Conspiracy Theorists Claim Planet X Will Collide With Earth In September - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theorists Claim Planet X Will Collide With Earth In September - Alternative View
Conspiracy Theorists Claim Planet X Will Collide With Earth In September - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theorists Claim Planet X Will Collide With Earth In September - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theorists Claim Planet X Will Collide With Earth In September - Alternative View
Video: Does Planet 9 Exist? 2024, July

Will the world end next month when the blood moon rises? - asks the question

Until recently, those awaiting the end of the world were afraid that the second coming of Jesus might coincide with the change of the earth's magnetic poles.

Now a new theory suggests that a hidden planet rushing through our solar system called Nibiru could destroy the world.

Conspiracy theorists claim that scientists and world governments are hiding information about the impending end of the world.

The video, which appeared on YouTube, claims to have captured footage of the mysterious planet, along with the blood moon, and now, it is said that the event marks the beginning of the end.

For years, conspiracy theorists have argued that Nibiru, or Planet X - the supposed elongated planet - will wreak havoc on Earth.

However, this is the first theory to link Nibiru and the blood moon phenomena, arguing that a mysterious planet is to blame for their occurrence.

Blood moons are caused by sunlight passing through the Earth's atmosphere, which is refracted in such a way that green to violet light scatters more than red light, creating a situation where red light reaches the surface of the moon.

Promotional video:

Since 2014, several bloody moons have been observed, which happens very rarely - this phenomenon has been extremely rare in the last 2000 years.

A new video posted on YouTube, Nibiru Planet X, 2016, suggests that the blood moons are causing the shadow of Nibiru as it approaches Earth.

The video claims that “the footage you are about to watch will change everything you’ve been taught and everything you believe in.


»We will show you the real reason why the moon turns red as blood … This is because the planet Nibiru was nearby and cast its red shadow on the moon.

The video shows the moon with an apparent "double" over Pennsylvania. However, in the image, as has happened before, the captured "object" is only a glare, and repeats the moon.

However, the video adds, “Now I know that many of you, being skeptics, will say this is a lens flare. But it will be better if you save your comments for another time, since this is a stationary object and it is near the moon, of which there is no doubt.

There is absolutely no doubt that there is a planet in our solar system that we have never seen in our life or during this century or the last few centuries in the past.

The author of the video also claims that world governments are aware of the upcoming apocalypse, but keep the truth under wraps.

“I believe,” he says, “now is the time for full disclosure, but we will not see full disclosure because our government is hiding this cataclysm.”


“I think it's time to get ready. In mid-September we will see another blood-red moon. I must say that this phenomenon is related to the passage of Nibiru. And now is the time to start preparing."

“I don't know how much time we have,” concludes the author of the video.

This is not the first time that people predict the coming of Nibiru. However, it remains to be proven that Nibiru is a real planet.