51 Orion - Alternative View

51 Orion - Alternative View
51 Orion - Alternative View

Video: 51 Orion - Alternative View

Video: 51 Orion - Alternative View
Video: Reverse Engineering a UFO | National Geographic 2024, October

Many researchers at different times carried out measurements of the Egyptian pyramids, made various assumptions about their origin and purpose. But the biggest passions, especially recently, have flared up around the Giza pyramid complex, the largest and most mysterious of all. The gigantic volume of construction, the highest quality of the work done, the unsurpassed accuracy of orientation by the geographic poles are in complete and fundamental contradiction with the version of the official science about the purpose of the pyramids for the burial of some mythical pharaohs that have not been discovered.

The ongoing meticulous measurements of the complex, recently and with the help of mini robots, have consistently yielded amazing results, ultimately threatening to overturn the entire edifice of official history.

The huge amount of information obtained by several generations of researchers of the Giza pyramids cannot be reproduced within the framework of one article, the reader can easily find the details on the Web, therefore the author presents the material with the expectation of an interested reader, avoiding unnecessary citation.

In the book by R. Buval and E. Gilbert "The Secrets of the Pyramids", a hypothesis is presented about the correspondence of the layout of the Giza pyramids complex to the arrangement of stars in the constellation Orion, according to the principle "on earth as in the sky."

The authors provide detailed and varied information about the pyramids and the surroundings, but they assume the time of the beginning of construction around 10450 BC, arguing this using astronomical calculations.

A careful check by the StarCals 5.71 program showed that the constellation view was in the range from 2000 to 10000 BC. e. did not correspond to the one described and there is no reason to assume the claimed compliance in ancient times. Moreover, a detailed study of the issue called into question the very idea of the Earth's axis precession with a period of 26,000 years, at least that smooth curve, allegedly described by the Earth's axis of rotation on the celestial sphere in the polar region, may actually turn out to be completely different. Indeed, the history of more or less accurate observations does not exceed 300 years and it would be wrong to spread knowledge about a tiny piece of the curve for the whole curve. Therefore, the dates given in this article should not be taken literally, but are indicative, approximate, with a discount on the current level of knowledge.

In V. Pakhomov's article "The Mystery of the Pyramids", which develops the ideas of R. Bauval and E. Gilbert, the author draws the readers' attention to groups of small pyramids located on the boundaries of the complex three in a row and depicting architecturally dotted lines - dashed lines well known to everyone in school. According to the author of the article, this is nothing more than the lines of the celestial equator and the celestial meridian on the terrestrial image of the Orion constellation belt, which is the Giza complex, and the complex itself is a clock showing the time around 2318, in a relatively near future.

The idea of the "Giza complex - clock" seemed to the author of this article extremely interesting and promising. As a result of its detailed study, it turned out that the line of the celestial equator and its earthly reflection do not raise any special questions, while the line of the celestial meridian is conditional, it does not have a natural reference in the sky and on earth and could not be used as a reference during construction. In addition, the angle between the equatorial line and the straight line connecting the tops of pyramids 1 and 2 “on earth” is close to 45 degrees, and in the solution proposed by V. Pakhomov for 2318, the angle between the celestial equator and the line connecting Alnitak and Alnilam “in the sky »Even by eye is much less, which means the decision is wrong.

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Pictures from the article "Secrets of the Pyramids" well illustrate this discrepancy.

The following consideration helped to find another solution: the pyramids of Giza, more precisely three small pyramids near the pyramid 1 (Cheops) “on the ground” architecturally depict the meridian corresponding to “in the sky” 6 hours, or 90 degrees. h.d. Pyramid 1 (Cheops) is located at 31 degrees. 09m east of Greenwich, or 2h 05m. This means that in the existing system of celestial coordinates tied to Greenwich, the correspondence "in the sky as on earth" will be on the meridian 6h + 2h05m = 8h05m. The resulting position of the constellation Orion is in the picture below on the left in the coordinates of 2000. On the right is the plan of the Giza complex (north is below!), The coincidence "on earth as in heaven" is complete. This position of the Orion belt star will occupy about 4843 AD. (StarCals 5.71).


In accordance with the StarCals 5.71 program, at 6:00 on October 20, 4843, the Sun will rise in the constellation Leo and the Sphinx will see its celestial twin in full at dawn. The constellation Orion at the moment of sunrise will be exactly on the Giza meridian. Apparently, an event of exceptional importance for the planet and biosphere will occur.

When comparing the star map of Orion's belt and the plan of Giza, a lot of interesting things turned out, on the map below, with the designated coordinates of Giza, circles indicate objects that have analogues on the plan, "on earth as in the sky."


1. Star HR 1970 Orion (V1197 Ori)

Current visible equats. Coordinates: Alp: 5h 43m 19.6s Del: -1 ° 36 ′ 28 ″

Equat. coordinates (J2000): Alp: 5h 43m 9.3s Del: -1 ° 36 ′ 47 ″ V: 6.31m

Spectrum: K4III; BV: 1.47m sp-dv.

Corresponds to "on earth" the northernmost (bottom!) Of the three small pyramids at pyramid 1 (Cheops). Full compliance.

2. Star HR 1955 Orion

Current visible equats. coordinates: Alp: 5h 41m 16.1s Del: + 0 ° 20 ′ 35 ″

Equat. coordinates (J2000): Alp: 5h 41m 5.6s Del: + 0 ° 20 ′ 16 ″ V: 5.93m

Spectrum: F0IV; BV: 0.30m

Corresponds to the so-called "on the ground" The "temple of the valley" of pyramid 3 (Menkaure). On the plan of Giza and on the map of Orion, it is clearly seen that the road from pyramid 3 and the direction from Mintaki to the star deviate slightly upward, and the 6 o'clock line passes through the object. Full compliance. According to the author's hypothesis, the pyramids of Giza, among other things, represent an illustration of the geological history of the Earth, in which pyramid 3 represents the earliest stage of the planet's crust, which has not yet completely cooled down. The road connecting it with the image of the star HR 1955 Orion - “the temple of the valley” - demonstrates some kind of connection between the young Earth and the star. In any case, the characteristics of the star are quite close to those of the sun, which is not often found in the world of stars.

3. Star 51 Orion (HR 1963)

Current visible equats. coordinates: Alp: 5h 42m 39.2s Del: + 1 ° 28 ′ 47 ″

Equat. coordinates (J2000): Alp: 5h 42m 28.6s Del: + 1 ° 28 ′ 29 ″ V: 4.91m;

Parallax: 0.015 ″

Spectrum: K1III; BV: 1.17m.

Corresponds to the “on the ground” structure on a high, artificially planned hill, somewhat away from the main buildings of the complex. Unfortunately, there is no information about this building with a nearby extension; it is shown in the picture below as a drawing. According to the author, similar to all rectangular structures of the complex, the builders left their address on a high, carefully planned hill, architecturally depicting a star with a satellite - a planet. The main characteristics of the star 51 Orion are very close to the corresponding characteristics of the Sun. There is also an object suspected of being the same address of the builders of the pyramids and converters of planetary systems, below we will get to know it in more detail.


Such a number of such coincidences "on earth and in heaven" cannot be accidental in any way and once again emphasizes the correctness of the solution found. Not all coincidences have been sufficiently researched, since each structure may have more than one meaning. A completely untouched layer - the meaning and significance of the relationships inherent in the large pyramids, the big mystery is the small pyramids. It is obvious that the builders of the pyramids, long before our era, had the entirety of accurate knowledge about the world around them and left us extremely important information in the form of the pyramids of Giza and other structures of Egypt. It is impossible even to imagine the level of this civilization today and its capabilities from our bell tower.

An interesting circumstance is that the celestial equator “on earth” does not correspond to the sky map, the deviation reaches 3 degrees “in the sky”. For such a situation to be realized, and if the theory of precession is basically correct, the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the ecliptic should decrease by 4843 from today's 23.5 degrees. by as much as 3 gr. and reach 20.5 grams, which in the framework of today's ideas seems simply impossible.

But let's not rush. The article "RECENT CHANGE IN THE TILT OF THE EARTH'S AXIS" provides data obtained back in the 30s of the 20th century by D. Dodwell (George Dodwell was the chief astronomer of South Australia from 1909 to 1952. He was a leading international expert and, in addition, was an excellent mathematician.) According to them, about 4.5 thousand years ago, the inclination of the earth's axis reached over 26 degrees. The event that took place then - the "Flood" - is also confirmed in an independent study by Russian geologists Lalomov and Tabolich "MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND DETERMINATION OF THE AGE OF COASTAL-SEA SPRAYS", although it is modestly referred to as "high-intensity event". (The authors of the study, on the basis of direct measurements of the characteristics of the placer and the rate of the processes taking place at present, came to the conclusion that the time of the beginning of its formation was about 5 thousand years.years ago, after a planetary catastrophe and rising ocean levels. If we assume that after a "high-intensity event" the rate of the processes occurring in nature was much higher (and there are grounds for this, for example, water erosion of the Sphinx), then the age of the placer will be much younger.) Thus, abnormal changes in the inclination of the earth's axis, as a cause (or a consequence?) of planetary catastrophes could well have taken place in the past and are not excluded in the future.as a cause (or a consequence?) of planetary catastrophes could well have taken place in the past and are not excluded in the future.as a cause (or a consequence?) of planetary catastrophes could well have taken place in the past and are not excluded in the future.

The author's initial assumption about the star 51 Orion, as about the address of the builders of the pyramids of Giza, was unlikely to be discussed anywhere, if not for the detailed photo map of Mars. The stunning similarity in the location of the three Martian volcanoes (ARSIA MONS, PAVONIS MONS, ASCRAEUS MONS, from bottom to top) with the Orion belt near 4843 could be called a coincidence, but if you look at the plan of Giza and the map of the constellation Orion, it becomes clear that the largest volcano solar system (its height is 26 km) - OLYMPUS MONS - in its relative position quite accurately coincides with the location of the star 51 Orion, the discrepancy is within the accuracy of the mouse and corrected for the projection. The relative sizes of the craters of the three volcanoes are quite consistent with the brightness of the three stars of the Orion belt, respectively Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka,the size of the OLYMPUS MONS crater is much smaller, as is the brightness of the star 51 Orion. On the fragment of the photographic map shown below on the left, the equator line runs almost along the PAVONIS MONS crater, the angle between the equator and the line passing through three volcanoes is close to 45 degrees, as in the Giza pyramids.


The author cannot accurately describe the view of the constellation Orion from the surface of Mars, but he ventured to suggest that this group of volcanoes is also a clock duplicating the clock of Giza and probably having the same meaning and the same fixed date, about 4843. Along the way, the significance and meaning of Giza is confirmed and the connection of the complex with the star 51 Orion is emphasized. The picture above on the right is an enlarged image of OLYMPUS MONS.

The author is convinced that so many SUCH coincidences do not happen and is simply forced to put forward a hypothesis about the artificial origin of the Martian volcanoes. In addition to these 4 large volcanoes, there is only one more large volcano on Mars - ELYSIUM MONS, but it is located at a considerable distance and has no visible relation to this group.