In Connection With The Russian-Turkish Conflict, The Greeks Remembered The Prophecies Of The Elder - Alternative View

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In Connection With The Russian-Turkish Conflict, The Greeks Remembered The Prophecies Of The Elder - Alternative View
In Connection With The Russian-Turkish Conflict, The Greeks Remembered The Prophecies Of The Elder - Alternative View

Video: In Connection With The Russian-Turkish Conflict, The Greeks Remembered The Prophecies Of The Elder - Alternative View

Video: In Connection With The Russian-Turkish Conflict, The Greeks Remembered The Prophecies Of The Elder - Alternative View
Video: The Russo-Turkish War (1877 - 1878): Every Day 2024, October

Elder Paisiy Svyatorets predicted the Russian-Turkish war 25 years ago. According to his prophecy, Russia will win, and Turkey will disappear from the world map forever.

At a time of great upheavals, the prophecies of Nostradamus, Vanga on the topic of the day must emerge (in hindsight). Look, they say, when the event was prescribed! Modern oracles-astrologers are immediately attached to the patriarchs of clairvoyance, pulling out their supposedly vague predictions from their sleeves.


However, after the death of the Su-24 in Syria, the prediction of a monk from Mount Athos about a battle between Turkey and Russia became a sensation. The documentary “Armageddon - a War Coming Soon to Begin” has suddenly become popular on the Internet. Prophecies of Elder Paisiy the Avyatogorets. Filmed by the Greeks a few years ago.

To separate the grain from the chaff, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" met with the writer Yuri Vorobyevsky, the author of books and documentaries about Athos and its elders.


“I ask you not to put Paisiy on the same level as Vanga,” Vorobyevsky told me first. - The Orthodox tradition speaks of certain predictions, prophecies coming from God and from a completely different source. From the underworld. The criterion is, as a rule, the personal sanctity of the predictor.

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There is a known case with Metropolitan Nathanael, whom Vanga herself invited for advice. The Metropolitan had a reliquary cross with a particle of the Holy Cross of the Lord. As soon as the guest entered the house, the blind seer hysterically cried out in a changed voice: “THIS prevents me from speaking! Because of THIS, I can't see anything! I don't want THAT to be in my house! ""

I was scared of the cross. Why would you? Many consider the temple that Vanga built in her native village with her own money as a sign of the saintliness of the clairvoyant. But this chapel was not consecrated by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, as it should be with new churches. This is also an eloquent fact. And you can build anything.

Writer Yuri Vorobyevsky, author of books and documentaries about Athos, its elders


Paisius spent more than forty years in ascetic exploits on Holy Mount Athos. One of the most respected Greek elders, he is also revered in Russia. It is written about the elder: “His right hand refused to serve him from the countless signs of the cross, which he performed while praying with a rosary.

However, in order to give his hand a rest, he did not stop praying. He put the rosary beads in his right hand, and began to make the sign of the cross with his left … The elder was likened to a warrior who fought the enemy in any way, with "the weapon of truth in his right and left hand." In January 2015, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate canonized him. Paisius is included in the month of the Russian Orthodox Church.

This is the fundamental difference between Paisius and Vanga.

In his youth, before Athos, he served as a radio operator in the Greek army for 3.5 years. Monakhov called God "radio operators", and the holy prayer - the anti-air defense of man. It is no coincidence, I think, that many of the prophecies of the Athonite elder are related to military topics and terminology.

And what exactly did Paisiy say about the Russian-Turkish war?

- In the documentary Greek film about the imminent Armageddon, the elder's impressive words are cited that the Turks wear a memorial kutya with them in their belt. In our opinion, they stand with one foot in the grave. It will all start with a clash in the Mediterranean. The Russians will intervene, and something will happen that was foretold by Saint Cosmas of Aetolia in the 18th century … The words from an old song that became the anthem of the Greeks who fought against Turkish rule will come true:

Help, Saint George, Help, Saint Cosmas, Again we take Constantinople

And St. Sophia's temple.

I know George the Victorious. Who is Cosmas?

- A famous Greek monk, Orthodox preacher. The Turks hanged him in 1779 as a Russian agent. Canonized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 1961. The Holy Martyr Cosmas, among other acts, is known for his prophecies. For example, back in the 18th century, he talked about iron birds, sometimes flying peacefully in the sky, then spewing fire - today's aviation, bombers.

Foreshadowed the houses in which several villages will live - modern high-rise buildings. Telephone communication: "The whole world will be girded with one thread, people will talk from one distant place to another, for example, from Constantinople to Russia." How do you like this prophecy? “Thieves and robbers will no longer hunt in the mountains. They will live in cities, dress like ordinary people, and come in broad daylight to rob you."


When Greece was recently struck by the debt crisis, governments changed, the leaders of Europe discussed the Greek problem, and in Athens they recalled the words of Cosmas: "You will be lent a lot of money and demanded back, but cannot take it."

Exactly a prophet! I especially liked the city thieves

- Most of the predictions of Saint Cosmas, the venerable monk of the Athos Monastery Philotheus, have survived to this day. Some of them are known from books, manuscripts and codes of the 18th – 19th centuries. During the Second World War, a teacher from a school in Northern Epirus found a collection of 72 prophecies recorded in the Quran in Albanian. The saint's predictions were so vital that people did not want to part with his words even during the period of severe persecution and “hid” them in the holy book of Muslims.

“What you want will come to you in the third generation, your grandchildren will see it,” said Cosmas in Epirus. The liberation of this Greek province took place during the Balkan War of 1912-1913, when the grandchildren of those to whom the saint addressed were still alive.

“There is still much suffering ahead. Do not forget my words: pray, act and be steadfast. Until this scar on the plane tree closes, your village will be enslaved and unhappy. This was said in the Epirus village of Tsaraplana. Since the time they heard the prophecy, the locals went to the plane tree every day and looked to see if the wound had healed.

More than 130 years have passed, and in 1912 the joyful news spread through the district: “It is finished! The saint's prophecy has come true! And people were not disappointed in their expectations: in a few months they received the long-awaited freedom.

"First, the red caps will come, then the British will replace them for 54 years, and then there will be a Greek state." The prophecy of the liberation of the Ionian Islands was spoken to the saints on the island of Kefalonia. These words were fulfilled with amazing accuracy: after the Venetians, the French began to own the islands (popularly called them "red caps"), they were replaced by the British for 54 years (!), And only then the Ionian Islands received the long-awaited liberation.

This is what came true. And from the prophecies of Cosmas, which should come true in the future - the defeat of the Turks, the liberation of Constantinople (in Russian - Constantinople). The former capital of the Orthodox Byzantine Empire. In 1453 the invaders renamed it Istanbul. Made the capital of the Ottoman Empire.

“The Turks will reach the six-mile zone,” said Cosmas. “One third of them will perish, one third will believe in Christ, and one third will go to Kokchini Miglia (a legendary place somewhere in Mesopotamia)”

Paisiy Svyatorets continued the prophetic tradition of Saint Cosmas. He declared that the City (Constantinople) would be given to the Greeks as a result of the war between Russia and Turkey. The Turks, Paisius said many times, will be destroyed and erased from the map forever. Because this is a country that does not have God's blessing. It will be divided into three or four parts.

This is what the elder said when one day he was hot on the heels asked about the events in the former Yugoslavia: “Today, for the sake of the Turks, Europeans are creating independent states with a Muslim population (Bosnia, Herzegovina).

However, I see that in the future they will delicately divide Turkey itself: Kurds and Armenians will rise, and Europeans will demand recognition of the independence and the right of these peoples to self-determination. Then they will tell Turkey: “We have done you a favor once, now the Kurds and Armenians should get independence in this way”.

He also deciphered the mysterious "six-mile" of Cosmas. “Once, writes the spiritual child Paisiy, I met him somewhat embarrassed and upset. He gave me a treat and started a conversation himself:

- Some came here and began to tell me that a war would start, the Turks would enter Greece and drive us six miles to Corinth (thus they interpreted the prophecy of Cosmas of Aetolia with their corrupted thoughts) … Although I do not like to talk about prophecies, they forced me to explain to them the meaning of the six-nymph, about which Saint Cosmas speaks, and this is nothing but six miles of the sea shelf.

This is the topic over which we have been fighting with Turkey in recent years and over which we will eventually "grapple". However, they will not enter Hellas: they will only advance these six miles, and then a great calamity will come upon them from the north, as the scriptures say, and all their designs will collapse."

From the north - from Russia?

- Yes. The elder believed in our country: "Today the Russians are going through hard times … But you will see, they will cope with the difficulties and will again create a strong state." (M. Rakovalis "Father Paisiy told me …" p.114).

Yuri, did you personally communicate with the elder on Athos?

- Not. I first came to Greece in 1995, a year after his death. And then he knew nothing about the elder. We, pilgrims, were brought to the monk's grave. An amazing feeling arose for Paisius. After visiting the grave, I began to read a lot about him. The following detail came to light: my eldest son was born on the same day as him. Subsequently, he visited Athos many times, met with people who knew Paisius well, and went to him for spiritual advice.

For the majority of Russians, Paisius's prophecies only now, after the death of our bomber, have become a revelation, a sensation. Russia lives with its worries and problems: Crimea, Ukraine, now Syria. For me, too, a series of terrorist attacks, plane crashes, local wars were just a kind of chronicle of tragedies. When the news of the Turkish missile that shot down the Su-24 came, my heart sank: has it really begun? I know very well the prophecies of the Holy Mountain.

I confess, Yuri, a couple of years ago I half-eyed ran them in your Athonite book "The Invisible Elders". Considered unscientific fiction. Could there be a conflict with Turkey, the favorite vacation spot for Russians? Rave! Now I look differently at the words of the elder: “Everything will begin with a collision in the Mediterranean Sea. Russians will intervene …”Syria - Mediterranean. The Assad government is struggling with the last bit of strength against the Islamic State banned in Russia. The Russians intervened. A Turkish fighter jet shot down a Russian bomber. The pilot was killed. The situation has worsened."

- I want to emphasize: Paisiy prophesied on Athos not for a catchphrase, a desire to conquer the public, to gain glory. He was a very humble man, an ascetic. He shared revelations in conversations with disciples, spiritual children. Prophecies are not the personal fantasies of an elder. He was just a "radio operator of God." He had a rare gift to transfer knowledge from heaven to people without adding anything from himself.

These prophecies do not go by word of mouth. They are recorded in his books. The publishing house "Svyataya Gora" translated into Russian 6 volumes of "Lay" by Paisiy. There are memories of his students. One of the most authoritative sources is the Life of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain "by the Athos hieromonk Isaac, who knew the saint well. There is a documentary about Armageddon that is famous in Greece. In Russia, until the last days, he was unnecessary.

When can the Russian-Turkish war start?

- The exact date is unknown. It can only be judged by indirect signs. “Once a group of children, disciples of Athoniada, decided to go to the elder and ask him about whether the Greeks would take Constantinople and whether they, children, would live to this time,” writes Hieromonk Isaac. - They came to the kaliva of Father Paisiy, took a treat, but were afraid to ask a question. One made signs to the other, he to the third. But in the end, no one dared to ask the elder. Then the elder said to them himself: “Well, well done? What do you want to ask? About Constantinople? We will take it, we will take it, and you will live to see it."

“You, as an engineer, will participate in the restoration of Constantinople,” the elder said in 1991 to a student from Xanthi.

So it can happen in our lifetime?

- It turns out so. But the defeat of Turkey by Russia is only a stage in the coming world war.


“When the Russians descend into the Straits (Bosphorus and Dardanelles), then other European states will say: should we go there too? The West will demand that Russia withdraw its troops. Russia will refuse, and then they will begin to gather forces against it. World War will break out and the Russians will have losses. We will watch the massacre, the cities will become slums."

Here is another of his prophecies: “The Middle East will become an arena of battles, and even the Chinese will cross the Euphrates River. With an army of two hundred million, they will reach Jerusalem. Russia will continue the war after the death of Turkey and will stop these troops near Jerusalem."

“The world,” the elder emphasized, “is always governed by the Word of God, neither Americans nor Europeans govern it. They may not dominate for long. God allows them to punish themselves. Events will take place that will shock the nations. It will not yet be the Second Coming, but people will return to faith and will ask to be told about Christ."

Greece is very fond of the tradition of the founding of Constantinople. When laying the city, Emperor Constantine saw an unusual sign: a large snake suddenly crawled out of the hole, but then an eagle fell from the sky, grabbed it with its claws and soared up. The snake began to twine around the bird and, in the end, prevailed.

They fell to the ground, but the people, having killed the snake, freed the eagle. The emperor summoned the wise men to clarify this sign. Their council decreed that the eagle is a symbol of Christianity, and the snake is the opposing evil. And since the snake defeated the eagle, the city will subsequently be captured by the enemies, but since people killed the snake and freed the royal bird, finally the Christians will again take possession of the city and will reign in it.


“The prophecies about the coming battle for Constantinople evoke a double feeling,” said the writer Yuri Vorobyevsky at the end of the conversation. - On the one hand, the triumph of Orthodoxy. On the other hand … "So much blood will be shed in the City that a three-year-old goby can swim in it." This prophecy of Saint Cosmas was supplemented by Elder Paisios: “In Constantinople there will be a fierce battle between Russians and Europeans. A lot of blood will be shed. " * (Χριστόδουλος Αγιορείτης, ιερομοναχος. Σκέυος Εκλογής. Άγιον Όρος, 1996. Σ. 207).

The blood in which a three-year-old bull will swim is our blood. How much of it did the Russians have after centuries of battles with Turkey, the Crimean, two world wars? The great composer Georgy Sviridov in his book "Music as Destiny" very subtly noted that in Soviet literature the word "Russian" began to appear again, it seems, in Simonov's works - precisely during the Great Patriotic War, when blood was required. The situation in the world has always been saved by Russian blood. Spilled unnecessarily. Covered with a layer of black ingratitude … I feel sorry for Russian blood.

Vorobievsky is right. How much Russian blood can be shed for the sake of other people's interests? It is clear that the dream of the former greatness of Byzantium, the return of Constantinople among the Greeks is genetic. But, judging by the prophecies of Paisius, they themselves will not fight. “We will take back Constantinople, but not ourselves. Due to the fact that the majority of our young people have gone down, we are not capable of this. However, God will arrange so that others will take the City and give it to us … Greek troops will guard the borders. They will not participate in the war, for anyone who enters this massacre will perish. Indeed, he who has ears, let him hear!


The elder foresaw the collapse of the USSR

Once Mr. D. K. visited Elder Paisius. At that time, the USSR was a strong and powerful power, and no one could even imagine that it could collapse (this was back in the Brezhnev era). By the way, the elder told him: "You will see that the USSR will soon collapse."

Mr. D. objected: “But such a strong power, eldest (elder - Ed.), Who will be able to destroy? And they dare not touch his marigold.

- You will see!

The elder predicted that Mr. D. himself would become an eyewitness to the collapse of the USSR, despite his advanced age. “You should know that Turkey will also fall apart,” Elder Paisiy continued. - There will be a war that will last two halves. We will be victorious because we are Orthodox.” (From the book of Athanasius Zoitakis “The Life and Prophecies of Cosmas of Aetolia. Moscow, 2007).


The life of the Holy Mountain

Born July 25, 1924 in Turkish Cappadocia in Asia Minor. Before the end of the Asia Minor disaster, when 2 million Turks and Greeks were forcibly displaced from their homes. In September, the Paisius family settled in Greece. Baptized by Saint Arseny of Cappadocia. Who gave the baby his name Arseny and predicted the monastic future.

After school he received the profession of a carpenter, for 3.5 years he served as a radio operator in the army. There was a civil war in Greece then. In 1950 he came to Mount Athos to devote himself forever to serving God. Known for asceticism, spiritual guidance, miracles, prophecies. One of the most respected Greek elders.

He died on July 12, 1994. He was buried in the St. John the Theological Monastery, which he founded, not far from Thessaloniki. The elder's grave has become a shrine to the Orthodox world. On January 13, 2015, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate unanimously decided to canon Paisius.