The Trail Of The Gods: Enoch, Ascended To Heaven - Alternative View

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The Trail Of The Gods: Enoch, Ascended To Heaven - Alternative View
The Trail Of The Gods: Enoch, Ascended To Heaven - Alternative View

Video: The Trail Of The Gods: Enoch, Ascended To Heaven - Alternative View

Video: The Trail Of The Gods: Enoch, Ascended To Heaven - Alternative View
Video: The minions of Lucifer want chaos and anarchy, the Message of Jesus the Good Shepherd Enoch.Colombia 2024, October

The Mystery of Enoch is one of the most amazing in ancient history

As you know, the biblical patriarch Enoch, a descendant of Seth, the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah, unlike the absolute majority of people on Earth, did not die - he “ascended to heaven”. Could it have been an ordinary play on words or a beautiful invention for a fairy tale? One would guess. But there are the very details that convince: Enoch was indeed "taken up into heaven." Don't believe me? Let's make sure.

Ancient Jewish legends give a very detailed version of Enoch's departure. First, the "angels" (messengers of the Lord, or perhaps … aliens?), Promised Enoch to take him with them, but it has not yet been decided when this will happen: "They told me that I will go to heaven, but I do not yet know which day I will leave you."

Enoch and his people sat in a circle, and he told them everything he had learned and what he had learned from the angels Uriel and Prabuel. Enoch said that he would have to go to heaven. He especially stressed that what he said and wrote down should not be kept secret, but should be preserved for future generations.

A few days after Enoch told his people about the journey, the fun begins.

This happened at the same hour that the people and Enoch were sitting and Enoch was talking to them. People turned their gaze to the sky and saw the figure of a horse (what is it? One can only guess - a space probe?..), descending from heaven, and the horse struck the Earth like a thunderstorm. And Enoch told the people that it was: “This horse has come for me. The time has come and the day when I must leave you and never see you again. " This "horse" clearly saw him.

Apparently, Enoch was warned by the messengers Uriel and Rule that the ascension would be dangerous for observers, so he advised his followers to move as far as possible. He warned curious onlookers not to follow him, "lest you perish." Some understood, but most of the defiant spectators were willing to do anything to witness Enoch's "ascension" for themselves.

Then everything happens dramatically: “They said, we will go with you where you leave us; only death can stop us. And they were stubborn, and he did not speak to them anymore, and they followed him and did not return back. And this is what happened: Enoch ascended into the stormy sky on fiery horses in a chariot of fire."

Promotional video:

Enoch's ascension into the clouds ends in death for his entourage. The next day, the search for those who followed the teacher begins: "… and they were looking for the place where Enoch ascended to heaven, and when they approached him, they saw a land covered with snow, and huge stones were like blocks of snow. They spoke friend with a friend and said: Let's remove this snow and see if those who followed Enoch lie under it. And they removed the snow and found those who went with Enoch dead. " They also looked for Enoch, but did not find him, he really ascended to heaven. And this happened in the one hundred and thirteenth year from the birth of Lamech, the son of Methuselah, when Enoch ascended into heaven.

Such a dramatic ending even biblical commentators were completely bewildered, since they always translated Enoch's "ascension" simply as his acceptance into the heart of God. Why do hundreds of innocent spectators burn to ashes when their teacher ascends to heaven?..

Enoch went “into the stormy sky” and “on fiery horses in a fiery chariot,” and everything that remained on the earth in this place burned down - from a man to a mouse - and even the stones were charred and covered with ash, which looks like snow. In those days, as we know, there were certain types of rocks (for example, limestone), which, when heated strongly, turn white, and the sand (depending on temperature) melts and turns into glassy crystals, similar to white salt.

Naturally, a lot falls into place, if we assume that Enoch was taken to heaven not by "angels", but by a completely physical aircraft.

And by the way, the Sumerians have a lot about the fact that the ships of the ancient aliens flew with "great noise, crackling and flames" - that is, they were not ideal, soundless "flying saucers", on the one hand, there is some technical imperfection of alien spacecraft, but on the other hand - the complete realism of what was happening in those distant times …

You can also view the Ethiopian version of the Book of Enoch in the following video: