Among the huge number of exoplanets known to modern science, there are probably those on the surface of which complex organic life exists, say scientists who are tirelessly searching for intelligence in the Universe. Some outer planets have a particularly high likelihood of highly evolved life, such as Kepler-452 b.
Planetologists suggest that there must be at least some animals on the surface located in the so-called habitat zone of Kepler-452 b.
“Think of 'Planet of the Apes' - this fictional at first glance plot may not be very fantastic, because we seem to have discovered the real planet of the apes - exoplanet Kepler-452 b. On its surface, creatures similar to monkeys can live. So far, they are quite underdeveloped, that is, there can be no question of any contact at a distance, but in the future they can reach our level of development and go into space,”space researchers quoted the ToDay News Ufa information resource.
The planet Kepler-452 b, as noted by astronomers, is located at a distance of one thousand four hundred light years from us - it is located in a system with a star very similar to our Sun.
Kolesnikov Andrey