On The Wrist - A Thread For Luck - Alternative View

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On The Wrist - A Thread For Luck - Alternative View
On The Wrist - A Thread For Luck - Alternative View

Today, you can often meet adults with a red thread tied on their wrist (even celebrities come with it to social events). What is it: a simple tribute to fashion, or is the thread "bracelet" endowed with magical power?

It is believed that the red planet Mars has protective functions. The first to put a red woolen thread on their left hand were the followers of Kabbalah, who believed that it would protect them from evil spirits, human envy, and other dangers …


How did the belief about the thread appear

The use of a red thread as an amulet is associated with the legend of the demoness Lilith, who was the first wife of Adam. When, turning into a demon, Lilith flew over the waves of the Red Sea, three angels caught up with her and demanded not to kill babies with the names of angels and her own. And since one of the names of Lilith - Odem - means "redness", a belief arose that the red thread would save a person from the wiles of the devil.

It is customary to wear a protective amulet on the left hand, since it is from this side that negative energy penetrates into a person. This thread is called Moli.


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The red thread is certainly bought

Many tourists today return from Israel with a magic thread on their wrist. There, such charms can be bought at the famous Western Wall. And if you are not going to visit this country in the near future, you can ask someone from your acquaintances to bring you such a thread.

However, it is not at all necessary to purchase an Israeli amulet. Red thread can be bought anywhere, but you can buy it. Received as a gift or woven on your own, it will not give the desired effect. You should also not tie the thread yourself; this should be done by a loved one, best of all by one who unconditionally loves you (ideally, a mother).


The magic of the red thread

It is generally accepted that thread “bracelets” protect us from the evil eye, damage and other negative influences. For the same purpose, they have long been put on the hands of children. In the old days, the umbilical cord was tied to babies with a red thread in order to protect them from diseases, damage and evil spirits. In some peoples, there is a belief that the red thread prevents skin diseases in a child, including erysipelas.

It is recommended to wear it on the arm or leg for sprains, bleeding, joint diseases. According to some, red thread improves blood flow. It is curious that once with its help they even got rid of warts: it was necessary to tie as many knots on a thread as a person has warts.


Celebrities with a red thread on their hand

It is very strange to see the stars of show business, women and men, appear in the world with such an extravagant "decoration". The first of the Western stars to acquire one was Madonna. Britney Spears, Demi Moore, Lindsay Lohan, Ashton Kutcher, Paris Hilton and a number of others soon followed her example. Among the Russian stars with a red thread, Masha Malinovskaya, Vera Brezhneva, Olga Buzova, Ksenia Sobchak and Philip Kirkorov were seen.

The reason for this is quite understandable: many envy celebrities, they have a lot of ill-wishers. So popular people are insured against possible troubles. By the way, sometimes a magic bracelet is recommended to be worn for nine days and then burned.

Sometimes the thread breaks …

Is it worth worrying if your thread is broken, stretched, or lost? On the contrary, you need to rejoice, because this means that, reflecting an energy attack, your amulet received a negative message on itself. If he has fulfilled his mission, but you are afraid of new "attacks", you can tie the thread again.

A thread that makes wishes come true

You can also wear a blue or green thread on the wrist, which, according to some, grants wishes. They need to be made at the time of tying knots on a thread. As many desires as you have, there should be as many knots. If any wish comes true, one knot should be untied. When all the wishes come true, the thread is removed from the wrist. You can also try wearing golden thread for wealth and abundance in the house …