"My Father Was Replaced By A Reptilian" - Alternative View

"My Father Was Replaced By A Reptilian" - Alternative View
"My Father Was Replaced By A Reptilian" - Alternative View

Video: "My Father Was Replaced By A Reptilian" - Alternative View

Video: Justin Bieber's Reptilian Roots Conspiracy Theory, Explained 2024, September

This story was submitted to the US UFO site MUFON on February 4, 2018. It happened in Virginia Beach, Virginia (USA) in 1991. The author's name is not specified.

“Everything that happened to me was terrible. In 1991, I saw two strange people who were probably agents of the CIA or some other secret government organization. They kidnapped my father, and when I saw him again, he looked like my father, but as I later found out, he was actually a reptilian lizard.

He began to live with me under the guise of my father and treated me quite rudely, but he told me a lot. He said that he can cure any disease simply with his bare hands. And also, that looks down on people, as we look down on sheep.

The Reptilian knew that I had witnessed the agents kidnapping my real father. After the abduction of my father, I was also taken to some place and forced to sign some documents. There was a group of people who looked like a special task force and there was also a person who looked like my father.

I found out that he was in fact a reptilian, as I tracked him one night and saw a long, thin, serpentine tongue crawling out of his mouth. There was also a person who helped him, he was rather short, probably a dwarf. I suspect he was "gray" disguised as a human.

Once I heard how they talk to each other, first in ordinary English, and then in a strange language, similar to some kind of oriental language.

Yes, I'm not just telling my terrible story, I want to tell everyone that these creatures are among us and they are hiding under the guise of people. True, I have never seen any objects similar to UFOs near them.

I also want to inform you that my real father was taken away somewhere, accompanied by a retired military man, and therefore I suspect that he was doing something suspicious related to government secrets. Perhaps it was his activity that led to such a sad outcome.

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In addition, I found an implant under my skin. It feels like a triangle or a rhombus to the touch. They also left me an unusual scar on my leg. I never told anyone about these things because I was very scared. These creatures seem to work outside the framework of any laws and are not afraid of anything. And nobody can stop them.

They also seem to have done something to my brains, sort of like a mental wash, and they were doing other types of experiments on me. That is why I am still afraid and do not want to reveal my identity."
