Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 4 - Alternative View

Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 4 - Alternative View
Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 4 - Alternative View

Video: Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 4 - Alternative View

Video: Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 4 - Alternative View
Video: Rewriting History... The Skulls That Changed Everything! 2024, September

- First part - Second part - Third part -

So we drove up to the Entrance in Little Petra.


We bought a type ticket for $ 3; you immediately start pushing yourself away from the souvenir sellers; and went along the cleft, which is "Little Petra" - a cleft in giant stone melts, which were once masonry of huge regular stone blocks, leaving no doubt about the artificiality of their origin and masonry. This crevice goes out on the other side to the dry bay of the now WADI ARABA desert. Here the location of Petra is marked. Petra is PETRA, and the yellow dot is Little Petra. And this bay in ancient times, such an impression, went out into the Mediterranean Sea from the Red Sea, crossing the critical region of Palestine:


And the giant structures that stood and melted here, stood on the shore of the sea bay, and partially in their lower sections, maybe even stood in the water, at least in some places there are signs of this! Let's take a look at our photos. Right now you just saw the picture of the entrance to the crevasse.


But to the left of her is this. We will try to mark the correct lines and angles with straight lines, excluding the naturalness of the formation. Here in this picture, we see that the lower block sagged crookedly. The middle blocks are perfect and the top blocks are heavily melted:

Promotional video:


Right now, we will go back a distance and highlight the place in the wall that we just examined closer with a red outline. The arrow marks the path to the crevasse. As you can see, the correctness of only this section of the foundation that we have highlighted has survived, everything else is a cruel FLAW!


And here, from this perspective, you can not draw a line - so you can see the horizontal and vertical lines of individual blocks, although strongly melted, but nevertheless retain their structure.


But you can see that this angle is strongly skewed under the influence of tremendous force, although it retains some correct lines; although the outer upper corner of the structure is strongly melted:


This is the entrance to the LITL PETRA crevice with a ticket booth and souvenir booths. All this is in the midst of a pronounced stone melt!


Here is mostly a cruel melting, although the correct angles and lines have been preserved in places:


The most severe melting and deformation of the structure, but in places the correctness survived.


Here is the wildest float. Why? - It's already gray on the surface!


And this, by the way, is melting red marble! It is inside such a brick color, but on the surface - GRAY REFLECTION! This speaks of the strongest "burn". Now, if we draw a parallel with human burns, then when the skin becomes dead gray - this is just a 3rd degree burn; therefore, the fourth degree is already charring. And here we have, as it were, a grade 3 melt - outside there is a gray “necrotic crust”! Look at the whole wall in such gray smudges.


Although the origin of these smudges is the opposite! GRAY is a dense crust! That is, the entire melt was so gray. But over the centuries, in places this crust eroded and the color of the underlying stone was exposed. This same place is closer:


This is even closer:


In this connection, the question arises. - These FACADES with COLUMNS - when did they appear? The official point of view is that, they say, the remains of that ancient city that was here, in this case PETRA, which was abandoned and dried up spontaneously, they say. We have a different point of view, that these are memorials to those killed in a thermonuclear war. These COLUMN FACADES will be even larger and larger in Big PETER! We have reason to believe that these are memorials to those killed in a thermonuclear war. Because their quality is PERFECT! Our modern technology cannot do this, and this is not at home - these are just FACADES - MEMORIALS! Do you know how it's done? These FACADES with COLUMNS were made by a tool that easily and automatically, like a knife in oil, like in one hour, cut out these “MEMORIAL FACADES” in fusion to those killed in a thermonuclear war!That is, it was done by the arriving representatives of another VCC, whose base was here melted by thermonuclear fusion in STARWORZ. That is, the ASTRONAUTS turned on a computer cutter and that cut out in a perfect way just one FACADE! In Turkey, that is, in ancient ANATOLIA, we saw another way of creating memorials to those killed in a thermonuclear attack! There they were multiple SARCOPHAGES!


Remember especially these sarcophagi were many in KEKOVA among the oplavs:


where are the remains of the “sunken city”, or rather, there are about 100 kilometers of the coast from the Gulf of FINIKE, which is a giant thermonuclear funnel with reared layers of earth


there, - the entire Mediterranean coast of Anatolia in these sarcophagi and similar COLUMN memorials as in Petra, in Ephesus such a FASAD is called the "Library of Celsius".


About which their professors lie, that these are, they say, the remains of cities destroyed by time, by wars; but by ordinary wars - on arrows and spears; and soar about, allegedly, "BURNING PERSEPOLIS". - HA! Can you imagine? Have you seen these melts right now? In Persian Persepolis - no less. And how do you like the idea that these giant melts from the fact that in the building rag curtains caught fire ?! What temperature is needed to melt and evaporate into steam - mountains of BASALT, GRANITE, MARBLE, CERAMICS! And we are not kidding, the official version of the Persepolis melt is curtains on fire! They lie! What is this fusion from? - From the fact that the rags on it caught fire?


Now we will show a photo of this fusion point-blank and tell you how it was formed:


It goes without saying that these “fallen out areas” of the melt could form with a long time due to “erosion”. But they could have formed in the process of MELTING itself - at the moment of cooling, when the part where the thick crust is already frozen; and the bulging pieces of molten stone fell out with such a fiery tidbit simply under the influence of the gravity of this molten lump, well, like “lava” slid down; Well, such a melted "TYAP-DLNP" turns out. In! In general, the whole wall melted:


And here you can see that it was a block structure, part of the foundation, but from above it melted and fell all back - obliquely!


The hole at the bottom is fresh. The breaking of caves in melts is a phenomenon in general of the Byzantine period, that is, somewhere only about a thousand years ago. You must understand that after the thermonuclear wars at the turn of the ER, civilization began to slowly recover from the dust. People, like troglodytes, began to hollow out caves, of which there are many throughout this Mediterranean region in its greatest extent. Cave cities appeared only a thousand years ago in the Byzantine period, and none of the Neanderthal "a million years ago", although one does not sweep away the other! A million years ago, this is one thing, and a thousand years ago, these are other caves. Come to Crimea, Georgia, Turkey - you will be shown a lot of such cave cities that began to appear with the beginning of life after the last thermonuclear fusion! Offhand - in Georgia: Vardzia and Upletsikhe; in Crimea Mangup and Chufut Kale, etc. So separate,what time it belongs to! At least what is BEFORE the fusion and what is after. Look! What it is? If you listen to the officialdom, which is constantly looking for explanations from our civilization, it is like "GARAGE":


But it is immediately clear that this is AFTER the fusion! This is already carved in the fusion after fusion. Well, you can see it in the smallest details. This is not a skyscraper garage that survived the fusion. And it was carved again with no bronze chisels and hammers! This is such clarity and correctness of the lines - according to electronic levels! To cut so perfectly in granite ?!


The officialdom attracts the attention of tourists precisely by the smokiness of the ceilings and walls, they say, a thousand years ago, there lived people who, they say, did it all with bronze chisels and hammers. Well, to talk about something harmless! - Although, - well, they lived, well, they smoked, but this was done with tools that are not available in modern technology, but shepherds could smoke and generally just yesterday! Do not pay attention to smoked meats! Look here, here this gray crust has fallen off from all the melt, it has crawled, you see the place where the flaming landslide dripped:


And this photo we took from the main path - in the "lane".


These are not buildings - these are their foundations. The buildings themselves evaporated at the same time during the thermonuclear fusion, and these massive foundations remained, albeit in a strongly deformed and melted form, but the fact that they were assembled from the correct blocks can be seen even from a distance. And right now, we will show you that everything here was assembled from the correct blocks, in the pictures in which you don't even need to mark with straight lines. Above and from the left side there is strong melting, and straight ahead - a clear block striation.


A clear block striation, although it is strongly melted here:


Here's a good bulldik.


He's right at the footpath. It is clearly seen that the damage depends on the level. The bottom row is generally flattened. The middle one is well preserved, the outlines of the seams of the blocks are preserved, although the left half has melted. And the top row has generally melted into formlessness! That is, the conclusion is unambiguous - the SUPER temperature rushed high above the terrain, such as 500 meters minimum. Because the above-foundations of the structures simply evaporated, and the tops of the foundations are also highly melted! The middle parts of the foundations, especially those with their backs to the epicenter, retained their blockiness; and the lower row of blocks, after they softened, flattened and / or pulled under the weight of the above lying blocks.


Right here if you take a closer look


then here is just an illustration to the above. Here you can see blocky surface striation. But all this blocky massif is strongly melted and piled up forward and moved in that direction! That is, we can clearly calculate where the destructive force came from! Here is another section where the blockiness was partially preserved, and partially the blocks melted into shapelessness:


But at the exit from "LITTLE PETRA" we took it back - this is just around the corner will be the entrance booths. It can be seen that this asphalt road comes right here, and the melts are just terrible!


Of course, there are more photos, but we do not want to focus on LITTLE PETER now, because there will still be BIG PETRA, where it is on an even larger scale - to hang it up and hang it out there! There, one Peter has to do several issues.

Read the continuation here.