Who Created The AIDS Virus? - Alternative View

Who Created The AIDS Virus? - Alternative View
Who Created The AIDS Virus? - Alternative View

Video: Who Created The AIDS Virus? - Alternative View

Video: Who Created The AIDS Virus? - Alternative View
Video: Dr. Robert Gallo: Co- Discovered the HIV Virus 2024, September

Several years ago, an article on AIDS was published in the English paranormal journal Steamshovel Press. Author Ken Thomas considers different versions of the origin of this dangerous disease.

One of them speaks of some kind of biological experiment that has gone out of control of the researchers. Perhaps this is the result of an arms race, when scientists tried to create a powerful biological weapon that strikes the enemy.

Ken Thomas


The author refers to a secret report read by military expert Donald MacArthur in 1969 in the US Congress at a meeting regarding the issue of military appropriations for the next year. Here are the words from this report. "In the next five to ten years, we will be able to create microorganisms that can influence the course of all known infectious diseases, sharply reducing the human defenses." In 1969, the Cold War was in full swing. Thomas believes that at that time the group represented by MacArthur was already in full swing work on the creation of the immunodeficiency virus.

As usual, Thomas does not name the source who gave him information about MacArthur's secret report. However, the same source, let us call him N, now a retired military specialist, at one time was engaged in calculating the settling rate of a gas cloud infected with viruses.

He does not know what kind of viruses, but he believes that it was just about the immunodeficiency virus. N is a believer, and when in recent years the AIDS disease has assumed the size of an epidemic, he decided to share the information he knew with the journalist.

Thomas tried to conduct his own investigation to identify those scientists who directly worked on the problem. He failed to collect direct evidence, but there is indirect evidence. In particular, he spoke with Mary Bagstock, whose husband, who had a medical degree, once worked as a laboratory assistant in the US military. Mary does not know exactly what he was doing, but she is sure that it was due to infectious diseases.

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In 1972, Robert Bagstock suddenly fell ill and died. Doctors then could not make a diagnosis, more precisely, they identified several diseases in the patient at once, including pneumonia. Robert was only 27 years old and had never been sick before.

In 1983, Mary, suspecting that her husband's death was related to his work, decided to sue the War Department. An exhumation was carried out, this time the cause of death was determined for sure - AIDS. Mary could not be blamed for the death of her husband's military. However, the very fact of dying from AIDS in 1972 speaks volumes. After all, HIV infection began to be registered only in the late 1970s.

Probably, the virus went beyond the laboratory and went for a walk around the world, hitting not only the military enemy, but everyone in a row, including the developers themselves. Ken Thomas believes that similar studies were carried out in the USSR and in other countries. In any case, the size of the current epidemic allows such assumptions to be made.

The second version of the origin of the virus is much more fantastic. Perhaps this biological time bomb was brought to Earth by aliens. This opinion is shared by a number of ufologists, including the famous American expert on the problem of extraterrestrial intelligence Walter Moxley.

He believes that they did not do it intentionally. For the aliens themselves, the virus is not dangerous, their immune system easily copes with it. And with the earthlings the same thing happened that sometimes happens to a resident of the North who visited a hot southern country. He is affected by diseases that are not dangerous for local residents.


French ufologist Gerard Bernier takes a different view. He believes that the aliens intentionally infected the earthlings so that they free the planet for their resettlement. Infection occurs through abductants.

Bernier collects a dossier on people abducted by aliens, mostly Europeans. With many, the ufologist conducted sessions of regressive hypnosis, as a result, the abductants were able to remember that the aliens took their blood from their veins and performed some kind of manipulation with it.

Mirene Dufran, a 60-year-old Lyon resident who spent several days aboard an alien flying ship in July 2002, recalled seeing her blood in a flask being placed in the center of a shiny circle.

Another abduct, 24-year-old Claire Clavier, told the ufologist that the aliens who abducted her, very similar to people, asked about how people find a couple in order to have children. According to Claire, they were surprised to learn that on Earth, children are born from different-sex marriages, aliens also have men and women, but men give birth to children after mating with members of their own sex.

The French researcher considers the testimony of Madame Claire Clavier to be key. It is known that HIV infection primarily affects homosexuals. Apparently, the aliens assumed that humans reproduce in the same way as they do, as a result of same-sex marriage.

But the most conclusive evidence against the uninvited guests of the Earth is the fact that most abductants die of AIDS. Mireille Dufrant passed away in January 2004 and Claire Clavier in December 2004.

Both women were respected members of society, did not use drugs or engage in promiscuous sex. The diagnosis itself is surprising. The French ufologist has no doubt that aliens have infected the ladies with the virus. The statistics speak for themselves. Of the twelve abductants Bernier interviewed, five have died of AIDS and one person is HIV-positive.

So what is AIDS - a bioweapon developed in secret military laboratories, or an alien "gift"? Ken Thomas considers both hypotheses plausible. In any case, the genie has already been released from the bottle, and if doctors do not find an effective method of treatment, intelligent life on Earth may die.