The Russian Bible On Which The French Kings Swore Ascending The Throne - Alternative View

The Russian Bible On Which The French Kings Swore Ascending The Throne - Alternative View
The Russian Bible On Which The French Kings Swore Ascending The Throne - Alternative View

Video: The Russian Bible On Which The French Kings Swore Ascending The Throne - Alternative View

Video: The Russian Bible On Which The French Kings Swore Ascending The Throne - Alternative View
Video: The Court of Louis XIV | How To Get Ahead | Absolute History 2024, July

Earlier I wrote an article The Book of 1601 confirming the falsification of history.

The article received a lot of both good reviews and negative accusations of the author's incompetence. I am writing another article confirming the greatness of our ancestors and hushed up by modern historians. The historical fact that when crowned French kings took an oath in the Russian Bible can be found even in Wikipedia, which describes the ritual of coronation. At the moment, this book is known as the Reims Bible and is still kept in the Reims City Library as a national shrine. The book is written in two types of Russian - Glagolitic and Cyrillic.


But why was this Bible so dear to the French kings that when they ascended to the throne they swore an oath on it and revered as the greatest state shrine? There are two versions of how this Bible got to France.

The first version (beneficial to European civilization).


Wikipedia says that this Bible was acquired by Emperor Charles V somewhere in Hungary and donated to the Emmaus Monastery, after unknown ways it got to Constantinople, where it was acquired by Cardinal Charles of Lorraine after wearing this Bible as the greatest shrine during the most solemn processions. after it was transferred to the Reims Cathedral (1574) and began to be used for coronation.

Cardinal Karl of Lorraine
Cardinal Karl of Lorraine

Cardinal Karl of Lorraine.

Promotional video:

Everything comes out in such a way that the book seems to be mistaken for a mysterious oriental manuscript. But this version does not stand any criticism and raises a lot of questions. Why did Emperor Karl need the Russian Bible and its offering to the monastery? How did Cardinal Karl of Lorraine, being a confidant of King Henry II and enjoying his unlimited trust, and therefore a very intelligent and educated person, confused the Arabic script with the Russian one? Smacks of delirium.

The second version (denied by modern history).

Supposed portrait of Anna Yaroslavovna
Supposed portrait of Anna Yaroslavovna

Supposed portrait of Anna Yaroslavovna.

The book was brought to France by Princess Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, who became the wife of King Henry I of France and, accordingly, Queen of France (1051). It is about Princess Anna that they say that she taught the Europeans to wash. At that time, "enlightened" Europe was actually far from the level of development of the Russian state, and it was considered very honorable to marry a Russian princess. It's like a third-rate king became related to the emperor. Based on this version, it becomes clear why the French were so sensitive to the Bible, so highly esteemed that they swore an oath on it ascending the throne, they saw in this book a shrine brought from a great empire and accordingly treated it. What was Russia at that time was actually I will try to tell in the following articles.