Moscow Will Be Covered With Climatic Domes And Get Rid Of Traffic Jams - Alternative View

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Moscow Will Be Covered With Climatic Domes And Get Rid Of Traffic Jams - Alternative View
Moscow Will Be Covered With Climatic Domes And Get Rid Of Traffic Jams - Alternative View

Video: Moscow Will Be Covered With Climatic Domes And Get Rid Of Traffic Jams - Alternative View

Video: Moscow Will Be Covered With Climatic Domes And Get Rid Of Traffic Jams - Alternative View
Video: 5 km long traffic jam in Moscow 2024, September

Kaspersky Lab experts predicted what the capital will look like in 30 years

Soon Moscow will celebrate its 870th birthday. A city with such an impressive history should have a corresponding future, Kaspersky Lab experts decided. And together with futurists they tried to create a multimedia portrait of Moscow in 2050. A three-dimensional panorama of the capital is posted on the site of the "Earth-2050" project. Prominent analysts such as British futurist Ian Pearson, CEO of Futurizon, are involved in his work, known for his 85 percent probability of coming true in a 10-year perspective. Russian craftsmen are represented by Pyotr Levich, head of the department of interaction between science, technology and society at the Moscow Institute of Technology. Let's try to figure out what kind of social, cultural and technological phenomena will change the face of the capital in the coming decades.

1. Microclimatic domes

Problem: Global warming is projected to have a dramatic impact on climate. The average Moscow summer temperature will rise by only 1 degree. It would seem a trifle. But don't be fooled by the average temperature in the hospital. Global warming will manifest itself primarily with an increase in the number of hot days per year. Now, over the summer in the capital, on average, 6-8 days are typed, when the thermometer exceeds + 30 ° C Celsius. By 2050, there will be 3 times more such days. The heat will be the norm, which Muscovites experienced in 2010, when over the summer 44 days with air temperatures above 30 degrees were issued.

Solution: To create ideal weather conditions, microclimatic domes will be installed in Moscow. Inside, the weather will be adjusted automatically. The prototypes of such structures will be the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest greenhouses, which are already operating in Singapore. Their height reaches 42 meters, and their area is more than a hectare. Inside greenhouses, the weather conditions of Australia, South America, South Africa or the Mediterranean can be simulated. At first, such systems will be installed over high-end residential areas, but then they will become generally available technology. Some analogs already exist with us. For example, the all-weather ski complex "Snezhkom" (Krasnogorsk), where you can go skiing even in summer.

When: 2030

Promotional video:

2. Multilevel roads and self-driving cars

Problem: Traffic jams are a scourge of large cities. High prices for parking or a ban on entry into the city center (such a measure is in effect in a number of capitals) does not dramatically improve the situation.

Solution: Following Tokyo and Shanghai, the construction of multi-storey roads will begin in Moscow. Free roads will pass on the lower level, and you will have to pay for a ride on the sunny "second floor". Navigators will determine the optimal route taking into account not only the traffic density and the shortest distance, but also the fare. The fare will be read automatically in a contactless way. The transition to fully autonomous self-driving cars will help solve the problem of traffic jams. They are not subject to the human factor, therefore they do not get into an accident and do not slow down the movement, for example, rebuilding from row to row. They do not need parking in the center (after dropping off passengers, drones can independently park somewhere in a residential area). Roads, sidewalks and green areas will be expanded by eliminating ground parking.

When: 2040

This is how futurists see Moscow in 2050. Photo:
This is how futurists see Moscow in 2050. Photo:

This is how futurists see Moscow in 2050. Photo:

3. Skyscrapers and vertical farms

Problem: An intensive influx of population to large cities continues. And Moscow is not rubber, there is not enough space for everyone! And I really want to eat.

Solution: We are introducing a new building principle: a horizontal-vertical one is replacing the horizontal one - Moscow is growing upward. Skyscrapers are built using green spaces. These are intermediate floors with lush vegetation, mini-parks, greenhouse roofs and suspended squares. Vertical farms appear in the development - in fact, these are multi-storey greenhouses. They not only make the city green, but also produce food.

When: 2040

4. Hovering hotels and air taxis

Problem: There is a tourism boom in the world. For many people, travel is the meaning of life. How will the guests come to Moscow, where will they be accommodated? And how to get around inside the capital?

Decision:In a few decades, travelers will be delivered to the capital by "floating hotels". They are a kind of cruise aircraft. According to the project of the London design firm Seymourpowell, the new vehicle is a vertical airship (height 265 meters), filled with hydrogen. The hotel is powered by solar panels and hydrogen fuel cells. It can take on board about 100 people, climb to an altitude of 3600 meters and develop a cruising speed of 145 kilometers. The airship-hotel will cover the distance from Moscow to Paris in 20 hours. By the way, the floor of the lower floor of the hotel is glass, so that you can admire the scenery during the flight. Such travelers will no longer need hotels on earth - after excursions they will again rise to their heavens (at the same time, the city infrastructure will be unloaded). When the tour is over, they will fly home in the same airship. And it is more convenient to move around the city by quadrocopters-taxis. These are completely autonomous systems: the passenger only needs to name the destination. During the flight, people will be in safe capsules with rescue parachutes.

When: 2050

