Scientists Said They Have Learned To "turn Off" Natural Fears - Alternative View

Scientists Said They Have Learned To "turn Off" Natural Fears - Alternative View
Scientists Said They Have Learned To "turn Off" Natural Fears - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Said They Have Learned To "turn Off" Natural Fears - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Said They Have Learned To
Video: The Case Against Reality | Prof. Donald Hoffman on Conscious Agent Theory 2024, July

Chinese experts conducted a series of studies in which they identified neurons in the brain of mice that respond to certain odors. The scientists said that neurons fire when mice smell a cat. Experts have discovered in the brains of mice neurons that produce gamma-amino-hydrochloric acid. Neurons are activated exclusively at the time when mice catch the smells of animals that are dangerous to them.

Scientists have stated that these neurons can be "turned off" and then the mice will not smell fear. During the experiment, the experts took the urine of foxes, which causes the mice to feel especially fear, a strong heartbeat and trembling. Previously, scientists turned off neurons in mice. As a result, the rodents did not react to the smell in any way. But mice that did not have their neurons turned off experienced intense fear when writing out the smell of fox urine. Experts said that the results of the study will help in the future in the treatment of mental disorders.
