Parasites Are Preparing A Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View

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Parasites Are Preparing A Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View
Parasites Are Preparing A Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View

Video: Parasites Are Preparing A Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View

Video: Parasites Are Preparing A Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View
Video: 2021: Online Talk: Arab Science Fiction and World-Making from the Center | Nadya Sbaiti 2024, September

The world elite is preparing a planetary catastrophe and mass murder of people

The Parasitic System continues to try to destroy the population of the Earth. And the stupid top of the parasites is trying to escape from a planned planetary catastrophe, believing in the omnipotence of underground cities and anti-nuclear shelters …

2015-2016. Self-detonation of Yellowstone volcano will take place

The author is talking nonsense. Why blow up a volcano on your own territory? I'll tell you now. It all started in the 1991-1994 interval. Psychological background - the US elites are celebrating a victory. Collapse of the USSR. Robbery of Russia. Integration and evisceration of Eastern Europe. Euphoria, the unlimited power of banking houses. Complicated (although still rather weak) computer calculations, models … And suddenly …

The ruling circles receive information about an inevitable catastrophe that threatens to destroy the North American continent in the next 20 years.

Perhaps the information somehow correlated with religious texts and prophecies, fell on the fertile soil of a fantastic victory (a person subconsciously expects a counterbalance to luck from fate), or was a belated action by the Soviet special services … The information could be misleading, or a mistake of complex calculation - a soft deception with a purpose funding (from a group of scientists, for example) - or really information that will soon come true.

For the global decisions made, these nuances do not matter. The information was considered serious. Most likely, there were at least two threats. I suppose there were three of them, and the third was a "small" destabilizing "makeweight" that approved the decision, but did not influence it. For example, the threat of global warming - ice melting - stopping the Gulf Stream and, as a consequence, impending serious problems in the coastal zone.

Promotional video:

The threats were, of course, genuine. The question is timing. There is reason to believe that the scientists were wrong. Consciously or not, it doesn't matter to us. But the term turned out to be not 15-20 years, but, for example, 25-40 years. Or even more (the threatening process "subsided"). The understanding of the error came to the backstage around 2010-2011. It is also possible that there was no error. But back to the early 90s.


The US elite's governing bodies are shocked. Their world must perish due to the blow of the elements, which cannot be prevented. What could it be? Options:

1. The explosion of the Yellowstone volcano. It is confirmed by the activity of the caldera, the installation of many technological devices monitoring the processes (tens of thousands), the direct connection of the local volcanologists with the President of the United States, the scale and partial predictability of the phenomenon.

2. Explosion of the Long Valley volcano. Roughly the same, but not promoted, the "dark horse" logic.

3. San Andreas Fault. Perhaps only in terms of general fluctuations of tectonic plates (one fault is clearly not enough to destroy the continent), the total catastrophic nature of the phenomenon and the tsunamis provoked by it (not enough even with La Palma). The rest of the apocalyptic does not pass.

4. Stop of the Gulf Stream. Well calculated, but too "leisurely scenario". In addition, it does not destroy the territory of the United States proper.

5. Powerful melting of ice in Antarctica (Ross glacier), methane emissions - the same.

6. "Pole reversal" - a phenomenon of the proper level, but does not affect exclusively the United States (except perhaps by provocation of the same volcanoes). And - I don't see any way to reliably calculate it.

7. "Carrington Event" - solar superstorm. Does not destroy the USA exclusively and is not calculated.

8. Impact of a meteorite. Calculated, but absent in the coming centuries. And it is definitely not predicted to the level of "hitting the continent."

9. Something unknown? Impossible today. Information can be clogged with accompanying nonsense (freemasonry, for example), but it cannot be completely closed. Leaks out.

Judging by the further actions behind the scenes, one of the apocalyptic scenarios "worked", giving convincing predictions 15-20 years ahead in the 90s. Of course, it was carefully checked and rechecked. All those who participated in scientific tests confirmed that yes. Continent perspective cover. It is impossible to attract the world community to such examinations (they would have ruined everything), so they pulled narrowly specialized specialists. Not talking about the evacuation plans.

Analyzing the combination of the degree of threat and the possibility of predictive calculations, we come to the confident conclusion that the catastrophe was indicated by the first or second points. Or both, if they can provoke each other. (And possibly a third). I mean, it was seismic.

Apocalyptic seismic

There are no specialists on supervolcanoes at all, but the psychology of most scientists is such that they confidently broadcast even in controversial issues. Here is the need for funding, and a sufficient delay in the forecast (20 years) - "either me, or donkey, or padishah …", here and the anxiety of calculation and measurement. Scientists could deliberately "thicken the colors", they could be sincere - but the forecast was really terrible. The inner feeling of the power of the elite rushes into the barrier against which everything collapses. The world is crumbling.


A logical decision is made to evacuate the continent.

Of course, at first it is half-hearted. Only actions are taken that are not irreversible. But - plans are already being drawn up, constantly being corrected, something is being undertaken seriously (and very seriously), the backbone of events, which determines the general movement, is becoming more and more rigid. It is called - globalization. And - seismic data from that period (of course, there are constant checks) confirm the growing anxiety.

This continues until the beginning of the 2000s. During these years - and so it was - there are the most disturbing messages. Soil begins to rise in the caldera. The frequency of small earthquakes is increasing all the time. It can take off at any moment. Preparations for the evacuation are in full swing.

Part of the elite dumped in New Zealand. The "war" on international terrorism unties the hands of the United States, while the picture is "varnished" very carelessly, it no longer seems essential to disguise itself. The evacuation decision was finally approved and is being forced. In the caldera, volcanic observation stations are multiplying, everything is reduced to a single monitoring network and is taken under very special control by the US government. The country passes the point of no return - the cancellation of evacuation is, of course, possible, but the economy - in a long-term trend - is already broken, and more and more are killed every year.

The evacuation has begun. It was then, at the end of the 2000s, that it became a process and began to grow stronger.

But after five or six years the magic happens. The rise of the soil has stopped. Markers are very disturbing but not critical. The calculation seems to be correct, but … Somehow everything slowed down, lost its rhythm. Although the shaking is strong, the number of earthquakes in the caldera continues to increase. But - small ones. And the elite begins to quarrel. Some are determined to continue, some suppose to "delay", or completely cancel the evacuation. You can try to trace the fate of American volcanologists - for some reason it seems to me that some venerable (or several) life on this segment has failed.

As a result, malfunctions begin during the evacuation process. The situation is, of course, under control, but not completely. As an important consequence for us, problems began on the territory of the Russian Federation. In the new, Russian colony, Putin kicked up with his comrades. Honor and praise, by the way. We used the chance.

And away we go. The stranglehold of globalization and future universal chipping has eased. The backstage split into two conflicting groups. In fact, the evacuation process continues and comes to an end. This is the home stretch. Those who wanted to slow down the process remained in a clear (albeit significant) minority.

Now is the time for argumentation. In this capacity I will only use facts. BUT. I will give slightly alternative explanations for these facts. We will also provide official explanations. So:

1. China is building ghost towns. Number - more than 20. They are under construction for a long time, and construction continues. The estimated population is up to half a million each. The real population is from one to thirty, forty thousand. All communications are ready, traffic lights are on … ALL cities away from the coast, on the plateau …

Official explanation: missing. Semi-official explanation - did not find anything that would make sense to quote.

My guess: the second phase of the shelter for the population. When the tsunami hits, each of these cities will become five million, and the Celestial Empire will save a significant part of its people. Working part. There are underground shelters and tunnels for the army, the elite's hideouts are not so clearly located.


2. America prepares plastic coffins, builds concentration camps, trains the police to suppress civil riots (standing figures of children and women). Teachings "zombie" and "jade helmet". Special police equipment. The fight against "zombies" is especially characteristic. Frank delirium as a legend, they say, we have a joke. But in fact, there are about 800 concentration camps (platforms with guard towers, barracks and barbed wire). There are more than a million coffins (four-seater) - according to another information - more than five million.

Official explanation: missing. Unofficial explanation - the US expects the collapse of the dollar pyramid, a sharp decline in living standards and a wave of unrest.

My guess is that the quality of the preparations means more difficult predictions. The authorities are afraid of epidemics (coffins) and complete loss of control ("sudden" blow of the elements). If the volcano does not destroy the entire territory of the United States, and it makes sense to restore control in the surviving territories, concentration camps will be needed.

3. America has built a huge refuge in Denver. Flat terrain 25 km from the city (two Manhattan squares), powerful - very powerful - underground construction, disguised as airport reconstruction. In terms of the amount of excavated soil - a complex for several hundred thousand people, plus some military infrastructure.

Official explanation: none (except for the funny version that all this is the needs of the airport). The unofficial version is off scale in conspiracy theory. Here are Masons, and the world government, and Satanists, and analysis of frescoes and sculptures (really creepy and strange) …

My guess: the distracting disguise is based on the principle of redundant delusional versions. In reality, this is an underground city for that part of the elite who would risk remaining on the continent after the explosion of the volcano. The location is perfect. Behind the rocky mountains from Long Valley, on the plateau, in the very center of the country, it is maximally protected from the tsunami. Unexpectedly close to Yellowstone (it seems that you can go further south, in some Albuquerque), but beyond the ridge, and if we overlay a map of the Hispanic states on a relief map, then everything falls into place. Maximum removal within the "white man's zone". It is here that there is a line to which it makes sense to fight for a continent. The airport leaves the possibility of large-scale evacuation. (Leaves, leaves. The author is aware that during the eruption, flights are prohibited).

4. China produces about 40 times more concrete (each year) than the United States. Article "Concrete meters of China". Of course, related information is easily googled. Concrete is a key indicator of the development of civilization in a particular place. Next, I would single out railways and highways, along which the United States (relative to China) also lags dozens of times! This is, of course, about development, and not about an already created network (along which China is also in the lead).

Let's go back to concrete. This material is used at the production site. (For example, steel can spawn a merchant or navy). Concrete is bridges and roads, cities and dams of hydroelectric power stations … It is a long-term, working infrastructure. 40 times! With comparable economies!

The official explanation for the disparity is none. Unofficial explanation: the United States practices “de-especial, plywood buildings, because they have heat and buildings, at the end of the mortgage term, should just be destroyed. Such disposable houses”.

But … It's also warm in China.

My assumption: to develop the mainland, they have stopped investing in it for a long time. The existing infrastructure is being repaired. And this is not even an assumption. In a ratio of production of 1 to 40, this is a fact.


5. The United States did not begin to close its military bases abroad after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the countries of the Warsaw Pact. Today there are more than 700 of them. For a second. This military spending is higher than that of all other countries combined. This is a guaranteed buildup of external debts - no economy can handle such a burden. Accordingly, this is also an increase in problems with the outside world.

Official explanation: The US is fighting global terrorism. With al-Qaeda and Somali pirates. No comment. Informal explanation (good). The United States controls the entire world, providing its currency as a global currency with a power baton. And, accordingly, the payment of hidden tribute by the vassals.

My guess: The “protection” strategy is quite logical. But. The choice of it as the main one, despite the internal contradictions (debt), took place also because in the course of its implementation, the armed forces are constantly deployed far from the United States. And the created infrastructure allows you to quickly transfer additional contingents to any end of the world (surviving).

6. The United States is building one aircraft carrier after another, despite the fact that this type of weapons is monstrously expensive and frankly outdated. No other country allows itself to maintain such a fleet. It is known that aircraft carriers are highly vulnerable even in normal operation. A floating airfield with a limited resource - catapults and sequential take-off - does not allow solving serious problems when the opponents have at least average coastal defense and aviation. Iran is a typical example. All aircraft carriers, taken together, did not convince the Persians to back down - and would have been sunk had it come to war. Ordinary concrete strips are driving. Cheap and cheerful.

Official explanation: missing. Unofficial explanation: 1. The Americans are stupid, as they used to in the Second World War, that aircraft carriers are important, so they still cannot stop. Inertia. 2. The Americans are sawing loot, they are of little interest in military tasks. (As if you can't cut the loot on submarines) …

My guess: today, aircraft carriers do have a certain inferiority of use. They work for two plus … But after the eruption … Yes, if you "know the date in advance", and pull all the ships to distant ports … It will be a fantastic mobile trump card that will allow you to "negotiate a lease" with any surviving territory. Almost anyone. Let me remind you that the specificity of seismic is such that it is impossible to predict whether Mozambique, the Philippines, Chile or Australia will survive. Yes, without recharge, aircraft carriers will soon "lose their shape." But you only need it once. And they will have a new base (if it works out, of course).

7. The USA stopped producing nuclear weapons in 1992! This is a fundamental change in the paradigm of military action. Not a single new warhead in 25 years. With a standard service life of 30 years. Even an ordinary cartridge does not last that long - every third cartridge will misfire. What happened?

Official explanation: we are for world peace. And other rehash of this funny (in the mouth of the USA) slogan. I will not even comment. Two nice informal explanations:

1. The United States has problems with weapons-grade plutonium … Yes, it is not enough. But not so little. In addition, they managed to push through a deal on transferring former "surplus" warheads of the USSR to them for disposal. But - everything was used as fuel for the nuclear power plant. Unconvincing.

2. After the USSR, there was no one to frighten anyone with nuclear weapons. And they decided to save some money … And what about North Korea? Pakistan? India? Iran? China? Russia? England-France-Israel? Yes, allies. Today. Because the USA is stronger. But - with such a strategy, they are guaranteed to disarm from a nuclear perspective by the mid-20s. Yes, there are many other weapons. But … Not convincing.

Nuclear weapons destroy foreign territory, protecting their own from invasion. That allows you to calmly develop cities and lands. (By the way, the perfect alignment for a battle across the ocean). There is nothing special to capture after using missiles. Terrible but defensive or even preemptive strike.

My guess: all this has lost its meaning due to the coming cataclysm. And the protection of their territory, and the destruction of someone else's. She now needs to be captured, not destroyed. Warheads are no longer needed.

A different concept is a different weapon. Yes, partially different methods. Yes, they are updating and even upgrading what has already been built. Do not disappear. But “car repair” is infinitely impossible. The conditions have changed, the goal has changed, the paradigm has changed. The seemingly won game has become a thousandfold more complicated. And - to destroy the remains of the post-volcanic world with radiation …

8. The United States built nuclear power plants one after another, launched more than sixty of them … And suddenly, in the 80s, they suddenly stopped. For thirty years nothing has been built.

The official explanation: there was an accident at 79, 200 thousand people were evacuated, everyone was terribly frightened and other green nonsense. Informal explanation: none. We have abandoned an entire industry, in which we were the first in the world by a huge margin! How many subcontractors broke down, how much energy they did not receive …

My assumption: in the event of a wave of apocalyptic seismicity, the destruction of stations and a huge release of radiation are inevitable. The afterbirth will reach Antarctica. Such things cannot be aggravated. Let him finish what was built, and by hour X - knowing the date - it will be possible to minimize emissions … True, for this you need to know the date exactly.


9. The United States has moved to other countries all types of industries, except for R&D, which are easily evacuated within days.

Official explanation: the market decided so. So it became cheaper. So there is less dirt. - After the English Industrial Revolution, which showed what production means for any country? After they themselves consistently destroy competition in the territories taken under their control? If desired, the United States could easily create conditions in the country for the further development of the industrial base. They know how to play with taxes, quotas and the printing press. BUT. Knowledgeable people no longer want to invest - seriously - in the dying continent. And it is they who determine the development strategy. Of course, even for a very high-level administration, the reason is formulated differently.

10. The US has curtailed (practically) its space program. They fly on Russian rockets. It is fraught. And creates problems.

Official version: the market, be it wrong. We are trying to let private traders into the space industry, creating competition … No comment. Unofficial version: absent.

My assumption: investing in such long-term projects is already irrational.

11. Much of the cities and territories of the United States are in decline. Offhand - Detroit (from a small list there will be dozens), California (drought), "shale" states … Asphalt is exchanged for gravel, it is cheaper to maintain … Education - below the plinth, young specialists are not required … Nobody polishes the "Showcase" anymore. They even stopped washing it.

Official explanation: missing. Informal explanation: system costs.

My guess: these territories and cities, by and large, are no longer of interest to anyone. Pump out the latter. And alles.

12. An intentionally inflated bubble of shale mining , funded by the government and allowed by environmentalists (they allegedly slowed down the nuclear power plant, see above). Oil shale is minus fertile land, minus drinking water, earthquakes … Again, knowledgeable guys do not harbor illusions, all this is not for long - gas pipelines from the fields do not pull, they do not want to throw away extra money … tomorrow … But what the hell is tomorrow?

13. The US Financial Debt Bubble in the Late 80s Was Alarmingbut at a completely controllable level. And now - a global victory over the USSR. Plunder of the Red Empire. And - at the helm are financial tycoons who do not just know the schemes and rules of financial flows. They created this system. Their field, their rules, a completely defeated enemy. And suddenly … Instead of quietly, albeit slightly limited, printing money for tens and hundreds of years, these guys, like drunken fuckers, begin to mortgage and re-mortgage everything and everyone, trying to cut more dough today. Rather. Blowing bubbles, risking everything - even in the future. Driving the system into hopeless debt. And they almost lost. Was there no clear reason for that? Let's amuse ourselves that "are they stupid and greedy?" Was there a reason to rush? And it was not worth protecting the system, which is guaranteed to collapse? The evacuation of an entire continent is very costly … Then everything is logical. They brought their financial system to the finish line, milked it completely, collected just enough debts to keep control, balancing on the last brink … Yes, it seems, debts will have to be paid back … If nothing "unforeseen" happens …

14. "Movie" argument. Sukhov, knowing the instant of the explosion of the launch with Vereshchagin, won a lost battle. There is a lot that can be done by planning ahead of time. And, by the way, playing for the fall of the corresponding stocks and the dollar (if the explosion "does not go beyond") cut down such a dough … The Rothschilds once, knowing the true outcome of Waterloo with a handicap of several hours, increased their fortune more than 20 times … So it was just Europe …

15. But then it would be logical to take out the gold from Fort Knox? Why waste, because it comes in handy. Is it still there? Along the way, Germany was not even shown. That is, either it is NOT in place for at least five or six years, or the United States keeps everything in place, and Europe is enraged solely out of harm. “Do you have our gold? - We have. - Give it back! - Not. - Oh please! - NOT! - Then at least show me. How is it there? - Fuck you. Why watch it. Gold is like gold”… And would it be nice to print out oil reserves and use them? Why ruin assets … But just an appeal to the legislators, a draft law is being prepared, they are about to be put into action … If there is anything left at all, maybe, like with a piece of gold, the accounting has been corrected long ago …


16. But why then is information about Yellowstone in the public domain? It would seem to be classified. Not. Thousands of sensors are working online, everything is laid out, look, count, analyze … Excursions wander, take pictures … Scientists roam …

But. The local volcanic service is open about censorship. At the same time, the information is hushed up, distorted, corrected, sensors, cameras "break", turn off and freeze … If they did not want to attract attention, they would not have arranged this show with a live broadcast. The best way to distort is to not show at all. There are more than 20 supervolcanoes in the world, and not everywhere is calm. And the circus performance is at Yellick. Or does it add stability to the buck? Not. Why then? Moreover, it was so inept to "hide the ends in the water" … Twisting, underestimating, correcting … Who is watching is very noticeable … Like, the authorities are hiding something … In fact, the eruption is probably close … (And it is close, the asphalt is melting … Helium-4 is off scale …)

The world is getting used to the fact that the situation is dangerous, that the authorities, as usual, are lying … And it will not notice the main lie - about an artificial explosion. Now it can be done on any day - it will "ride" like nature. And if they suddenly figure out that he was provoked … They will immediately find the passports of the "terrorists" … Chinese, Arab, Russian … According to the situation … They will be forgotten in the taxi, they will fall out of the plane … Not the first time …

17. Although I am so, in fact … Of course, the population should be warned about the explosion in advance. This is Christian. The top of America will not manipulate people into the dark. She feels a lot of responsibility for the fretting African American black colored chocolate niggas. These valuable people should not be harmed. They will be warned, evacuated, and provided with benefits, free meals and medical insurance in their new location. Stress compensation and home improvement loans. Because America is not able to frame its citizens.

Or is it capable? The spread of infertility through vaccinations, the promotion of abortions, the spread of infertility through GMOs, diseases through fast food, the elimination of families, LGBT propaganda, the transportation of drugs and weapons, the formation of “domestic” street gangs in which the protest stratum of youth is controlled in a controlled manner … The elite is certainly worried about the well-being of the common man …

By the way, as far as they could, they warned me. There has never been such a number of disaster films about seismic, and it is about the upcoming events in the United States. Or has Hollywood ceased to be controlled? Maybe they are filming something about good Russians? About cute Arabs? He who has ears heard long ago. At least I prepared myself psychologically.

Or will they also notify you on TV? Like, in a couple of months, it will probably bang … And then, two weeks before the real eruption, the soil will begin to rise … And? Will people thank? No, things will get out of hand. Law enforcement agencies will scatter to save families … Millions will die in panic … And if we are one and a half or two months ahead of events? Set a date, blow it up yourself? To mobilize all the services in advance … To withdraw the troops to the bases … To conduct exercises of the corresponding topic … To arrange riots around the world, so that there is a reason to pull out a large contingent in advance, in peacetime … To clear the space there from the natives, create a benevolent attitude … Prepare several military viruses for future cleansing, test antidotes, prepare public opinion for the possibility of a future "plague" …

18. By the way, by controlling the explosion, you can seriously weaken it. Of course, in this case it is necessary to lay charges "in the mouth". And who is interested, can google a link to June 2014, Yellowstone seismic sensors, open access … 14, 15, and 16 numbers. Instead of chaotic jolts, "dead" ripples, as always before and later, there is a bright, even pulsation of a military mole working at depths. Everything shook every twenty minutes exactly. Three days. Like a clock, like a pulse, on hundreds of sensors … As if there, underground, the heart was working. Then the ripple disappeared. And no explanation … These trifles did not interest the volcanologists. The shrew ran, waving her tail …

19. And where are the elite going to flee?Nobody really knows the scale of the eruption. The magnitude of the tsunami (they will definitely be) too … In the work of New Zealand. The area is equal to England, only three million inhabitants and no labor migrants … Covered by US bases (constant threat from penguins). The place is worth a lot. But - there is also seismicity, ridges, there is no reliability … Australia is working (but too vulnerable to the tsunami) … Argentina is very good - there is more white population than in Europe. As a result, the country has been under pressure since the late 90s. Prepared. Two defaults, all pastures and arable land have already been reissued for debts … A very active direction … Central Africa - where Ebola is mowing black natives, and the United States has just an antidote … Large-scale work has been going on in Liberia for a long time, infa on the Internet … For the most persistent - Denver … Norway with its oil and rocky fjords … And, of course, Ukraine plus the Baltic states. The active population dispersed and knocked out, far from the tsunami, the aborigines will be glad to the Pindos, but the United States has already begun to transfer tanks there …

Do you think against Russia? At such a distance to fight with armored vehicles against a modern army with nuclear weapons? Not even funny. They can say anything from any side. In fact, this is the redeployment of military units to the Baltic states. All. Why - these are speculations, versions. Including mine. If everything goes well, it will accommodate twenty million refugees. And - our "stalled area". Hopefully stalled. It seems to be difficult. Beijing - Hong Kong - Moscow. Something the guys didn’t grow together, something was messed up …

And it was planned, it was not in vain that gold reserves grew in this triangle … And now, probably, there are graters …


20. Or maybe this is a local US madness? Maybe there is something wrong with the water? Let's try to travel to Switzerland. The country of the Alpine gnomes. Watches, chocolates and jars. The gold reserve is also growing … Peaceful people … Or not? After all, they are not easy guys … They don't even appear in Forbes magazine. But they don't seem to be in poverty …

Open information. Switzerland, with a population of 8 million, is deploying a modern (and well-trained) army of 600,000 at 22 hours. In two days - one million seven hundred. All the men of the country are trained in military affairs. Even homes are required to keep automatic weapons. After 50 years - the state gives every citizen a shotgun. 14 squadrons of modern aircraft. Over 800 modern tanks. And all the mountains are one continuous fortified area with tens of thousands of concrete structures and anti-nuclear bomb shelters for 4-5 million people. 5 billion annual army budget. (Not sawing, it is spent very efficiently, lots of examples.) About 20% of GDP. For reference - "norm" - 2-3. 5% is already military or pre-war.

Switzerland is very good, perhaps the best in the world, counts money. Has not fought for over 500 years. Why such militarism? Yes, you can't fight off the Russian army even in the fortified area. We gnaw through. There are ways. But from half-gangs with armored vehicles …

And let's dare to assume that the European elite is smart and fearful of something? Preparing for a bloody chaos that will overwhelm Europe … Probably, something can happen … Something "unforeseen".

Of course, there are also arguments, the puzzle is large, there are a lot of details. These are just the basics. And, judging by them, as well as by some dates of contracts and permits, they will blow up in the winter (for the northern hemisphere) time. Either this winter … Or, if you're very lucky, next … No further!

By the way, overlapping, less significant facts.

Diesel fuel has been consistently more expensive than high-octane gasoline for years. And in production it is cheaper … And diesel fuel is stored for a very long time. Is there a big demand? And around the oil fields, everything is either brought into chaos (the Middle East), or the White Lord, bringing order, is already there - Norway …

The doomsday repositories I know are in the same place, in the north … We were in a hurry, built, filled, there is nothing for people to do in crises … And groups are deployed there - icebreaker, army, aviation, underwater … Gravers with seals?

All more or less large countries have been gutted and deprived of independence. Some are dismembered. The population is "prepared" for disasters in a peculiar way - the optimal strategy, according to Hollywood, is to shoot ahead of the curve. Chaos will be aggressive (in the Middle Ages it organized itself, now it will self-destruct). Minus the traditional family, like a brick cell, minus the traditional farm, like a brick of the economy … Even if the power of the elite shakes in the future, it will easily restore it.

But if Russia retains at least part of its statehood, it will have no one to compete with.

From the editorial board of RuAN

The author is absolutely right in everything, and even that the world parasitic elite decided not to let catastrophic events take their course, but to do everything as it suits them. In 2010, parasites practically prepared the entire planet for destruction. And Nikolai Levashov - the Light Hierarch - had to intervene in October 2010 and destroy this system. For this, the parasites killed his wife Svetlana in November. At the end of May 2011, Nikolai Levashov prevented the destruction of the US state by means of atomic explosions prepared by the special services in the geological faults of the American continent. After that, the parasites made titanic efforts and in June 2012 they were able to kill academician N. V. Levashova in Moscow …

Planetary disaster in the Gulf of Mexico