An Inexplicable Artifact From Primorye - Alternative View

An Inexplicable Artifact From Primorye - Alternative View
An Inexplicable Artifact From Primorye - Alternative View

Video: An Inexplicable Artifact From Primorye - Alternative View

Video: An Inexplicable Artifact From Primorye - Alternative View
Video: Historical Artifacts That Still Baffle Experts 2024, September

An artifact impossible from the point of view of modern technologies was accidentally found in the Partizansky district of Primorye. Everything happened quite by accident, when laying the road for the timber trucks, the bulldozer cut off the top of a small hill and the geophysicist Valery Pavlovich Yurkovets who controls the laying noticed the remains of some kind of structure with surprise. Unfortunately, due to the impact of the bulldozer on the ground, it was not possible to restore the integrity of the structure, but the geophysicist picked up many details of the former structure of various shapes.

But the most striking thing happened after the mineralogical analysis of the selected parts. The geophysicist was deeply surprised by the composition from which they were made. As it turned out, all the parts were made of natural moissanite crystals and cemented with a fine-grained moissanite mass.

As Wikipedia tells us, natural moissanite is found in negligible quantities, it is very rare on Earth, but widespread in outer space, it is a very refractory and chemically resistant material, second only to diamond in hardness, but superior in refractive index of light.


So who was able to create a whole structure from such a rare mineral practically absent on Earth, because even the most modern technologies allow creating only a synthetic analogue-carborundum in very small quantities for the jewelry industry? Natural moissanite, due to its unique qualities and great rarity, is used in ultra-modern industries such as the nuclear and aerospace industries. According to the geophysicist, the structure was in soil layers dating back to the early Quaternary period, which is about 2 million years ago.

This find is proof that civilization on Earth was much earlier than modern historians assume, and many artifacts of artificial origin dating back thousands and even millions of years are proof of this.