The Book Of Unlived Lives - Alternative View

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The Book Of Unlived Lives - Alternative View
The Book Of Unlived Lives - Alternative View

Video: The Book Of Unlived Lives - Alternative View

Video: The Book Of Unlived Lives - Alternative View
Video: Life is right now | Unlived Lives 002 2024, July

The Sumerians, Scandinavian Druids, Indian mediums and Mayan priests knew about it. All peoples of the world have a legend about her.

Throne room of the future

In the 1990s, the Evdokia Marchenko school operated in Yekaterinburg, which at that time was engaged in the study of the biofield, human aura, its energy channels and unusual possibilities, and offered healing practices. The halls were overcrowded.

One evening, wanting to chat after the conference in a narrower circle, we went to the apartment of Marchenko's friends. At that time, I was just beginning to learn the world of magicians, which was not indifferent to many who were present in the room.

And suddenly Evdokia turned to me: "Nadia, tell me what awaits me in the future?" I got lost. I would refuse, but the picture in front of my eyes suddenly appeared by itself.

… Some important ceremony is taking place in the ceremonial hall, decorated with graceful white columns. Festively dressed guests fill it more and more. Someone is being honored, loud congratulations and applause are heard. Among those invited is the smartly dressed Evdokia Dmitrievna Marchenko …

“I see a throne room with white columns,” I mumbled timidly. - A high chair in which a woman sits regally. The head is adorned with a golden crown. Long silk cape falls gently from the shoulders. Snow-white hands are clasped on the knees. So this is … It's you!

Promotional video:

- Nadya, you can be wrong, - Evdokia Dmitrievna interrupted me and, as if nothing special had happened, she got up and went to the kitchen for tea.

I was left in a daze: isn't it amazing that we just looked into the future?

… So does this book really exist?

Five Initiates

I have never been to India. But then, quite unexpectedly, visions began to visit me. And so I found myself in the Temple of Knowledge, in an oriental-type hall with huge shelves full of books and many unusual objects. On the spines of large volumes there are gilded letters and ligature. Oh, how heavy they are …

In the Temple of Knowledge, absolutely everything is known, the fate of every person and every day lived is spelled out. The numerous spacious rooms of this immense library are distinguished by exquisite architecture, seemingly transparent, almost ghostly and yet real.

Amazingly, the books on the shelves seemed to understand that it was me who entered the room.

And I realized that in the past I had already been to India, visited the Temple and underwent training there on an equal basis with other young people from all over the world.

The temple of knowledge is located between two worlds - earthly and heavenly - and consists of vibrations. To get into it, you need to catch a certain frequency, otherwise there is no access there.

This visit did not pass without a trace for me: I began to understand the speech of birds, and sometimes hear the thoughts of people. Information began to flow to me in the form of visual images arranged chronologically. I seemed to enter into resonance with the Temple, with its chronicles - any of them appeared in my head as a thought or as a text, as an image or as a voice - in different ways.

And to this day, I often intuitively, like revelations, receive signs from the past, from the future. Such a revelation was the vision of Evdokia Marchenko on the throne - it came from the fateful chronicles of Akasha (another name for the level of consciousness in question, also called "the mind of God" and "the universal computer." The term "akasha" is borrowed from Hinduism, meaning " nature.”- Ed.).

Ancient texts state: The Book of Fates is written on palm leaves, and only a select few can read it. It is divided into three parts. One is kept in India, in the city of Jaipur (Pink City), three hundred kilometers from New Delhi. For almost five thousand years, palm leaves have been preserved by the followers of the nadi teachings - a special type of astrology that has nothing to do with divination by the stars. It is believed that today on Earth there are only five people admitted to the fifth Veda (as the monks call the book itself).

One of them is Guruji Ravichandran, a nadi astrologer. He turns the pages of history and can literally read the fate of people.

“The teaching of nadi is passed down from father to son,” he says. - How these sheets came to earth is unknown. The sheets are part of the Great Secret. Nothing is written on them, but as soon as a person puts his hand to them for the first time, letters appear on the sheet. There are prophecies that even the monks themselves cannot translate.

We have only a part of palm leaves in our hands, so we cannot know all the destinies of the world. Often times the book doesn't show anything at all. This means that the answer to the question is contained in some other part of it … I'm sure we are dealing with something completely incredible."

And no spies

- All visions are based on mystical knowledge. It is built on intuition. There are many revelations, some of them are clear to us, some are not, - says the historian Alexander Muravyov. - But they all contain access to the conclusion, to mystical knowledge. Any scientist who has been engaged in a specific research for a long time accumulates experience, and then intuition turns on, on the basis of which he makes a discovery. And this is impossible not to trust.

“I believe that mystical knowledge exists,” Doctor of Historical Sciences Professor Alexei Maslov enters into the conversation. - Knowledge as something otherworldly, knowledge as revelation. But if this secret knowledge is really recorded in a certain chronicle, then what is it intended for? Here's what's interesting. Can you change your destiny? And how do you access the mysterious records?

Mikhail Vinogradov, a forensic psychiatrist and head of the Center for Psychological Support in Moscow, also shared his observations. The fact is that a special department worked in the Ministry of Defense that was studying the possibility of accessing the information field. Even the military has used this technique over the years. If scientists managed to penetrate the secret of extrasensory perception, then the military could have at their disposal a truly fantastic technology: after all, theoretically, without leaving an office in Moscow, it would be possible to obtain information from anywhere in the world. Are the events of the future written down? Perhaps so. We could find out about this. But the department was closed.

In different eras, completely different people somehow received and receive information that, from the point of view of logic, cannot be available to them in any way. What if the brain is something like a computer hard drive with records of various programs? At a certain moment, someone or something turns on this or that program, connecting with a huge database of chronicles, and begins to receive the necessary information. It has been proven that in the human brain there is a special zone of super-receptivity, super-ability, which allows to withstand a huge amount of information.

Electrons don't know distances

Years passed, and I became convinced that the vision of 1992 was prophetic.

During this time, Evdokia Marchenko changed the name of the school, created an institute, gathering thousands of audiences in St. Petersburg for several years. Her path is accompanied by ceremonial columned halls, honor and a royal chair, where Evdokia Dmitrievna sits confidently and in a businesslike manner - exactly as I saw in 1992. Is this an accident?

In his book, Marchenko asks: “Is there a connection between events that are separated from each other in time, but took place in the same space? Or, conversely, occurring simultaneously, but in different places? Are the events random or natural? What is the logic behind their appearance? " And she herself answers her own question: "Nothing happens by accident," - involuntarily summing up the memorable evening.

Science draws its own conclusions. Doctor of Economics Vladimir Vasiliev reminds: several decades ago, scientists proved that reality is much more changeable and unpredictable than it might seem.

The ionosphere of the Earth is part of a very subtle substance, namely the Akashic Chronicles. She writes down, absorbs the emanations of everything that happens. So, in 1982, a group of employees of the Paris Polytechnic University announced a discovery that could turn the entire scientific picture of the world. These experimental researchers came to the conclusion that, under certain conditions, electrons are able to instantly communicate with each other regardless of distance - it does not matter whether they are separated by thousandths of a millimeter or several kilometers. Penetration into knowledge happens instantly.

… In 2008, I had trials. Saddened by another unfair decision, I, wandering in the night through the snowy city, in despair turned to the sky with a question: "Will anyone be punished for their atrocities?"

The answer came immediately. A huge chair suddenly appeared on the sidewalk in front of me. Completely empty. It seemed to shout: “Hey! The defendant's bench is empty! There will be no punishment! I was dumbfounded. Yes, it was a sign, clear and indisputable, sent to me by the keepers of the Book of Fates. And where did it come from here? But the fact remains: after eight years of endless trials, the dock remained empty, like that very chair.

Text and drawing: Nadezhda Maslova