Psychics About The End Of The World - Alternative View

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Psychics About The End Of The World - Alternative View
Psychics About The End Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Psychics About The End Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Psychics About The End Of The World - Alternative View
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Due to the current circumstances, predictions and opinions of psychics about the end of the world are becoming more and more relevant. This is due not only to changes in the political and economic world situation, but also to natural disasters that affect more and more countries.

At the moment, all of humanity is going through a stage of constant stress and instability. This is the first time the world has faced an economic blockade of this magnitude and the threat of war. A familiar picture can change in an instant. Ultimately, in order to get at least some support and comfort, a person turns to magicians and psychics for help.

What do psychics say about the end of the world?

Not much time has passed since the day when scientists talked about the end of the world, predicted by the Maya. At the moment, psychics talk about another apocalyptic outcome of the world. Everyone should decide for himself or herself to believe or not to believe the prediction, but today scientists are confirming these prophecies with facts (this will be discussed below).

Here's what psychics say about the end of the world:

- First, the expected beginning of the end is November 15, 2015.

“Secondly, a huge force will hit the northeastern part of the Earth first.

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- Thirdly, the apocalypse will not be provoked by a nuclear war or even by a mutated biological virus. It is worth waiting for trouble from heaven.

- Fourthly, due to the impending destruction, almost the entire population of the globe will disappear. A third of the land will sink under the water, and 1/3 of all freshwater rivers will become poisonous.

- Fifthly, due to earthquakes and tsunamis, all flora and fauna will almost completely disappear. The remaining people will die from hunger and cold.

According to some psychics, it is almost impossible to avoid the impending threat. Whatever the Man undertakes, his terrible future and terrible death awaits him. This is due to his attitude to the world and all living things: "whoever came with a sword, he will perish from it." After all, life on Earth is cyclical, and human time has come to an end.

Looking at the problem from a scientific point of view

Many will say that everything psychics say about the end of the world is nonsense and fiction. But what will critics say if scientists confirm this information?

More recently, it became known that a huge "patch" of dust and gas is approaching the Milky Way galaxy. As soon as it reaches the Earth (the opinions of scientists do not coincide regarding the specific date of the end of the world, for this reason they say that everything will happen either at the end of 2015 or at the beginning of 2016), the end of all life will come. A wave of tsunamis and earthquakes will sweep the world. It all starts with Iceland and Japan.

Dormant volcanoes will wake up and whatever the water does not destroy will be covered with ash and lava. But no matter how psychics say about the end of the world, there is no place to wait for salvation. Which have not be avoided. Do not run away and swim away from trouble. No such mechanism has yet been invented that could save the Earth and the people living on it from all the troubles that are looming.

Psychics about the Antichrist

The coming of the Antichrist has been talked about since ancient times. Some call him the guise of the devil, others the enemy of the Most High. Clairvoyants and psychics close to the other world adhere to their opinion on this matter.

Psychics speak of the Antichrist as the embodiment of evil power in the guise of a person. And in the description of his coming to earth, they describe such horrific events as wars and incurable diseases, high mortality. Looking at what is happening in the modern world, the conclusion suggests itself that the coming of the Antichrist has already been accomplished. A protracted war in Ukraine, a huge number of refugees in Europe, viral attacks of the AIDS and Ebola epidemics, earthquakes - all these events claim the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

Psychics call the behavior of the public and the rejection of religion as the reason for the arrival of the Antichrist. Over the past hundred years, the values of humanity have changed a lot. The cult of the family has faded into the background and everyone is involved in a frantic pursuit of money. Renouncing their faith, belittling religion, people themselves do not understand that by doing so they are destroying the light forces that protect them from evil. Addiction to alcohol and drugs, unpunished murder - all this destroys the energy biofield of the population. Thus, they enable the essences of demons and devils to settle down to them and continue to devour them from the inside. Moreover, having mastered the mind of a person with a damaged biofield, entities begin to manipulate him and his own hands to commit terrible acts against society. The more such people are under the influence of the forces of evil and in the submission of the devil,the nearer is the coming of Antichrist to earth to bring about complete destruction.

Psychics about the arrival of the Antichrist say that his first steps on earth have already taken place. And they refer to this period as the Great Patriotic War. Indeed, in the pursuit of power around the world, money and new territories, many people died who defended their homeland.

Psychics speak of the Antichrist as a powerful and powerful being. And now the exciting question is whether it is possible to stop or prevent the impending horror. On this score, clairvoyants have a common opinion: it is possible to stop the arrival, but for this the inhabitants of the planet must unite in the fight against evil. This means that no military action is acceptable, as well as economic conflicts that carry powerful black destructive energy of thought from one country to the society of another. Exactly until the moment when there is peace on the entire planet, the probability of the destruction of the population by the Antichrist is the highest.

Many clairvoyants predicted the end of the world and associated the arrival of the Antichrist with it. The description of the coming of the Antichrist and the description of the end of the world are very similar to each other. Mass deaths, incurable diseases, pain and suffering around the globe - all of this equally describes both the end of the world and the coming of the Antichrist. Of course, these events are interconnected and to prevent their occurrence, the population should take measures now.