Scientists Have Understood How The "enzyme Of Immortality" Works - Alternative View

Scientists Have Understood How The "enzyme Of Immortality" Works - Alternative View
Scientists Have Understood How The "enzyme Of Immortality" Works - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Understood How The "enzyme Of Immortality" Works - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Understood How The
Video: Лекция Аристидиса Тсатсакиса в РХТУ 2024, June

More than one novel has been written about the search for immortality or at least the extension of life, more than one film has been shot and a lot of scientific works have been carried out. But the fact is that the so-called enzyme of immortality was found a long time ago, but it was relatively recently that it was possible to unravel its secret and get closer to the eternal life desired by many.

It's about an enzyme called telomerase. It, in short, during cell division is responsible for the length of telomeres - the end sections of the DNA molecule. With each subsequent division, these areas decrease and, reaching a critically small length, cause cell death.

According to Science Daily, a group of scientists from the University of Arizona (USA) managed to find an important stage in the catalytic cycle of the above-mentioned enzyme. The solution to this mechanism opens up wide possibilities in anti-aging therapy. A group of scientists led by Professor Julian Chen based their research on the work of Leonard Hayflick. More than half a century ago, he established that human cells have a limited ability to replicate, after which they die. This period has been called the "Hayflick limit", and it is directly related to the number of divisions and repeats of DNA replication.

“Telomerase has a built-in 'inhibitory system' to ensure accurate synthesis of the correct telomeric DNA repeats. But this mechanism also limits the overall activity of the telomerase enzyme. If we find the opportunity to correctly influence the activity of this system, it is possible to restore the lost length of cell telomeres and even completely stop the aging process”.

Moreover, the new research may be useful not only for people who want to live longer, but also save them from a number of diseases. For example, conditions such as adhesive dyskeratosis, aplastic anemia, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis are associated with genetic mutations that alter telomerase activity and accelerate telomere contraction. This not only causes damage to cells and their death, but also negatively affects the work of entire human organs and systems. So in this case, "telomerase therapy" can become a new word in the treatment of life-threatening conditions.

Vladimir Kuznetsov
