The Customs And Culture Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View

The Customs And Culture Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View
The Customs And Culture Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View

Video: The Customs And Culture Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View

Video: The Customs And Culture Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View
Video: How the Scythians and Sarmatians influenced the genetic landscape of the Eurasian steppe 2024, September

Scientists still argue about the origin of the Scythians. There are many different points of view, but, in general, historians adhere to one of the two most proven and common hypotheses.

The first hypothesis belongs to Boris Nikolaevich Grakov. He believed that the Scythians descended from the Timber tribes of the Bronze Age who inhabited the Northern Black Sea region. From the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, these tribes mixed with the Scythians. The culture of the Timber tribes formed the basis of the culture of the Scythians. Despite this, the presence of the animal style in the Scythian culture, as well as some weapons, according to B. N. Grakov, were brought in from outside. A specialist in the Scythians and Khazars, M. I. Artamonov, supports B. N. Grakov. He, like Boris Nikolayevich, believed that the Timber tribes were the ancestors of the Scythians, but he attributed the origin of the original Scythian culture to the influence of Asia Minor.

The author of the second hypothesis, A. I. Terenozhkin, believes that the population of the Northern Black Sea region has no ethnic and cultural connection. In his opinion, the Scythians did not appear on the territory of present-day Moldova, but came here from the depths of Asia.

The generally recognized history of the Scythians and their state dates back to the VIII century BC. After about 100 years, the Scythians ousted the Cimmerians who had reigned here before from the Northern Black Sea region. After that, the Scythians went to Asia Minor, Media, Palestine and Syria. In Asia Minor they created their own state, but in the VI century BC they were ousted from this territory. It is known for certain that the Scythians also visited the North Caucasus.

Relations with large cities of the Northern Black Sea region, active trade, policy of the Scythians (including the slave trade was widespread), contributed to the class division of Scythian society. Over time, a monarchy appeared in the Scythian state, in which power was inherited. The king's authority was undeniable and was certainly given by God. However, it was still limited - the union council and the people's assembly did not allow making the monarchy absolute. The military aristocracy stood out, as well as the "class" of priests. During the war with the Persians, led by King Darius, the Scythian state was ruled by three kings at once.

At the end of the 5th - beginning of the 4th centuries BC, the military positions of the Scythians rushed to the southwest. The outbreak of hostilities in Thrace led to a war with the king of Macedonia - Philip. In this war, the king of the Scythians, Atey, died. Eight years later, the governor of Alexander the Great attacked the western part of the Scythian state, but received a worthy rebuff - the entire enemy army was destroyed.

The Kamenskoye settlement, whose area is almost 1200 hectares, was the center of the Scythian kingdom. The social changes that took place among the Scythians greatly affected not only their history, but also their culture. In the Dnieper region, huge mounds began to appear, in which local aristocrats were buried. The funeral of one person was not enough, and, together with the deceased, the Scythians buried his wife, concubines, servants, horses, believing that in that afterlife, they would certainly be useful to a noble person. Weapons were often placed in the mound of soldiers. In general, the mounds of aristocrats are a kind of treasure, because often one can find dishes made of precious metals, Greek painted ceramics, fine and elegant jewelry in them.

In the 3rd century BC, the area of land belonging to the Scythians began to decrease. The reason for this is the Sarmatian people who came because of the Don. The surviving Scythians crossed the Danube and settled there, but part of the Crimea and the lower part of the Dnieper valley remained territories subject to this proud people.

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Almost two hundred years later, the Kermenchik fortress was built on the site of present-day Simferopol. Scientists have also discovered a city built two hundred years earlier than Kermenchik - Ak-kai. According to the head of the archaeological expedition, Yu. Zaitsev, Ak-Kai had the status of a capital.

In the 1st century BC, the Scythian kingdom was at the zenith of its glory and majesty, but soon after an unsuccessful war it lost its unity.

The Scythian kingdom retained its greatness until the second half of the 3rd century, but the people "dissolved" several centuries later. When the Great Migration of Peoples began, the Scythians lost their ethnic community and mixed with other tribes. The name "Scythians", by the way, did not disappear - now it was the name of various peoples living in the "Scythian" territory, including the Slavs.

Ancient written sources tell about a huge number of cruel and not very customs of the Scythians. For example, a Scythian had to drink the blood of his first slain enemy. From the skulls of enemies, who caused special inconvenience to the Scythians during their lifetime, they usually made bowls for wine.

Fortune-telling was also very popular. Fortune-telling could be done on bundles with rods or with linden bast.

According to Scythian beliefs, the cause of all the king's illnesses was the false oath of his subjects. Therefore, when the king was ill, the Scythians turned to the most respected foretellers with a request to find the culprit. It would seem that this way you can choose any person and betray him as the culprit. However, in the event that the person to whom the fortune-tellers pointed out was not guilty, death awaited them themselves.

The Scythians confirmed friendship with a special and, in general, understandable, ritual: the future comrades poured wine into the bowl, adding their blood, and then, having uttered the oaths necessary for such an event, they drank it. A real Scythian could not have many friends, a maximum of three, otherwise his status was put on a par with that of a dissolute woman.

Another interesting custom is associated with revenge on enemies. If for some reason the Scythian could not deal with his enemies on his own, he should have asked for help. To do this, it was necessary to kill the bull, boil its meat and sit on the skin spread on the ground. Any person could take a piece of meat, but at the same time he had to vow to bring with him the number of people he considers necessary, having first stepped on the skin. This is how the warriors gathered, ready to take revenge on the offender of their fellow tribesman.
