What Will People Do When Robots Do All The Work? - Alternative View

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What Will People Do When Robots Do All The Work? - Alternative View
What Will People Do When Robots Do All The Work? - Alternative View

Video: What Will People Do When Robots Do All The Work? - Alternative View

Video: What Will People Do When Robots Do All The Work? - Alternative View
Video: Will robots take our jobs? | CNBC Explains 2024, September

Modern futurologists are increasingly writing that rapid robotization will free most of humanity from the need to engage in monotonous and unproductive work. We will have plenty of free time very soon. The question remains: where are we going to put it?


Those who will replace us

How long do you expect to live? Probably 70-80 years old. And if you are offered 150? At the same time, you will have to work a little, from 4 to 5 hours a day, and retire early - somewhere around 45 years old. Paradise life, isn't it? What will you do with your free time?

First, of course, get some sleep. Well, then? To understand your priorities, you can think back to what you did during the recent long January vacation. Going on a trip? Did you visit? Did you play sports? Watched TV? This is how you will spend the first years of your new life. What's next? Man is a curious creature, he constantly needs new impressions. But where to get them?

Consider, moreover, that you will have to live in a "wonderful new world", where every year computers and robots will take away jobs and many professions that were considered purely human, impossible without personal relationship, without individual creativity, without a human brain and skillful hands will be automated.

Take at least such a "home", such a "humane" profession as a cook. Of course, virtuosos who can beautifully sprinkle foie gras with black caviar and wrap them in the thinnest sheet of edible gold will always be in demand, and there will always be people willing to pay them.

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But will there be many of them? What do we usually order if we want to have a quick bite out of the house? A standard set lunch at a fast food restaurant or your favorite hamburger. And we’ll be fine if it’s a robot who doesn’t gape add mustard instead of ketchup and put the best pork chops in his bag.


And the translators? It would seem that only a person can convey all the nuances of another person's thoughts in a foreign language. But … according to the forecasts of experts, by 2028 an accurate system of interpretation of oral speech will be created, indistinguishable from the work of qualified simultaneous interpreters. And a mechanical translator does not gag, does not misunderstand the interlocutor because of his prejudices and prejudices, and, finally, does not deliberately lie.

"Human translation" will remain one of the varieties of art; translators-virtuosos will be in demand, possessing not only perfect knowledge of their native and foreign languages, but also such an elusive quality as talent. And conscientious simultaneous interpreters will become a thing of the past.

Do you want to know what other professions are doomed to destruction in the very near future? Taxi driver, air traffic controller, accountant, tour operator. And this is just the beginning.

Man playing

Automated systems will save humanity not only a lot of time, but also a lot of money that can be directed to the social security of those whose work is not required at the moment. But the question remains: what to do with the unwilling idlers, until they start breaking robots out of boredom and hopelessness? The answer is simple: a hobby must become a profession.

Is there anything you always wanted to learn but didn't have time for? Draw, cross-stitch, grow flowers, speak a foreign language or train dogs? But somewhere there are people who can teach you this.

And there is the Internet, which is literally created to bring strangers who need each other closer together. Most likely, in the future it will become even easier to organize such an impromptu school. Specialized websites and anti-cafes will provide platforms for communication, training and joint activities.


By the way, together you can not only study, but also experience worthless adventures. Now such a form of leisure as a city quest is becoming fashionable: a group of acquaintances or strangers is given interesting tasks, for which you need to move around the city, solve riddles, imagine yourself as a pirate or a treasure hunter.

Quests grew out of role-playing games organized by fans of historical novels and fiction. Nowadays, many of the roleplayers have become real professionals, inventing entertainment for a bored audience. In the future, we will probably observe the opposite process: why entrust your entertainment to someone, if you can do it yourself in a pleasant company?

Dutch cultural scientist Johan Heizinga coined the term homo ludens - "playing man". The ability to play is one of the stimuli for the development of a person's mind, and at the same time helps him not to go crazy when faced with the challenges of everyday life.

Those who need us

There are many people in the world who need not only service, but also what only other people can give: care and understanding. Let's take the simplest case: a person arrives in an unfamiliar city. He can book a hotel room on the website, download a travel guide to his tablet, buy theater tickets through the website.

But who will tell him what to see in the city and what is not worth wasting time on, how much does the hotel or restaurant meet the promises given in the advertisement? Personal communication with locals who know the city well and can understand and share your tastes is invaluable here. Now such an opportunity is provided by online forums, and in the future, obviously, such a service will only grow and develop.

But among those around there are those who are much more in need of our care than a casual traveler. Elderly people, people with disabilities, children in shelters. Helping them is much more difficult, but also more important than just giving advice to the traveler. We need both special knowledge and mental strength.

But maybe when we have an excess of time for ourselves, we will finally pay attention to those who are around? After all, only by helping others can you truly feel like a human being.

Pledge of immortality

However, games, travel, and reciprocal favors also become boring someday. What should you do? There are three more activities that you can devote your whole life to: education, creativity and science.

Today, due to busyness, we often entrust the upbringing of our children to school, the leveling reigns, which inevitably affects the quality of education, and sometimes cripples young souls. The ubiquity of home education can make a difference for the better.


Of course, parents will have to have the appropriate pedagogical skills, but we remember that thanks to the development of educational programs, anyone will be able to acquire new specialties without leaving home.

As for creativity, the development of information networks right now allows anyone who wants to try himself at least in literature, even in painting, even in cinema, to present the product of his imagination to the public. Obviously, competition in this direction will only intensify, and the level of professionalism will grow, because the consumer is becoming more and more fastidious.

And of course, we should not forget about the most important challenge - the one that the universe throws down at us with its many riddles. Someday the "playing man" will inevitably turn into a "investigator". Not just some particularly talented and purposeful individuals, but most people will spend time getting a good education and being at the forefront of science, and in the future even going to explore neighboring planets.

They will be guided by the ancient instinct of survival, forcing them to explore and settle new territories. We call this pursuit curiosity. And it is in the inescapable curiosity that the pledge of immortality for all mankind.