The Sephiroth Tree. Basics - Alternative View

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The Sephiroth Tree. Basics - Alternative View
The Sephiroth Tree. Basics - Alternative View

Video: The Sephiroth Tree. Basics - Alternative View

Video: The Sephiroth Tree. Basics - Alternative View
Video: Tree of Life Basics 2024, July

The Tree of Sephiroth or the Tree of Life is an ancient esoteric system that reflects the principle of the development of the entire Universe. It consists of 10 Sephiroth, which successively emanate from each other, just as the bowls of a fountain are filled.

These 10 Sephiroth represent 10 universal forces, 10 spheres of being, or 10 hypostases of God, as they are also called. They are connected to each other by links called "paths."

10 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life:

  1. Keter "Crown" - the ocean of being, God the Father, the Great Brahman;
  2. Chokmah "Wisdom" - masculine principle, God the Creator;
  3. Bina "Wisdom" - the feminine principle, the Great Mother;
  4. Chesed "Mercy" - guardian god, emperor, merciful sir;
  5. Geburah "Severity" - the conqueror god, expansion of borders through destruction and war;
  6. Tipheret "Beauty" - God the Son, divine child, harmony, love, peace, spiritual peace;
  7. Netzach "Victory" - aesthetics and beauty, the sphere of emotions;
  8. Glory move - mental sphere, intellect;
  9. Yesod "Form" - the astral world, including the mental and astral spheres;
  10. Malkuth "Kingdom" - Earth, matter, nature.

The right side of the Tree is male. It is called the Column of Mercy. The left side is female. It is called the Column of Justice. In the center of the Tree, where the interaction of these opposites takes place, there is a column of Equilibrium.

The Sephiroth tree is built according to the principle of hierarchy: at the top are the most subtle and primary forces, below are the coarsest and densest. The entire system of the Tree is conditionally divided into 4 worlds (from top to bottom): the Divine world, the world of Thrones, the world of Angels and the world of Matter.


The source of the Sephiroth Tree is at the top. The first Sephira - Keter in translation means "Crown". It reflects the First Cause from which the world is born. This sphere of being corresponds to what the spiritual teachings call the Creator, the Absolute or the Creator. In mythology, this is the Supreme God, who gave birth to light and the rest of the pantheon of gods.

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But the scientific world, in particular the adherents of the Big Bang Theory, call this state of the Universe "singularity". The Singularity is the Point at which the entire future Universe is concentrated. All its particles are connected at this point with each other by superdense bonds. These connections are so tight that it is wrong to even talk about particles as particulars. At this moment, everything that can only be is in Absolute Unity outside of time and space.

An image of a singularity point in the concept of the Big Bang Theory
An image of a singularity point in the concept of the Big Bang Theory

An image of a singularity point in the concept of the Big Bang Theory.

The last Sephirah of the Tree - Malkuth - is located at the very base of the Tree of Sephiroth and denotes the material world. Malkuth is a realization at the level of physics. In the esoteric system of the Tree of Sephiroth Malkuth corresponds to our planet - Earth. In the everyday sense, this Sephira denotes the achievement of a result or goal.

The idea, invisibly born in the consciousness of the Creator, "Keter", at the final stage turns into a materialized form "Malkuth" - the world of nature. It is from here that the human soul begins its path of ascent to the Creator. If the path from Keter to Malkuth was the path of the creation of all that exists, then the path from Malkuth to Keter is the path of the evolution of consciousness: from man to God.

In general, the esoteric meaning of the Tree of Sephiroth is found in many spheres of human activity. Built on the Universal Laws of the World, the Tree works by analogy. Both on the scale of the Universe and on the scale of the human soul. Both in the material world and in the spiritual.

The principle of creativity of God and man is the same: the idea is primary. But an idea without realization can remain an idea, invisible and unmanifest. To realize the idea, two more elements are needed: matter and applied action. For example, the plot of a story may appear in your mind. But while this story is only in your mind, it does not exist on the material level. And only you yourself are the witness of its existence. The author of the story will be considered one who not only invented, but also displayed the plot in symbols, gave the idea a form in the form of a clear sequence of letters.

The Sephiroth Tree and the Indivisible Trinity

Idea, energy and matter in the form of the first three Sephiroth constitute the divine indivisible Trinity in the Tree. The idea arises in Sephira Keter as a plan. Action, as an active masculine force, is reflected in the Sephir of Hochma in the form of the Great Father. Accordingly, matter in the image of the Great Mother symbolizes Binah - the female passive force, opposite to the male and active force.

Returning to the Big Bang Theory, according to scientists at the aforementioned point of singularity, both matter and energy already exist in incredible density. Therefore, this point has infinite mass, and its temperature also tends to infinity. The Big Bang itself, as a result of which, according to this theory, everything in the world appeared - is the result captured in the form.

The ancients saw an analogy for the creation of the Universe in the sacred principle of the conception of life: the Great Father puts his seed (idea) into the body of the Great Mother (matter). Conception occurs through the Holy Spirit (action). And soon a divine child is born (the result).

The image of the divine baby on the Tree of Sephiroth is located in Tiphareth, which means "Beauty". This Sephirah is the center of the entire system. She represents harmony and love. And the mission of Christ the Savior corresponds to it. And if in the Indivisible Trinity “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” Keter is the image of God the Father, then Tipheret is the image of God the Son.

The image of the divine baby and the Most Holy Theotokos
The image of the divine baby and the Most Holy Theotokos

The image of the divine baby and the Most Holy Theotokos.

Correspondence of the worlds of the Tree in the energy structure of the soul

As I wrote in other articles, the energy structure of the soul is multidimensional, and on the human body, each of its layers has a projection called chakra. In turn, each chakra can be correlated with a level on the Sephiroth Tree.

Thus, Malkuth as the Sephirah of the material world is related to the physical body of a person. The projection of Malkuth in the energy structure is the Muladhara chakra, located at the base of the spine.

Further on the Tree we see three Sephirs: Yesod, Netzach and Hod, referring to the world of Angels or Forms. Central Yesod is the astral world. It is the interaction of two opposite forces: Netzach - feelings and Hod - intellect. The projection of the astral world on the human body is the Svadhisthana chakra, located in the region of the gonads and responsible for desires, emotions and pleasures.

The Center of the Tree is Sephira Tipheret. In the energy structure of the human soul, its projection also takes a central role. Tipheret is in the world of Creation and denotes spiritual beauty. The projection on the human body of this world is located in the solar plexus region and corresponds at once to 2-mind chakras: Manipura and Anahata, which are the source of vital energy and unconditional love.

The structure of the Tree of Life in the structure of the human soul. Macro and Microcosm
The structure of the Tree of Life in the structure of the human soul. Macro and Microcosm

The structure of the Tree of Life in the structure of the human soul. Macro and Microcosm.

The hidden Sephira Daat, which means “Knowledge”, corresponds to “Ajna”, whose projection on the body is located in the area between the eyebrows. This energy center is responsible for intuitive insights and influences. On the Tree of Sephiroth, this center is located on the border of two worlds. This border is called the "Abyss". The abyss separates the mortal worlds from the immortals. Thus, it is here that the meeting of the eternal and the perishable takes place.

The highest Sephirah - Keter, corresponds to the Sahasrara chakra, which opens the connection with the cosmos to consciousness. The Sahasrara level is the level of reunification with the Creator, a return to the original state of Unity.

In conclusion, it should be said that the system of the Sephiroth Tree contains much more information than it was possible to present in one article. Here are the answers to many questions of the universe, the algorithms of evolution, both of society and of an individual, both of the whole world and of an individual state, are displayed. By the paths of the Tree, seekers ascend with their consciousness to the Truth. And an ordinary person follows the same paths, living his life and making everyday choices. The tree is an ancient universal formula of the Universe, which is so unsuccessfully trying to find in the world of science, and has long been found in the world of esotericism.

Author: Elena Zakharchenko