The Creation Of The World In Sumerian - Alternative View

The Creation Of The World In Sumerian - Alternative View
The Creation Of The World In Sumerian - Alternative View

Video: The Creation Of The World In Sumerian - Alternative View

Video: The Creation Of The World In Sumerian - Alternative View
Video: GILGAMESH 2/3 Anunnaki 1/3 Human 100% Sumerian, Proof Written Down 4350BC in WORLDS OLDEST STORY 2024, July

Where did the gods come from? According to the legends of the Sumerians, the gods came to Earth from the planet they called Nibiru. The description of this planet exactly matches the characteristics of the so-called planet X, which is currently being sought by modern astronomers within our solar system.

This planet is believed to be in an elliptical orbit that goes deep into space - far beyond Pluto's orbit - so it has been out of sight lately. We will present the scientific evidence and information about the current search for planet X later in this chapter, but for now we will consider the mass of facts testifying to the history of this planet, from the formation of the solar system to the legendary Flood that occurred 13 thousand years ago.

We will begin our exploration of planet Nibiru / planet X with a startling source, a 4,000-year-old Babylonian text known as the Enuma Elish. In 1876, George Smith of the British Museum published a translation of this sacred epic, the text of which was reconstructed from broken clay tablets. Earlier, Smith had already caused a stir in the international press with his translation of the Babylonian legend of the 6th Flood, similar to the biblical texts. The publication of the epic "Enuma Elish" caused the same great excitement, since in it the myth of the creation of the world, apparently, is set forth in more detail than in the biblical story in the Book of Genesis.

However, for a hundred years the legend "Enuma Elish" was interpreted simply as a myth - as a full of imagination narration of the cosmic battle of the gods with evil, and the Babylonian ritual based on it was considered a product of superstition.

To an unprepared reader, "Enuma Elish" may really seem like just a story about the struggle of one "god" with another. The main character here is the god Marduk, the highest deity of the Babylonians. But any educated scholar knows that the vast majority of Babylonian myths are politicized versions of the Sumerian originals. The main question is the following: if the epic poem "Enuma Elish" is cleansed of rituals and political aspects completely unusual for Sumerian, then can it be considered that it will represent an early Sumerian document with the corresponding scientific characteristics?

In 1976, Zakaria Sitchin made a startling, yet uncontested statement that, in fact, Enuma Elish is a cosmological epic that accurately describes the formation of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago! Sitchin, an expert on new oriental languages, discovered that where the poem speaks of "gods", in reality it means "planets", "winds" [40] mean "satellites", and the god Marduk himself personifies the planet known to the Sumerians as Nibiru.


The Babylonian poem begins with the words “Enuma elish la nabu shamamu” - “When the heavens had no name yet”. The following are the "gods" born of the AP. SU (Sun), [41] whose description corresponds to the smallest details of the planets of the solar system. Then a new and more powerful god named Marduk was created “in the mysterious depths”:

Promotional video:

Its members were incomprehensibly perfect … Inaccessible to understanding, difficult to comprehend. He had four eyes and four ears;

When he moved his lips, flames burst out of his mouth … He was the tallest of the gods, surpassed all in stature;

His members were huge, he was incredibly tall.

Sitchin explains that Marduk is a wandering planet, thrown into the solar system as a result of some obscure cosmic phenomenon, possibly thrown from another equally unstable solar-planetary system. The trajectory of its motion - first past Neptune, and then Uranus - indicates that it moved clockwise, in the direction opposite to the movement of the other planets around the Sun. This circumstance will turn out to be extremely important in the future. The general effect of the attraction of all other planets carried Marduk into the very heart of the newly forming solar system - leading him to a collision with the planet Tiamat:

Tiamat and Marduk - the wisest of the gods, Moved towards each other;

They strove to converge hand-to-hand, They approached for a fight.

Armed with a "blazing flame", carrying with him the "winds", that is, his companions, Marduk turned his face to Tiamat, seized with anger.

The master unrolled his net to entangle it; He blew an evil wind in her face. And when she opened her mouth to devour him, He sent an evil wind against her, so that she could not close her mouth, And then stormy Winds hit her in the stomach;

Her body was swollen; the mouth opened wide. He sent an arrow - it tore her belly, pierced the insides and dug into the very belly. So he defeated her and extinguished the breath of life in her. And after he killed Tiamat, the main warrior, He defeated all her army, all her retinue. Her assistants, the gods who fought on her side, trembling with fear, Fled to save and preserve their lives. They got caught in the net and got entangled in them … The whole host of demons who fought on her side, He fettered in chains, tied their hands … Tightly bound, they could not escape.

Thus, the planet Tiamat was "destroyed", but the act of the creation of the world did not end there. Marduk was captured in the orbit of the Sun and forced to return forever to the place of the universal battle with Tiamat. At the first collision, the "winds" - the satellites of Marduk - crashed into the planet Tiamat, but during the next revolution in orbit, Marduk himself "returned to Tiamat, which he subdued," and these two planets merged.

The master stopped to look at her lifeless body. He cleverly conceived how to dismember the monster. And he split it in two like an oyster. The lord stepped on the back of Tiamat And with his weapon cut off the top of her head;

He cut the channels of her blood And ordered the North Wind to scatter her in hitherto unknown places.

Zakaria Sitchin argues that the upper part of liquid Tiamat (her "crown") is the future Earth; it was captured and transferred to another orbit by one of the satellites of Marduk, along with the largest satellite Kingu (which means "Great Messenger"). The final act of the creation of the Universe took place at the moment of the second return of Marduk to the place of the heavenly battle. This time, Marduk merged with the rest of Tiamat:

The other half he installed as a curtain for heaven;

Having fastened them together, he set it up as a fence … He bent Tiamat's tail like a bracelet and made a Big Ribbon out of it.

In fig. 14 shows the final result of the heavenly battle.

On the trajectory of two orbits, the planet Marduk / Nibiru created the heavens (Asteroid Belt) and the Earth, as well as comets. Sitchin points out that these stages coincide with the First Day and the Second Day of the creation of the world from the Book of Genesis! He only forgot to note that the holy book of Muslims - the Koran also echoes with the "Enuma Elish":

“Do the unbelievers know that the heaven and the Earth were previously one continuous whole, and we tore it apart and created everything living out of water?”

From the book: Gods of the New Millennium. Author: Alford Alan