Who Will Mutilate Earthly Animals? - Alternative View

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Who Will Mutilate Earthly Animals? - Alternative View
Who Will Mutilate Earthly Animals? - Alternative View

Video: Who Will Mutilate Earthly Animals? - Alternative View

Video: Who Will Mutilate Earthly Animals? - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Animals That Were Prime Witnesses to A Crime 2024, September

In the Tomsk region of Russia, eyewitnesses recorded a strange incident - an unknown force performed operations on a newborn calf for a week. For a week, his hooves were removed, and the owners of the animal unexpectedly discovered new facts of someone's intervention only the next day, and the wounds did not bleed, but seemed to be burned by something.


We contacted Lyubov Ivanenko to find out the details of what happened and to find out whether the animal was born absolutely normal and whether the owners or the veterinarians invited by them had performed any operations on it. It turned out that the owners did not perform any manipulations with the animals and did not invite any veterinarians. They simply recorded the appearance of signs of strange operations carried out by someone.

Lyubov Ivanenko told us the following:

Promotional video:

“The calf was born on February 6, 2017, and looked like ordinary calves. Several hours passed, but she did not get up on her own, and I decided to help her get up and put her on her feet and dragged her to my mother so that the heifer would eat colostrum.

Tomorrow the calf was heavy, but got up on her own, and then I didn't help her get up, but I noticed that she was “squealing” with her left hind leg - this is how they always said before about babies who jerked their legs.

Then I noticed that she didn’t walk like all the calves - there was a feeling that her butt was rising as if upward and it was difficult for her to walk without ballast.

I thought that this birth trauma would go away. Once I approached the chick, I noticed an oval cut above the joint protruding backwards. In the photo, if you look closely, it is clearly visible.

The cut is smooth - like a patch and without blood. And the muscle fibers were not affected. I found the piece that had been cut and showed it to one of my friends - she was in shock - who could do that? Then they cut it off in the same way on the other leg.

Then a few days passed and I saw that the snow on my hind legs did not melt and I realized that there was no blood circulation there and my legs were just cold.

A few more days passed and I noticed a red rim several centimeters high around my right leg, but what struck me again was that there was no blood again!

The cut is clearly visible. I just didn't think to fix it on video or photo. I caught it too late, when all the cuts were almost over. In the photo you can see how the left leg is still there, only not only the skin has been cut, but the tendons are almost cut off and therefore the leg was so bent.

Then this is what happened - it all happened within about a week. It was so high that the lower part of the left hind leg was removed.

And this is how the right leg looked after amputation - part of the leg was cut off immediately after the joint.

They also cut off her ears on both sides to the middle. And it was the same without blood. This happened for the first time. A week after the appearance of this heifer, another cow calved and brought also a heifer - so the ears and the tip of the tail were just neatly trimmed for that - she was left without a broom.

In fact, there were no wounds, everything looked. as if the limb was cut off and then cauterized with something. The animal still lives, only does not get up at all - there is little, it practically does not drink, it only sucks a little milk and that's it … It remains as tall as it was. The front legs are preserved, only they do not work, she cannot walk at all."

Strange Harvest's Long History

Since 1973, mysterious attacks on livestock have been reported from the United States' Midwest. The first such cases occurred in the states of Minnesota and Kansas. Farmers immediately noticed details that are difficult to explain with conventional predator attacks.


In most cases, dead animals seem to have undergone a surgical operation, during which some parts of the body (usually the eyes, ears, mouth, rectum, or genitals) were removed, and the carcasses were completely bled. At the same time, it was not possible to find any traces of the presence of people.

In 1974, horrendous cattle mutilation was again reported from northeastern Nebraska and eastern South Dakota. Several reports have been consistent with UFO sightings.

In 1974, reports of gruesome cattle mutilation began again from northeastern Nebraska and eastern South Dakota. Several reports have been consistent with UFO sightings. As before, there were no traces, and in addition there were rumors about huge helicopters, with the help of which the abductions of cattle were supposedly carried out.


In 1975-76, the number of victims in the United States was estimated at thousands. In Colorado alone, an average of three cows per day were killed. Governor Richard Lamm said at the time: “Killing livestock is one of the greatest challenges in the history of Western pastoralism. It has already suffered a heavy economic blow. From the point of view of humanity, we cannot allow this atrocity to continue further. Once the mysterious rippers even attacked the seemingly impregnable fortress - Cheyenne Mountain, in the depths of which is the center of the US air defense. Thousands of soldiers patrolling the area did not notice the killing of the buffalo in the protected area. They just found a lot of bloodless carcasses soon.

In the 1970s, footprints of supports were often found next to carcasses, like traces of aircraft landings, circles of lodged or burnt grass, and increased radioactivity. Around those years, five tourists camped on a ridge near the Yukon River, Alaska. One of them, waking up before dawn, went to the water to wash and saw about 20 hovering orange flying saucers on the way. The guy ran to wake his friends, but when they opened their eyes and got out, the UFOs were no longer visible. After walking half a mile to the river, tourists found a giant ring of scorched grass, inside which gaped four triangular imprints, pressed 5-10 centimeters into the ground.

Hundreds of dead animals lay around the ring. Antlers and legs cut off from elk were piled into separate heaps. All internal organs were gone. Grizzly carcasses lay without eyes and jaws, skeletons were removed from caribou. Despite the scale of the massacre, there was not a drop of blood anywhere, and the wounds looked clean and tidy. Not far away lay a skinned whale carcass 4.5 meters long.

Mysterious cattle mutilations have happened before. So in the winter of 1904-05, in Wales (England), there were reports of strange lights in the sky and mysterious air ships, accompanied by reports of massive attacks on sheep. In 1910, something killed half a dozen sheep every night; and the rabbits that came across were simply broken ridges.

Researchers from the American National Institute of Advanced Sciences conducted studies of animal carcasses on which someone had performed strange operations and concluded that this interference could not be attributed to animal attacks or human handiwork:

Examining the samples under a microscope, veterinarians discovered three types of incisions: made with a hot instrument, like a cauterizing scalpel, just cuts with a sharp blade, and something completely unique: the instrument used to open the carcass did not cut the tissue, but pushed the cells apart without damaging them. In the photo on the right: a cut in the skin of a cow with melted edges. To achieve this effect, the cutting tool had to be heated to 400 degrees Celsius.

Sometimes the bodies of slaughtered animals decompose at a tremendous rate. And sometimes they do not deteriorate in the sun, as if treated with formaldehyde. One of the characteristic signs of an attack by unknown forces is the absence of blood. At autopsy, veterinarians find that there is not a drop in the carcass. And it is very difficult to bleed a living organism: if you open the arteries, the veins close, retaining some of the blood.

Any attempts to photograph the cattle slayers at work were unsuccessful. In 1995, a farmer from northern Saskatchewan (Canada) contacted the researcher of anomalous phenomena Fernand Belzil and said that he found a dead cow without traces of injuries 500 meters from his house. Belziel suggested that the killers might return to finish what they started and remove internal organs, and installed a pole with a video camera at the scene, the signal from which was transmitted to a TV with a VCR. The camera worked well for several nights, but twice the image disappeared for 12 minutes. In both cases, the cow's carcass got caught: first, someone cut off the tongue and a layer of skin on one side of the muzzle, then cut out the rectum. The film turned out to be "overexposed", as if a powerful beam of light was directed into the camera lens.

In Russia, killed animals with removed internal organs were found in the Primorsky Territory and the Volgograd Region. In 1987, the body of a cow, turned inside out, was found in one of the Ural state farms. Moreover, UFOs were also observed in this area.

In 1996, in the vicinity of the Yakut village of Amga, a horse disappeared from the hunter Vladimir Chechurin. A few days later, the stallion was found dead: all the bones of the animal were intact, but the insides turned to mush. Heart and lungs were missing. The hunter recalled that a few days earlier he had seen several UFOs in the Amga area.

On May 22, 2002, in the Krasnodar Territory, dogs barked and howled in the middle of the night. She went out into the yard to check what had happened, and saw that all the dogs were looking tensely towards the rabbitry. Three rabbits in it were strangled, and the tips of their ears were cut off like a knife. There was no blood or other damage on the carcasses. Returning home, my grandmother accidentally saw through the window how a luminous ball the size of a palm flew out from under the cages with rabbits and disappeared behind the neighboring houses.

As you can see, the mysterious mutilation of animals is almost always accompanied by UFO sightings. We can only guess what exactly the kidnappers in earthly flesh need, and also hope that it is not because of them that two million earthlings disappear without a trace every year.