "exclusion zone".

There is another legend about Chernobyl related to cinema. According to some station workers, a few days before the accident, they saw a man with giant wings in the sky. He was supposedly observed over the flame of a fire that broke out after the explosion. Inspired by these stories, director Mark Pellington directed The Moth Man. According to the tape, the "moth man" warns people of impending disasters. The credits for the film indicate that it is based on real events - according to eyewitnesses who survived in Chernobyl.
