A Huge Moonfish On The California Coast Foreshadows An Earthquake In The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View

A Huge Moonfish On The California Coast Foreshadows An Earthquake In The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View
A Huge Moonfish On The California Coast Foreshadows An Earthquake In The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View

Video: A Huge Moonfish On The California Coast Foreshadows An Earthquake In The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View

Video: A Huge Moonfish On The California Coast Foreshadows An Earthquake In The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View
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On February 19, 2019, a very rare fish with the Latin name Mola mola was discovered on one of the beaches in California, it is also a moon fish, a sun fish.

This type of sunfish was discovered only in 2017 and received the Latin name Mola tecta and the English “hoodwinker sunfish”. Previously, it was believed that these fish live only in the Southern Hemisphere and the appearance of their representative in California surprised everyone.

The find caused a great sensation among both local newspapers and local residents, who had never seen anything like it. Biologists also go on pilgrimages to fish, taking tissue samples and constructing clever theories about what happened. Although there really is no need to build theories there, since everything is clear anyway.

Moonfish is the largest living bony fish, its length can reach 4 meters, and its weight is several tons. Biologists have known it for a long time, since most of the time the fish spends practically on the surface of the ocean, at depths of up to a meter. On this basis, it has always been believed by everyone that the moonfish feeds on plankton.

However, with the development of electronics, the advent of compact recording and transmitting devices, scientists from the University of Tokyo caught such a fish and hung them with sensors. And as it soon became clear - the moonfish is actually a diving fish.

It is observed on the surface of the ocean only because the moonfish simply warms up there, trying to stay in layers with a water temperature of about 20 ° C. After the fish warms up, it dives for food, sinking to a depth of a kilometer and cooling down to 10-12 ° C.

Thus, the food source of the moon-fish is the deep-sea inhabitants of the sea, and the life cycle of the animal itself is highly dependent on the temperature of the ocean. Hence, if an emergency happened in California and the fish was washed ashore, one can think that something may be happening in the Pacific Ocean - either with the temperature of the water, or with the deep-sea fauna, which feeds on the individual ashore.

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And although the appearance of a moon-fish on a California beach is an unprecedented situation, nevertheless, based on this fact alone, it cannot be said that a hole appeared in the lithosphere at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, from where a red-hot mantle began to whip. However, we remind you that in the same California a similar situation is observed with dolphins, which began to be thrown ashore in whole flocks.

Thus, in sum, these facts already indicate that something is happening in the Pacific Ocean and, most likely, a serious seismic event should be expected there.