Secret Agreements With Aliens - Alternative View

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Secret Agreements With Aliens - Alternative View
Secret Agreements With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Secret Agreements With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Secret Agreements With Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Trump Knows About Aliens and Hasn’t Said Anything?! 2024, September

In early 2009, the British magazine Incounters published an article by ufologist Richard Lineham about the links of the US authorities with aliens. This topic, despite all its sensationalism, is not new; the testimonies of high-ranking officials and intelligence officers about the events of half a century ago periodically surface on the pages of newspapers and magazines. However, this has never led to any reaction from the American government. It is silent or denies everything through the mouth of its third-rate employees.

Smith's call

It all began, reports R. Lineham, with his speech on the radio with a series of stories about UFOs and intelligent extraterrestrial beings. After one of the programs, an unknown person who introduced himself as Smith called him at home and said that he had heard his speeches on the radio, read his articles and wanted to show him important information.

At first, the researcher reacted to this call with disbelief. But he quickly changed his mind when he learned that in the past, the stranger was an operative of the US intelligence service and is now ready to submit documents regarding the activities of aliens on Earth.

Soon the ufologist received a package in the mail containing photocopies of some secret documents on UFO sightings by the American special services. Among the documents were those that were intended only for US presidents. Making sure, as far as possible, of the veracity of the information, Lineham arranged a meeting with Smith.

Official reception at the Edward base

Promotional video:

Here's what Smith said. The first contact of the US authorities with aliens occurred in 1953, when a UFO landed at an Air Force base. The aliens claimed to have come from a planet orbiting a red star in the constellation Orion. The result of the negotiations was a meeting of two aliens with President D. Eisenhower on February 21, 1954 at the Edward Air Force Base. The meeting was recorded on film, which is kept in the secret section of the presidential archives.

Many years later, Charles L. Suggs, a former US Navy commander who was part of the presidential team at Edward Base, recorded his encounter with the aliens on a tape recorder. “I and several officers of the base were supposed to meet the alien visitors directly at the place of their landing near the administrative building,” he recalls. - We waited for a long time and already decided that nothing would happen, when suddenly one of the officers noticed a strange rounded cloud that was descending slowly and almost vertically, swinging like a pendulum. It soon became clear to us that this was not a cloud, but a biconvex object about 35 feet in diameter. Its brushed metal surface without sharp transitions and protrusions played with light reflections. The object hovered 10 feet (3 meters) above the concrete, and three telescopic supports protruded from it with a slight hiss and touched the ground. We felt that the air was saturated with ozone. There was a disturbing silence.

Suddenly something clicked, and an oval hole appeared in the hull, through which two creatures literally floated out. At first glance, they were not much different from humans. One of them landed on the concrete 20 feet from the object, the other remained standing on the edge of the saucer. They were relatively tall creatures, something about eight feet (2.4 meters), slender and similar to each other. Their blonde and straight, almost white hair reached their shoulders. They had light blue eyes and colorless lips. The one who was standing on the ground showed with a gesture that he could not approach us and that it was necessary to maintain this distance. Fulfilling this condition, we went to the building. I could not understand whether the thick soles of the alien's shoes touched the ground, or not, he walked as if on an air cushion …"

The contract is signed. What's next?

At the talks, the aliens offered people help in spiritual development, and also demanded to destroy nuclear weapons, stop pollution and plunder the planet's mineral resources. They refused to share the secrets of their technology, because, in their opinion, humanity is not yet morally prepared for this, and first it is necessary to learn to live in harmony with each other.

Eisenhower was very suspicious of the aliens' conditions, especially in the area of nuclear disarmament. Given the then military-political situation in the world, this seemed clearly impracticable. In addition, the president believed that nuclear weapons were the only thing that kept aliens from directly invading Earth.

The aliens urged the earthlings not to come into contact with another space race, with the invaders "gray", promising, in case of consent, help in the fight against them.

The result of a whole series of meetings with the "Scandinavians" (or, as they are called in another way - "Nordics"), was the agreement signed in 1954, as well as the appearance on Earth of the first alien ambassador named Krill. According to the terms of the treaty, aliens should not interfere in the affairs of earthlings, and the United States - in the affairs of aliens. Alien activities on Earth must be kept secret. Aliens will share with the Americans their technologies that cannot be used for military purposes. In addition, aliens should not enter into agreements with other countries, and earthlings - with other space races. The United States committed itself to building underground bases for alien aircraft (only one was fully built - in Nevada, known as "Object 51 *). Later, together with the "Scandinavians", the Redlight project was developed,in accordance with which regular flights of American pilots began on alien ships.

As a cover and for the purpose of mass misinformation of the population, such well-known programs as "Blue Book" and "Snowbird" were "launched". All incomprehensible "dumped" on the secret experiments of the Air Force.

Reverse side of contacts

Speaking of "good" and "bad" aliens, it is appropriate to think of Frances Swann, a woman with unique sensitivities who collaborated with the Eisenhower administration on a wide range of issues, including UFOs and aliens. Her information was reliable. In 1959, F. Swann reported that the race of "Scandinavians" really has the goal of saving our planet from nuclear destruction.

But the soulless and cruel "grays" seized the initiative, pushing the "Scandinavians" out. Both have their own views on our planet.

In the 60s, when the “grays” came into contact with the US authorities, it became obvious that F. Swann was right. The "Grays" agreed to transfer to the Americans some of their technologies and facilitate the flight of their expeditions to the Moon, including controlling the stay of astronauts on the Moon, but in exchange they demanded to give them Krill and cut off all contacts with the "Scandinavians" »A limited number of people in order to control the evolution of the earthly race. The "Grays" assured that these people would not suffer, they would be examined and returned to the place from which they had been kidnapped. In addition, all information about what happened will be erased in their memory.

However, it soon became clear that the experiments of the "gray" on people were not at all so harmless. Some of them were aimed at testing the compatibility of the two races, and as a result, earthly women began to give birth to mutants.

However, since people were clearly weaker than their "brothers in mind", the higher echelons of the US government decided to continue contacts, turning a blind eye to the outrages committed by the aliens. Moreover, the technologies transferred by the "gray" made it possible to advance scientific and technological progress on Earth and create a lot of new things, for example, LCD monitors, satellite communications, computers, the Internet, beam weapons, an ion engine, and the like.

Unlike humanoid "Scandinavians", "gray" - creatures of small stature (100-120 cm) and physique similar to emaciated adolescents. They have grayish skin, large heads and huge eyes that stand out sharply on the face. Instead of a nose, they have two holes, under which is a small mouth. The teeth are hard elastic gums. There are only four fingers on the hands -. there is not enough "big". The feet are small, with webbing between the toes.

Like us, they have two sexes: male and female. These creatures live by human standards for a long time, more than 1000 years. Their usual food (if you can call it "food") is a certain type of light radiation. There is evidence that someone from the aliens living in the United States with the knowledge of the American authorities is eating mashed vegetables and ice cream.

R. Lineham warns: "Readers should keep in mind that the information contained in my article is considered by the US authorities as top secret, and the government will never confirm the facts presented in it." And, nevertheless, we have the right to ask the question: is everything Lineham stated - true or fiction? Let's not rush to final conclusions, time will tell.

"Secrets of the XX century" No. 33. Igor Voloznev