Ancient Astronauts On The Bas-reliefs In The Indian Temple Of Hoisaleswara - Alternative View

Ancient Astronauts On The Bas-reliefs In The Indian Temple Of Hoisaleswara - Alternative View
Ancient Astronauts On The Bas-reliefs In The Indian Temple Of Hoisaleswara - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Astronauts On The Bas-reliefs In The Indian Temple Of Hoisaleswara - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Astronauts On The Bas-reliefs In The Indian Temple Of Hoisaleswara - Alternative View
Video: Airavateshvara Temple. Musical stairs and other puzzles. [No. A-008. 2015-2019 year.] 2024, June

The Hoysalesvara Temple in Halebidu has many bas-reliefs on its walls and many strange things can be seen on them, for example, the figures of people in spacesuits and they are very similar to modern astronauts.

They wear helmets that completely cover their heads, and you can see that everyone is wearing protective gloves on their hands. Some of them have wires that go from one side of the helmet and are connected to a ball device at the back of the helmet. If you compare these carvings to modern astronauts, the similarities are unusual. These carvings were created at least 900 years ago, some even say that this temple was built many thousands of years ago. The question is, does this carving really show astronauts, or does it represent something else?

I have asked several historians and archaeologists about this carving and they tell me that until now no one has been able to decipher this carving. What for? The reason is that foreign invaders destroyed the top of this carving, especially this figure, which is the protagonist of this carving. If you look closely, this figure is sitting on a throne and the astronauts are lying on the floor begging him. The astronauts' elevated positions and hand gestures confirm this, but until we identify the central figure, we cannot determine what is happening.

So let's take a close look at this thread and see if we can find out who he is. On his shoulder we see the outline of a circular weapon called the Chakra, which belongs to Lord Vishnu. You see a female figure sitting on her knees, and Vishnu is often depicted with his wife Lakshmi on her knees. This is definitely Lord Vishnu because his throne is shaped like a lotus flower, and Vishnu is the God usually depicted on lotus flowers. I wonder why no one has noticed these clues to find the answer so far.

So, now that we know that this is Vishnu, let's try to decipher who the astronauts are. In ancient Indian texts, this scene is clearly described. There are two groups of deities in the war: Virgo and Asura. Virgos cannot defeat the asuras, so they go to the planet named Vishnuloha and ask Lord Vishnu to help them. This thread is perfect for a Deva script asking Vishnu for help. Today historians tell us that all these stories are just mythology - Virgos traveling to other planets thousands of years ago, this would not have been possible, because at that time there was no technology for space travel.

But this thread shows that such a scenario actually happened: because it shows Virgos as astronauts with helmets, wires and gloves, just like astronauts do today. More interestingly, Virgos are carved without these astronaut suits when on earth. They are depicted with helmets, wires and gloves only when they traveled to another planet called Vishnuloha. If space travel was not possible in ancient times, how can we explain to sculptors who carve virgins with striking resemblances to modern astronauts?