All-Seeing Andrew - Alternative View

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All-Seeing Andrew - Alternative View
All-Seeing Andrew - Alternative View

Video: All-Seeing Andrew - Alternative View

Video: All-Seeing Andrew - Alternative View
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Andrew Jackson is called the father of modern spiritualism. From the world of spirits, he drew strength and abilities, knowledge about the medicine of the future and the events of ancient history. Humanity has yet to appreciate the full significance and depth of these revelations.

The boy, in fear of his drunken father, sobbed bitterly on the cold winter street. It was pointless to complain to a mother who was limply suffering from her alcoholic husband. She couldn't help her son. Through tears, the child asked God to intercede for him, and suddenly the angel spread out white wings in front of him, and a wonderful voice sounded in his ears: "Everything will be fine, baby …"

Over the years, Andrew Davis, one of the founders of spiritualism, a famous healer and medium of the 19th century, told the story of how the sign first appeared to him in different ways. Perhaps then he himself did not remember this for sure, because he was just a child. Or maybe the point is different: for a person who is able to perceive reality through his inner vision, it does not really matter whether he hears angelic voices or sees heavenly messengers in the flesh.


The future great medium was born into an unremarkable American family. His father earned his living by shoemaking and weaving skills, drinking most of the money. The mother took care of the household and spent long hours in prayer. Davis's biographers note a rather indicative fact from his biography associated with the name Andrew. It so happened that the newborn lived for several days nameless: his parents had no time for him. When a friend of his father came to visit them, the topic of the US presidential elections taking place at that time was raised in the conversation.

The guest suggested that the boy be named after the Democratic candidate Andrew Jackson, the illustrious general and governor of Florida. And then, thinking, he said: "However, the name of this big man will not be more significant than the name of your son when he grows up." The simple worker guessed the child's future with surprising accuracy. The seventh president of America, Andrew Jackson, is known and remembered much worse than his spiritualist namesake.

Davis grew like a weed. My father drank, did not stay at any job for a long time, so the family constantly wandered from place to place. The boy was not even taught to read properly - his parents were illiterate themselves, and travel and work prevented him from regularly attending school: from childhood he was sent to an apprentice to a shoemaker and shouldered most of the household chores on the shoulders of his young son. In his autobiography "The Magic Wand" Andrew repeatedly mentions that his childhood was poor, hungry and joyless. However, it was then that spirits first began to appear to him - with instructions, advice and consolations. Their voices sounded like heavenly music, which evoked unknown, beautiful images, filled the soul of a teenager with unprecedented delight. Of course, the boy did not tell anyone about his visions, but they greatly strengthened his spirit.

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At the age of 12, the voice that Davis heard so often gave him clear instructions to move with his parents to the town of Poughkeepsie.

The father, by his nature "tumbleweed", oddly enough, responded to the request of his son. Soon the family moved to a new place of residence, which later brought new abilities and fame to Andrew Davis. There he was visited by the first perfectly clear and definite vision. It happened at the time of the death of the mother. The teenager did not yet know that he was orphaned when he saw a picture amazing in its brightness and clarity: snow suddenly disappeared from a dirty February street, flowers bloomed, birds chirped … Golden light spilled from the blue sky, in the reflections of which a beautiful house appeared in front of Davis, and Andrew heard his mother's gentle voice, announcing that she now lives there and is doing well. The vision disappeared, the boy returned home, found out that his mother was no more, and realized that he saw a new, happy world,where after death his parent moved. As a religious man, Davis felt that the Lord had shown him a piece of Paradise.


The adolescence and youth of Andrew Jackson Davis came at a time when an unprecedented interest in mysticism and hypnosis flared up in America. Whole troupes toured the United States, performing unprecedented magic tricks and putting audiences in a trance. Naturally, the young man, who constantly saw and heard something inaccessible to others, was carried away by this topic. He went to a scientific lecture on hypnosis, but the lack of education prevented him from understanding the essence of the phenomenon presented by the lecturer. Then Davis attended a show of hypnotists touring Poughkeepsie. Imagine the artist's amazement when he could not lead a thin, sickly-looking young man into a trance!

Davis told about the "defeat" of the guest performer to his good friend William Levingston, who worked as a tailor, but was very fond of everything connected with hypnosis. Intrigued, Levingston invited the young man to try again, and the new experience was more than successful. Andrew not only fell into a hypnotic state, but declared himself as a potential healer and diagnostician. Being in a trance, he informed his friend-tailor about the diseases of himself and his wife, and at the same time gave both diagnoses and methods of treatment!

Both decided not to stop there and continued their experiments. During the following trances, Davis demonstrated completely unique things: he read closed books, guessed the names of people he did not know, predicted small events that actually happened soon. He was best at healing sessions. Perhaps this was facilitated by the childhood unfulfilled dream of becoming a doctor, perhaps that was the purpose from above, but Davis made diagnoses amazing in his accuracy and gave detailed instructions on treatment. The most interesting thing is that sometimes these "recipes" were not taken seriously by contemporary doctors, because at that time there were no recommended drugs and treatment regimens - all this had to be discovered and invented much later.


Apparently, regular immersion in trance helped Andrew Jackson Davis to reveal his gift to the fullest. On the night of March 7, 1844, he made what was later called "astral travel." Being in a state of spontaneous half-trance, the medium was transported tens of kilometers from his home - to the Catskill Mountains, where he spent several hours in communication with two great people of the past: the ancient Greek healer and philosopher Galen and the Swedish scientist and spiritualist Emmanuel Swedenborg. According to Davis, Galen gave him a magic wand with which you can heal most diseases, and Swedenborg promised support in all scientific endeavors.

This meeting substantially changed the nature of Davis's visions and revelations. So, for example, he began to better understand the nature of his gift and try to explain it to those around him. When asked how he manages to "see" the disease, he described his method of diagnosis as follows: the human body becomes transparent for his gaze, shrouded in a kind of radiance, and diseased organs "shine" dimly, less intensely, which makes it possible to understand the nature of the disease and make appropriate recommendations.

No less interesting became for those around the spiritualist his astral, or, as he himself, their

called "spiritual travel". The spirit of Davis, introduced into a state of trance, hovered over the earth, noting what was not visible to the ordinary eye: mineral deposits, topography, underground rivers and voids … Inspired by new opportunities, Andrew began to preach his visions first in his hometown, and then went to travel across the country.


The truths that were revealed to Davis in a trance demanded a certain systematic presentation. At the same time, outside the trance, he was so uneducated and tongue-tied that he could not clearly explain his visions. Levingston, unfortunately, did not support the idea of writing a "book of revelations", because by that time he had abandoned tailoring and completely immersed himself in a new business based on Andrew's gift. The young man moved to his patron and, introduced by him into a trance, healed the sick, of course, for a decent reward.

However, the heavenly protection helped Davis this time too. He soon met Pastor William Fishbow and practicing hypnotist Dr. Lyon, who helped him achieve what he wanted. For 15 months, one put him into a trance, and the other took shorthand revelations. The result of this titanic work was the monumental tome Principles of Nature: Divine Revelations and a Message to Humanity. The book made a huge impression on the scientists of that time. His knowledge in the field of medicine, physics, chemistry, philosophy, linguistics baffled serious researchers-materialists. Davis couldn't have known anything like it, but he knew it!

The most significant work of Andrew Jackson was the 6-volume encyclopedia The Great Harmony, which he dictated for about 11 years. The knowledge and revelations contained in it turned out to be so extraordinary that the collection went through more than 40 reprints in the United States alone.


A deeply religious person, Andrew Davis believed in an afterlife and the ability to communicate with the dead. Indeed, in his life there was a vision of a dead mother and a "meeting" with the spirits of Galen and Swedenborg. Carried away by this topic, Davis spent a long time at the bedside of the dying and clearly saw how at the moment of death the soul is separated from the body. He said that the etheric body, torn from the flesh, is always met by other souls who take him to the afterlife.

In March 1848, Davis heard a voice predicting the beginning of a new era: people will see what they could not see before. Andrew understood the meaning of the prophecy a little later - thanks to the Fox sisters, who were able to "see" the spirit of the murdered person. Subsequently, both became famous American mediums. Indeed, a new era has begun. Spiritualism loudly declared itself, and Davis became one of its main adepts. He devoted a lot of time to studying the life of the soul after the death of the body. The book "The Philosophy of Communication with Spirits" was the result of numerous seances.

Davis believed that communication with spirits is useful, as it allows you to open the veil of secrets of the future and understand the mysteries of the past. He repeatedly repeated that the souls of the dead, with whom he had occasion to contact, are mentors, good advisers, warning against evil deeds and helping to bring good to the world. However, Davis's contemporaries did not hear: very soon the seances, like the hypnosis sessions, turned into a farce show. Realizing that people are only interested in "miracles" and do not care at all about the deep philosophy of spiritualism, Andrew Davis moved away from this trend.


In two of his autobiographies, Davis wrote that he lived a very exciting life. Of course, she had both good and bad. On the one hand, Andrew never felt alone; he was surrounded by followers, admiring viewers, friends who helped write books and conduct sessions. The medium married three times, was able to get the education that he dreamed of since childhood, to conduct medical practice. In his declining years, he opened a bookstore and was happy to sell not only literature, but also medicinal herbs, which he himself prescribed to visitors - his gift of a healer remained with him.

The other side of Davis's life is not so rosy. Repeatedly he was betrayed and openly called a fool for the fact that he did not want to exploit data from above the force for commercial purposes. Personal enrichment and material wealth were of little interest to Andrew, all his thoughts were directed upward, to where his priceless gift came from. All his life Davis has tried to comprehend its nature. Researchers who have studied this person as a unique person have come to an unambiguous conclusion: Andrew in a trance and Andrew out of a trance are two completely different people. Thus, put into a hypnotic state, Davis struck a professor at New York University, George W. Bush, who later wrote: “I can confirm with full responsibility that I heard a statement in Hebrew from Davis.

It was a presentation of the geographical concepts of that era, which at his age he could not study in such a short time. He talked about the ancient biblical history and mythology, about the origin and roots of the language, about the development of civilization of various peoples of the globe … Such a depth of knowledge cannot be obtained even after reading the books of all libraries in the world. The information he presented would require spending a lifetime in diligent study. No gifted mind in the world could compare with him in the fullness of knowledge. However, brought out of trance, Andrew did not have enough vocabulary to explain the most simple, obvious things.

Andrew Jackson Davis took the secret of his great gift with him when he left this world on January 13, 1910. However, he left us with numerous proofs that the capabilities of the human mind are in the very early stages of cognition.

Davis prophecies:


“The days are approaching when carriages and travel cabins will appear on rural roads. Without horses, steam or any other visible force, they can move at great speed and in complete safety. Crews equipped with mechanisms that are conveniently placed between the front wheels will move thanks to an unusual and uncomplicated mixture of liquid and atmospheric gases, which are easily condensed and flammable."


“The device will have a piano design: a set of keys emitting elementary sounds, and the lower tier, which is a set of letter keys. So that a person could not only perform musical works, but also write sermons and even poetry."


"A special mechanism will be invented, capable of using opposing air currents for an easy, safe and enjoyable flight, similar to the flight of birds …"


"There are nine planets in the solar system …" {During Davis's lifetime, only eight planets were known.)

"Line of Fate" November 2012