Shambhala Islands Of The Blessed - Alternative View

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Shambhala Islands Of The Blessed - Alternative View
Shambhala Islands Of The Blessed - Alternative View

Video: Shambhala Islands Of The Blessed - Alternative View

Video: Shambhala Islands Of The Blessed - Alternative View

Shambhala is a mysterious semi-legendary country, the ancestral home of Wisdom, Universal knowledge and Happiness. However, the Russian people came to this mythologeme of the Golden Age through images that were closer and understandable to them. From time immemorial, the Russian people, dreaming of a better life, turned their gaze to the North. It was here that, in the opinion of many bookmen, preachers and simply dreamers, was a blessed country, comparable only to an earthly paradise. Different names were given to her. The most famous is the North Russian legend about Belovodye. Initially, the tradition placed it in the area (water area) of the Arctic Ocean. Already in the "Mazurinsky Chronicle" it is noted that the legendary Russian princes Slovens and Rus, who ruled long before Rurik, “possessed northern lands throughout Pomorie: both to the Great Ob River, and to the mouth of the White Water, and this water is white,like milk … " Milk tint "in the Old Russian records had everything that related to the snow-covered expanses of the Arctic Ocean, which itself was often called Milk in the chronicles.

In the most ancient versions of the Old Believers' Belovodsk legends (and in total at least 10 copies in 3 editions are known) it is said about the Arctic Ocean: “The Russians, too, during the change of the church rite by Nikon, the patriarch of Moscow, and ancient piety, fled from the Solovetsky monastery and others There are a lot of places in the Russian state. We set off across the Arctic Sea on ships of all kinds of people, while others also overland, and that's why those places were filled. " Another manuscript gives more specific information about the inhabitants (colonists) of Belovodye: “[The settlers] live in the depths of the Okiyana-sea, a place called Belovodye, and there are many lakes and seventy islands. There are islands 600 versts each and between them mountains. And their passage was from Zosim and Savvaty of Solovetsky ships through the Ice Sea. " Subsequently, ideas about the location of Belovodye changed. Russian pilgrims, eager to find the Land of Happiness, searched for it in China, Mongolia, Tibet, and the "Opon (Japanese) state".

Dreams about the ideal remained the same: “There are no litigation and theft and other things contrary to the law in those places. They have no secular court; nations and all people are ruled by spiritual authorities. There, the trees are equal to the highest trees. And all sorts of earthly fruits are; grapes and Sorochin millet will be born. They have gold and silver innumerable, precious stones and beads of precious stones."

At the same time, Belovodye was combined with another symbolic correlate of the Golden Age - Shambhala. This is how the unattainable land of happiness was seen by the Altai Old Believers. Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) was guided by their ideas and tips in determining the route of one of the goals (more precisely, secret sub-goals) of his journey: “In distant countries, beyond the great lakes, behind the high mountains, there is a sacred place where justice. There lives the Highest knowledge and the Highest wisdom for the salvation of all future humanity. This place is called Belovodye. Many people went to Belovodye. Our grandfathers also went. They disappeared for three years and reached the holy place. Only they were not allowed to stay there, and they had to return. They spoke many miracles about this place. And they were not allowed to say even more miracles."

Many Russian people went through this "they were not allowed to say" - they were looking and finding. Among them was Roerich himself; moreover, he wrote several impressive paintings on the theme of Shambhala. "Shambhala" is a Sanskrit vocalization of the name of a mysterious country. In Tibetan it is pronounced with one additional sound in the middle of the word - "Shambhala". However, the latter spelling is used only in specialized literature.

Shambhala is both the highest symbol and the highest reality. As a symbol, she personifies the spiritual power and prosperity of the ancient northern ancestral home, a country of happiness and prosperity, which the European tradition equates with Hyperborea. Many were looking for a mysterious country. Our famous traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888) is among persistent seekers. He adhered to the northern version of the origin and location of Shambhala, bringing it closer, first of all, to the Polar Land of Happiness. “… A very interesting legend concerns Shambhala - an island located on the edge of the North Sea - Przewalski wrote down with his own hand. “There is a lot of gold, and the wheat reaches amazing heights. Poverty is unknown in this country; indeed, milk and honey flow in this country."

And here is how one Tibetan lama explained to Nicholas Roerich the northern, rising to the global polar mountain Meru, the symbolism of Shambhala, on the one hand, and its earthly specifics, on the other, by one Tibetan lama: “Great Shambhala is located far beyond the ocean. This is a mighty heavenly domain. It has nothing to do with our land. How and why are you earthly people interested in her? Only in some places, in the Far North, you can discern the shining rays of Shambhala. Therefore, do not speak to me only about the heavenly Shambhala, but also speak about the earthly; because you, just like me, know that earthly Shambhala is connected with heavenly. And it is in this place that two worlds unite."

Apparently, Nikolai Konstantinovich himself, as well as his wife and inspirer - Elena Ivanovna, as no one came closer to solving the ancient secret of Shambhala. But, bound by a vow of silence, they were able to tell about it only in a symbolic and allegorical form. Shambhala is not only the Abode of Light and a sacred place on a map inaccessible to the uninitiated. Shambhala is also a philosophy, and it directly follows from the great teachings of the East Kalachakra. The very concept of "Kalachakra" means "wheel of time". According to legend, this teaching was transmitted to the king of Shambhala by the Buddha himself. In accordance with the philosophical doctrine of Kalachakra, everything in the world - from the Universe to a person - develops cyclically. Sooner or later everything repeats itself, and if once patriarchy came to replace matriarchy, now they seem to be replacing each other again. And it is not some abstract sociological schemes that are at work here, but deep cosmic laws: the male and female Principles are rooted in the very structure of Nature and Society, causing cyclic processes and the replacement of some phenomena by others.

Promotional video:

The origins of this doctrine or some traces leading to these origins, tried to find in the North, in the center of Russian Lapland, A. V. Barchenko (1881-1938). Like Roerich, he presented the ancient spiritual tradition as a single and indissoluble chain, the beginning of which is in the North, and the end is in Tibet and the Himalayas. In their searches, wanderings and writings, both Russian ascetics acted synchronously, relying on some sources inaccessible to the uninitiated. Kalachakra is a Sanskrit word. In Tibetan “wheel of time” is “dunhor”. Barchenko discussed the fate and future of this particular problem with the famous Buryat ethnographer G. Ts. Tsybikov (1873-1930), the first Russian who entered Tibet at the beginning of the century under the guise of a pilgrim.

From a letter to A. V. Barchenko prof. G. Ts. Tsybikov March 24, 1927

“Deep thought led me to the conviction that in Marxism, humanity has the beginning of just such a world movement, which should lead humanity to that great clash of civilizations, which is expressed in the ancient legends of all Eastern peoples. Among the Lamaists - in the legend of the Shambali war. Muslims have a legend about the coming of the Mahdi from Jambulai. Christians and Jews - in the legend of the prophet Ezekiel about the great last war between the North and the people of the righteous, gathered from all the peoples living on the top of the earth - which description clearly corresponds to the same Shambhala.

This conviction of mine was confirmed when I met the Russians who secretly kept the Dunhor Tradition in the Kostroma province. [The original word is written in Tibetan. - V. D.]. These people are much older than me in age and, as far as I can estimate, more competent than me in the Universal Science itself and in assessing the current international situation. Coming out of the Kostroma forests in the form of simple holy fools (beggars), supposedly harmless madmen, they entered Moscow and found me

Thus, my connection was established with the Russians who owned the Russian branch of the Tradition [Dunhor]. When, relying only on the general advice of a southern Mongol, I decided to open myself before the most profound ideological and disinterested statesmen of Bolshevism [I mean, first of all, F. E. Dzerzhinsky and G. V. Chicherin. - VD] secret [Dunhor], then at my first attempt in this direction, I was supported by the keepers of the most ancient Russian branch of Tradition [Dunhor], completely unknown to me until that time. They gradually deepened my knowledge, broadened my horizons. And this year they formally accepted me into their environment"

A mysterious line comes in: Russia - Tibet - Himalayas. Moreover, its origins are in the North. In addition, the quoted passage contains absolutely amazing facts! Back in the 1920s in Russia there was a well-concealed and rather ramified (from the forest Kostroma wilderness to the silence of the capital's secret archives) community of the Keepers of the Universal Shamballi Knowledge. Earlier, in the early autumn of 1922, Barchenko tried to find his traces in the very center of the Kola Peninsula, in the area of the sacred Sami Seydozero. Here, as he believed, once was one of the centers of the ancient Aryan, or Hyperborean, civilization. As a result of a global cataclysm - a worldwide flood and a sharp cold snap that followed - the Indo-Aryans, led by the great leader and hero Rama, were forced to migrate to the south,where they laid the foundation for modern Indian culture.

Barchenko's letter to Tsybikov speaks of the great Shambali war. What it is? The answer is contained in the article by Geser-Khan. N. K. Roerich, famous French traveler and researcher of the culture of the East Alexandra David-Neel. It was called "The Future Hero of the North" and was in the field of vision of Barchenko and Roerich. Who is he - the future hero of the North? In the East, everyone knows him! And in Russia too. This is the famous Geser Khan, the protagonist and character of the Tibetan, Mongolian, Uighur, Buryat, Tuvan and Altai mythologies. Over the millennia, each nation has refined its understanding of this ancient image and its epic life. Like any great hero, Geser belongs not only to the past, but also to the future. In fact, this is what David-Neel wrote about: “Geser Khan is a hero whose new incarnation will take place in northern Shambhala. There he will unite his employees and leaders who accompanied him in a past life. They will all also incarnate in Shambhala, where they will be attracted by the mysterious power of their Master or those mysterious voices that are heard only by the initiated."

In the most extensive legends, Geser wages endless battles with the forces of evil. Geser himself is of heavenly divine origin. His father, ultimately, is the main heavenly Deity of the Mongol-Manchu-Tibetan-Buryat-Altai-Tuvan pantheon - Hormust. The root basis of this archaic name is the same as that of the ancient Russian Solntsebog Khors or the ancient Egyptian Choir, which once again proves the common origin of the languages and cultures of the Eurasian and other peoples. According to his functions and origin (according to the Lamaist version), the Lord of the heavenly pantheon resides on the polar mountain Meru.

The Supreme Father directs Geser to earth, so that after reincarnation and assuming a human form, he becomes a mighty hero, protector and patron of the human race. The heavenly army of Geser - 33 fearless comrades-in-arms, batyrs, always ready to come to the aid of their master. Geser is not only the guarantor of the survival and prosperity of mankind, which is constantly being attacked by black demonic forces, but also the herald of the coming Golden Age, in the popular view was unequivocally associated with Northern Shambhala. This is evidenced by the legendary decree of Geser, passed down from generation to generation by Tibetan lamas:

Geser Khan's decree

“I have many treasures, but I can give them to My people only at the appointed time. When the army of Northern Shambhala brings a copy of salvation, then I will open mountain caches, and share with the army My treasures equally and live in justice. That My decree will soon catch up with all the deserts. When My gold was scattered by the winds, I set the date when the people of Northern Shambhala would come to collect My Property. Then My people will prepare sacks for wealth, and I will give each a fair share. You can find golden sand, you can find precious stones, but true wealth will come only with the people of Northern Shambhala, when the time comes to send them. So commanded."

The Russian reader has the happy opportunity to get acquainted with various versions of the amazingly poetic beauty of the Geseriada - Tuvan, Altai, Buryat. Below are the northern reminiscences of the last of them - as the most extensive and original. Many battles of the epic about Geser take place in the Far North. Particularly cruel and irreconcilable was the confrontation with the so-called Sharagol khans, who possessed flight techniques. Moreover, the sharagoles were armed not with wings made of bird feathers, but the most "real" metal plane. True, it was called in the old fashioned way - "iron bird" (modern military aircraft are also called "steel birds", although actually steel in the plane is the least), but it was made entirely of different metals.

Once upon a time, a heavenly chariot, engulfed in flames, made an emergency landing on Earth. Many thousands of years have passed. The super-strong skeleton of the once-flying miracle could not be destroyed by the abyss of the past centuries. However, for our ancestors - the Proto-Slavs - the starship is not at all a miracle. Their civilization is still far from the great achievements of ancient eras, but these people live a happy life, being part of the world around them. Looking at the mysterious celestial alien, they understand that the path to the unrestrained development of technology is not always acceptable for the development of the spirit.

In the epic, the bird-plane was soon forced to return to the North, after it was damaged by an arrow by Geser's wife. By the way, the arrow that hit the iron Bird of Evil is very reminiscent of a modern anti-aircraft missile. The damaged bird-plane required a three-year repair. To do this, she retired to the Arctic Ocean "bound by heavy ice", to her original base in the Far North, to the kingdom of eternal cold and polar night, "where an icy expanse lies in the darkness, where bone frost bursts in the darkness" and where "in the icy cold ice hummocks stick out in the waters”. However, the man-made flying brainchild turned out to be a “genie released from a bottle”: the residents of Shargola were worried that, having recovered from the blow, the “iron bird” would deal with its own creators. Therefore, they conspired to destroy it,that they succeeded without difficulty … I would like to dwell on the issue of the flying abilities of the ancient northern peoples. For this problem is inextricably linked with Shambhala as the source of the Highest and Universal - including scientific and technical - Knowledge. Descriptions of the "mechanism" of flights have been preserved in the memory of the aborigines of the North in the form of stable folklore images. In Sámi legends, such a flight, for example, was described very simply: a fire was kindled from shavings, covered with wet matting, anyone who wanted could sit on the matting, and he was lifted up to heaven right up to the Lord God with heat. Such is the Sami Flying Carpet. Descriptions of the "mechanism" of flights have been preserved in the memory of the aborigines of the North in the form of stable folklore images. In Sámi legends, such a flight, for example, was described very simply: a fire was kindled from shavings, covered with wet matting, anyone who wanted could sit on the matting, and he was lifted up to heaven right up to the Lord God with heat. Such is the Sami Flying Carpet. Descriptions of the "mechanism" of flights have been preserved in the memory of the natives of the North in the form of stable folklore images. In the Sami legends, such a flight, for example, was described very simply: a fire was kindled from shavings, covered with wet matting, anyone who wanted could sit on the matting, and he was lifted up to heaven right up to the Lord God with heat. Such is the Sami Flying Carpet.

It seems that it is no coincidence that a real cult of winged people has developed in northern art. It is appropriate to assume that the Bird Sirin, especially beloved and revered in Russia images of the birdwatchers of Sirin, Alkonost, Gamayun, also have their roots in deep Hyperborean antiquity - not necessarily directly, but most likely through the interaction of different cultures mediated in space and time. A similar bird-creator - the Swan Goddess - is also known among the Russian Nenets. Many stylized bronze images of bird-people were found in due time and in different places of the Kama region and the Subpolar Urals - examples of the so-called Perm animal style. Quite recently, many cast bronze figurines of winged people, again making us remember the Hyperboreans, were discovered during excavations of a sanctuary on about. Vaygach, located in the Arctic Ocean.

By the way, the original aborigines of the North - the Lapps-Sami - even in the last century wore a kind of headdresses - dried skins of waterfowl, removed together with feathers. Until now, during traditional festivals, the Sami, dressed in bird costumes, perform the "bird dance". From time immemorial, such dances were common in many archaic cultures, which even suggests the existence of a special "feather civilization" in the past. After all, even Ovid wrote about the clothing of the Hyperboreans - "as if their body is dressed in light feathers" (Ovid. Met. XV, 357). There are other - direct and indirect - facts confirming the words of the Roman classic poet.

In "Kalevala", where many events unfold in the homeland of the Sami - Lapland-Sariola, with the help of poetic means, the flight on an eagle of the elder hero Väinämöinen to the limits of the distant northern lands is recreated. Practically the same words tell Russian epics and fairy tales about the flight on the "airplane wooden eagle" to the northern Sunflower Kingdom. The mistress of the Land of Gloom - polar Pohjola - witch Louhi also flies in the Kalevala after the Sun and Moon. Of course, one cannot but recall the culminating episode of "Kalevala", where the rune-singers talked about the decisive naval battle between the sons of Kaleva and the people opposing them for the possession of the magic mill Sampo. The action takes place in the middle of the Arctic Sea-Ocean. After trying all means of war and failing,the leader of the northern army - Louhi - turns into a giant aircraft "flying ship":

One hundred husbands sat on the wings

A thousand sat on the tail,

A hundred swordsmen sat down, A thousand brave shooters.

Louhi spread her wings

Rose up into the air.

There are also more technologically advanced descriptions of such aircraft. And they are contained, no matter how paradoxical it may seem at first glance, in the legends about Atlantis, which have been preserved in the secret archives of the Rosicrucians, Illuminati and Freemasons. Starting from Napoleonic times (that is, approximately at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries), this information became the property of a wider public, gradually leaked into the open press, then theosophists and anthroposophists thoroughly took possession of them. One should not think that the legends mentioned are entirely mystical invention and nonsense. Quite the opposite. If Plato, summing up everything known by that time about Atlantis, relied mainly on oral tradition, then in the secret archives of the secret orders, authentic documents were probably kept. These include, apparently, the maps of the era of Alexander the Great,which were used by Columbus (absolutely definitely an established fact!), Turkish admiral Piri Reis, famous cartographers - father and son of Mercators and French mathematician Orontius Finay (their maps depict territories that had not yet been discovered, for example, Antarctica, the Bering Strait, and also Hyperborea).

In the sky above the coast of the Atlantean kingdom, a whole armada of aircraft of the Great Arctida appeared. Airships are flying in the direction of Atlantis, where installations of enormous destructive power are installed in order to neutralize and destroy. The sky in the picture is alarming, but the sun's rays still illuminate the embankment and architectural structures in the more distant plans. But the fate of people was decided by the rulers, unleashing a planetary catastrophe.

The same happened with the information about the lost flying equipment of ancient peoples. Atlantis and Hyperborea suffered the same fate - death in the depths of the ocean. According to some ancient authors (for example, Apollodorus), both the dead continents are simply identical, Atlas is the titan of the North, and the worldwide flood also began “on the land of the North”, as it is said in one ancient Russian apocrypha. Masonic-theosophical information about the high technical development of the Northern civilization (including the mastery of atomic and radiant energy) was also guided by A. V. Barchenko, planning his expedition to the sacred Saami Seydozero in Russian Lapland. Perhaps he saw the documents themselves and told Dzerzhinsky about them. Or perhaps he was only hinting that it would be nice for the all-powerful security service to get them (if, of course,by that time, the documents had not been stored for a long time with seven seals somewhere in the Lubyanka).

One way or another, but reports about ancient flying technology (here it is already indifferent, whether we are talking about Atlanteans or Hyperboreans), were subjected to exacting scientific and technical expertise on the part of serious scientists. One of the prominent specialists and pioneers in the field of aeronautics, aviation and cosmonautics, Professor Nikolai Alekseevich Rynin (1877-1942) published in 1928-1932 a unique 9-volume book "Interplanetary Communications", where he collected all the information available by that time on the history and background of the issue … He also tried to give an impartial assessment of the technical achievements of the ancient Hyperborean and Atlantean aviators.

According to theosophical data, primitive aircraft were built either from light metal or from specially processed wood. They were of different types and capacities and could carry from 5 to 100 people by air. Ancient airplanes flew by night and day, glowing in the dark. Navigation was carried out using a sighting compass. Subatomic energy of enormous power was used as a driving force. The primitive aircraft consisted of a central body, side wings, keels and rudders. Behind there were two movable nozzles, through which streams of fiery substance burst out. In short, the principle of movement of the aircraft was rocket. In addition, there were eight more nozzles under the bottom of the ship, with their help, the vertical takeoff of the ship was ensured. The flight speed reached 200 km / h [in fact, this is not so much. - V. D.]. The vehicles flew at an altitude of 300-400 m [also, frankly, not too high, but it resembles a modern cruise missile. - V. D.]. The mountains did not fly over, but flew around. After the end of the world, as a result of which Arctida and Atlantis perished (according to the Theosophists, this happened in 9564 BC), some of its surviving inhabitants flew on such ships to other continents.

What else can you add about the scientific achievements of the Hyperboreans? The assumptions can be the most incredible, if we recall that, according to the testimony of Elian (2; 26), (and he himself refers to the authority of Aristotle), one of the pillars and founders of European and indeed all world science - Pythagoras - was a Hyperborean and bore the corresponding nickname … This means that the level of Hyperborean science was in no way lower than the Pythagorean knowledge.

An additional argument in favor of the above about the flying technology of the distant past may be the following fact. Archaeologists never cease to amaze the abundance of so-called "winged objects" that are constantly found in Eskimo burial grounds and are attributed to the most distant times in the history of the Arctic. Made from walrus tusk (where are their amazing preservation), Eskimo wings do not fit into any canons and inexorably suggest ancient flying devices. Mathematical modeling was carried out and the result was approximately the same as in theosophical traditions. By the way, according to Eskimo myths, the ancestors of this people once flew to the North on iron birds, which painfully resemble both the iron bird-plane from the epic about Geser, and facts from the collection of Professor Rynin.

A schematic representation of a similar "flying machine" scratched on a boulder by an unknown ancient instrument was discovered by me during the expedition "Hyperborea-98" while examining a high-mountain Sámi sanctuary above the sacred Seydozero. True, the outstretched wings (20 x 10 cm in size) are read in the figure only in the projection from above. In full face, so to speak, he looks like some kind of creature from another world, for which he was jokingly nicknamed "alien". It was these winged northern symbols that subsequently spread throughout the world and were entrenched in almost many ancient cultures: Egyptian, Assyrian, Hittite, Persian, Aztec, Maya, and so on - to Polynesia. Nowadays, soaring wings as an archetype (subconscious memory of the dawn of mankind) have become the emblem of Russian aviation and cosmonautics.

And everything again closed in the North. Because here the very possibility of the future unity of many, at first glance, in no way connected with each other, phenomena arose here. N. K. Roerich in his programmatic treatise "The Heart of Asia" (1929). Kalachakra and “much from the Geseriad cycle”, Belovodye and “Chud underground”, the Western European Grail and Russian Kitezh, other coded symbols and mythologemes - “all this came together in the representation of many centuries and peoples around the great concept of Shambhala. As well as the whole bulk of individual facts and indications, deeply felt, if unsaid."

What has been said is not speculation and not a stretch. The fact is that the traditional concept of Shambhala is just a conceptual transformation of the most ancient northern ideas about the White Island of Shvetadvip, which is located in the middle (or near) the Milk (that is, the Arctic) Ocean and is associated with the polar mountain Meru. Before us is the prototype of the Russian Belovodye, the very Land of Happiness, where the Golden Age reigned and "bright people, shining like a moon" lived. By the way, there are still two islands called White in the Arctic Ocean: one is part of Spitsbergen, the other is located near the mouth of the Ob. It is also worth recalling about one "White Water" - the White Sea.

"Shvetadvipa" is an ancient Indian toponym, although the Sanskrit lexeme "shveta" in meaning and sound (taking into account the phonetic transformation of "sh" into "s") is identical to the Russian word and the concept of "light". Shvetadvipa is translated as the Country (Island) of Light. After the splitting of the once single Indo-Aryan ethnic and cultural-linguistic community, independent mythologemes were formed, which, however, corresponded to the original "polar meaning". For Russians, this is Belovodye. The ancient Greeks and Romans have the Islands of the Blessed, which are located "beyond Boreas - the North Wind", that is, in the northern part of the Ocean. The Islands of the Blessed are also the Kingdom of Light, where, according to Pindar, "under the sun, the days are eternal - like nights and nights - like days." On the basis of such archaic ideas, the concept of Shambhala was ultimately formed. But in the beginning there were northern Belovodye and the Aryan island - Shvetadvipa, sometimes, like Shambhala, called the Stronghold of Light.

There is one more Shamballi aspect that requires scientific comprehension and interpretation. We are talking about the so-called "inner Shambhala" and the channels of its interaction with the World Shambhala. At all times and by all Initiates without exception, it was emphasized: Shambhala is not an objective, but a spiritual reality, accumulating in itself all the thousand-year wisdom of mankind and not only his alone. In this sense, Shambhala can really represent a certain information and energy structure associated with the history and prehistory of human society and at the same time existing independently of it. And each person, in principle, is able to awaken in himself and develop abilities that allow him to catch the call signs of the World Shambhala - the information-energy "sea" spilled everywhere.

Consequently, Shambhala may well be interpreted as one of the sacred centers of concentration of Universal Knowledge, evenly distributed in various geographical points of the planet, geologically adapted to receive information from the biosphere of the Earth, as well as from the near and distant Cosmos. But how many of these “Shambhals” are scattered and hidden all over the world? Including in the Russian North. Were they not, like a magnet, attracted Alexander Barchenko on the Kola Peninsula? And Nicholas Roerich in Altai, Tibet and the Himalayas! Was it not the Universal Knowledge that they first tried to find there?

So where is this Higher Knowledge located? Traditionally, it is believed that in secret libraries-repositories of hard-to-reach monasteries or in chests hidden in mountain caves or buried deep underground. And what if the Universal Knowledge is really stored underground, but not in chests, but in the form of an energy-information field concentrated in accordance with natural laws. It also absorbs and processes the mental stresses and achievements of mankind, accumulated over many millennia. This is the very spiritual Shambhala, which cannot be seen with the eyes or touched with the hands, but which at any time can nourish or saturate with the thousand-year wisdom of mankind (and not only his one) everyone who deserves it with a righteous life, righteous thoughts and righteous deeds.

By the way, Nicholas Roerich and Helena Ivanovna Roerich never denied that most of the esoteric texts belonging to them arose in this way, including the multivolume "Agni Yoga". Many sacred texts of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, etc. have a similar origin. And is it not from there - all from the same information field source - Friedrich Schiller drew his inspired visions, insights and memories of the Golden Age, in the outlines which the outlines of Northern Shambhala appear:

Where are you, light world? Come back, rise again

Day of earthly tender flowering!

Only in the unprecedented realm of song

Your fabulous trace is still alive.

All the flowers have disappeared, flying around

In a terrible whirlwind of northern winds;

Enriching one of all, The world of the Gods had to perish.

Yes, gone, and everything that is inspired

What is wonderful, they took with them, -

All flowers, all the fullness of the Universe, -

Leaving us only an empty sound …

V. N. Demin