The Structure And Structure Of Our Universe: Modern Hypotheses Of Scientists - Alternative View

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The Structure And Structure Of Our Universe: Modern Hypotheses Of Scientists - Alternative View
The Structure And Structure Of Our Universe: Modern Hypotheses Of Scientists - Alternative View

Video: The Structure And Structure Of Our Universe: Modern Hypotheses Of Scientists - Alternative View

Video: The Structure And Structure Of Our Universe: Modern Hypotheses Of Scientists - Alternative View
Video: The search for dark matter -- and what we've found so far | Risa Wechsler 2024, July

Today, official science is forced to adhere to the "Big Bang Theory", which at least in general terms allows you to represent the processes of the appearance of particles, atoms, planets and galaxies. However, the "Big Bang Theory" does not answer the main question: what is the structure and structure of our Universe? Because the thesis about the allegedly constantly expanding Universe contradicts, for example, the results of observations of outer space. That is, it expands on paper, but not in space.

During its existence, mankind has penetrated deeply enough into the secrets of the structure of the world. Scientists have discovered tiny photons and neutrinos, protons, neutrons and electrons. We already understand that protons, neutrons and electrons make up atoms, and they are molecules that form all physical bodies in the Universe, including stars and planets. Stars and planets form the planetary systems that make up galaxies. Galaxies gather in clusters and form superclusters of galaxies. But how does all this happen?

At the same time, in 2013, the hypothesis of a toroidal universe was further developed. It was based on the application of the laws of the structure of the world, on the understanding of the decisive role of the ether, ether flows and ether vortices in the construction of the Universe.

The information obtained over the past decades has refuted many theories and hypotheses of the origin and structure of the Universe. However, it fully confirmed the assumption of the Russian scientist Timur Temirbulatov about the structure and functioning of the Universe. He assumes that the structure of the Universe consists of a core, a universal tunnel with a black hole, two funnels: frontal and rear, as well as galaxies, stars, planets, asteroids, cosmic dust, gas rotating in streams of ether.

The structure and functioning of the universe

The process of formation of particles, atoms, stars and galaxies, according to the scientist, is also quite simple. It is based on the sequential formation of ether vortices of various sizes and on the process of making chains.

For example, small ethereal vortices form supposed, but not yet discovered fundamental tiny particles - ethereal vortex clots, which combine into chains. These chains represent energy fractions. Chains of energy fractions form photons. From chains of photons, neutrinos and antineutrinos are composed. From neutrino chains - positrons, and from antineutrino chains - electrons. Chains of positrons and electrons form protons and neutrons, and they, in turn, are the nuclei of atoms of chemical elements. Atoms also combine into chains and form molecules. Molecules and atoms combine to form stars. When stars collide, they break into pieces, from which planets can form. Stars and planets form planetary systems that make up galaxies. Galaxies gather in clusters of galaxiesand they are in superclusters. All this, together with the core, the universal tunnel and its funnels, constitutes the Universe. And all this happens in the etheric environment and consists of ether.

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Thus, a completely logical and simple mechanism for the formation of not only particles, stars, planets, galaxies, but also the Universe itself comes off for us.

In the Universe, in the rotating aetheric streams, first fundamental particles are sequentially formed, and then in the process of decreasing the speed of rotation of the streams, elementary particles and their chains, atoms, molecules, stars and planets are formed.

Powerful combined etheric streams form galaxies. First irregular, then elliptical, lenticular, and finally, when approaching the middle belt of the Universe - spiral.

Spiral galaxies, the force of gravity and aetheric vortices form the core of a galaxy with a supermassive black hole, which is activated when it leaves the middle belt of the Universe. The supermassive black hole of the galaxy captures ethereal jets with planets and stars and converts them into atoms and elementary particles, which are ejected from the funnel of the supermassive black hole as a glowing stream. Spiral galaxies are gradually transforming into quasars - the brightest inhabitants of the Universe. The supermassive black hole of the galaxy becomes like a rocket engine that propels a quasar to tremendous speeds.

It is known that all quasars move exclusively from us, that is, they always move away. Moreover, the speed of quasars at a closer distance from the earth is less than that of quasars that are at a farther distance.

Scientists astronomers have discovered a quasar at a distance of about 13 billion light years from the earth. According to their estimates, the speed of movement of the most distant quasars approaches the speed of light and is about 250 thousand kilometers per second.

Quasars that are closer to the ground travel at much lower speeds.

Spiral galaxies and their clusters, having overcome the middle belt of the Universe, rush to the frontal funnel of its black hole. In this case, based on the geometrical features of the torus universe, these galaxies should not move away from each other, but quite the opposite - should approach.

It is quite easy to explain the convergence of galaxies and their mass unidirectional motion in the Universe, which was called "dark stream", if we take the toroidal structure of the Universe as a basis. Therefore, the dark stream, in fact, is an organized movement of galaxies moving from one black hole funnel to another black hole funnel of the universe.

But is it possible to explain such an unusual phenomenon as the "axis of evil"?

In accordance with the developed hypothesis, this mysterious "axis of evil" is a universal tunnel and the core of the Universe, which consist of colossal masses of dense ether. It is they who give a signal about the powerful gravitational effect that astronomers have noticed.

It also becomes explainable that a group of scientists from the University of Michigan studied 15872 spiral galaxies, which suggests that our universe not only has its own axis, but also revolves around it.

In addition, the hypothesis explains the nature of the supergalaxy cluster. The fact is that when approaching the frontal funnel of the black hole of the Universe, quasars that are part of superclusters complete the process of converting the stars and planets of the galaxy into particles and atoms. These particles and atoms are almost in a single portion in a single aetheric stream directed into the black hole of the Universe, and then into the universal core. At the core of the universe, they break down and release the ether of which they are made. The reproduced pure ether increases the pressure in the core of the Universe to critical values, and colossal portions of the ether are ejected from the core through the back funnel of the black hole of the Universe.

Subsequently, particles, atoms, stars, planets, galaxies and their superclusters are formed in these etheric streams. In this case, the amount of ether entering the core of the Universe in the form of atoms and particles will be equal to the amount of ether that escapes from the core of the Universe and from which a new supercluster of galaxies will be formed.

This point of view finds its confirmation in the study of superclusters of galaxies such as "Sloan's Great Wall", "Hercules Great Wall - Northern Crown", etc. All of them have a flat rounded structure with huge radii and represent a kind of colossal portions of stars and planets.

The hypothesis of the toroidal model of the Universe is based on the recognition of the ether and fully meets the requirements of the laws of the structure of the world. The Universe is a closed system, and, therefore, it can exist for a long time with practically no loss of matter and energy, regardless of external factors.

Basically, the supposed structure of the universe has matter that converts to energy and energy to matter. Therefore, the Universe functions reliably and cyclically - from pure ether to the material world, and from it - to pure ether and then again to material particles, stars and planets. And this process has been going on regularly for billions of billions of years.

Among the huge number of planets in the Universe, there are those on which life originates. We have had the great happiness of being among these chosen planets. The truth is, how did life come to be on Earth? There is still no single view. Scientists still do not know how the first living organism ended up in the ancient ocean of our planet. Perhaps he was brought there by a meteorite or he came to Earth with a cosmic wind. Moreover, it is very likely that life in other parts of the Universe arose much earlier than on Earth. However, the more science investigates this issue, the more hypotheses arise that this mechanism is impossible without a single governing center.

Our planet in the Universe is trapped by many dangers that threaten the life of civilization. These are merciless black holes, treacherous asteroids and cosmic rays, deadly viruses, but maybe there is a way to avoid these dangers? Could anyone know how to preserve such a fragile and rare phenomenon as intelligent biological life?

We have only two ways: either we can continue to destroy what does not belong to us and is not created by us, we can continue to kill our own kind, kill animals, plants, the planet, and then our story will end quickly enough. Or we can forget all strife and grievances, all claims and claims, uniting the whole world in front of a global planetary threat capable of destroying humanity and winning. And this is the only correct way.

Indeed, to create a reliable defense against giant asteroids with deadly viruses, space stations are needed that can effectively resist the moving asteroid threat. This will take years and even decades. And if humanity does not agree on immediate joint actions, then it will be too late to do anything. Therefore, we ourselves must make our choice and the sooner, the more likely we will live happily ever after on our beloved prosperous planet.
