Ghost Or Secrets Of The Etheric Body - Alternative View

Ghost Or Secrets Of The Etheric Body - Alternative View
Ghost Or Secrets Of The Etheric Body - Alternative View

Video: Ghost Or Secrets Of The Etheric Body - Alternative View

Video: Ghost Or Secrets Of The Etheric Body - Alternative View
Video: Can You Travel Without The Body? – Sadhguru Explains 2024, June

The generally accepted definition of human "constituents" assumes the presence of certain four bodies: physical, etheric, astral and mental. It is assumed that the etheric shell actually looks exactly like the physical one. In addition to maintaining its form, the ether also acts as a connecting part between the astral component and the material world. At the same time, experts agree that it is the etheric body that is called during spiritualistic seances.

Simply put, the souls of deceased people existing in etheric matter are invoked in the images of ghosts. In particular, clairvoyants are able to see not only astral entities, but also some "astral corpses" that are at different stages of destruction. In fact, such a "shadow" of the real world remains after a person has already died physically, but has not yet moved to the astral plane. In particular, this form of matter remains on the etheric plane, although it cannot exist for a long time. "Astral corpse" is another designation for the ethereal human shell.

According to experts, a few days after the death of the physical body, ether comes out, and for some time it is near the burial place. It is this shell format that susceptible people can observe in a cemetery, defining what they see as a ghost. After a few weeks, the etheric body disintegrates and dissipates in the air. The soul is "taken out" of this kind of ghosts, and therefore without constant detection of astral energy they cannot exist for a long time.

Then how is it that all over the world there are stories of old ghosts that have been in the same place for decades? According to experts, this can be explained by the fact that the etheric bodies "draw" the vital energy they need to exist from those who are nearby. Ghosts feed on you and me.