The Mysterious Stone Of Timur - Alternative View

The Mysterious Stone Of Timur - Alternative View
The Mysterious Stone Of Timur - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Stone Of Timur - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Stone Of Timur - Alternative View
Video: Битва на воде. Первая 1/8. Акаб VS Никулин. Оев VS Армеец. Бодров VS Мартоян. Вырубатя VS Новрузов. 2024, September

Near the Karsakpay mine in central Kazakhstan, near the Altyn-Chuku mountain, a stone was found with an inscription carved on it.

The inscription is bilingual. In the upper part of the stone there are three lines in Arabic script, they are so spoiled that for now you can only read: "In the name of Allah, the merciful and merciful …" The lower inscription, consisting of eight lines, is written in Uighur script in Chagatai (Old Uzbek) language.

After A. I. Ponomarev's article "Amendments to the reading of Timur's inscription," the main content of the inscription is now completely clear. It says that in the summer of seven hundred and ninety-third, that is, in 1391, Timur marched on Tokhtamysh Khan, which confirms the information of written sources. It is curious that Nizam ad-din Shami gives a more accurate date, he not only gives a year, but a month and a day - the 23rd of the month of Jumadi I, i.e. 28 April 1391. Timur calls himself in the inscription as the Sultan of Turan, which is clearly indicates the existence of this name in the political terminology of the XIV century.

Here is a transcription of the text of Timur's bilingual inscription, carved on April 6, 1391 during the campaign against Tokhtamysh:

Tariq yettı yuz toqsan üçintä qoy yıl yaznıŋ ara ay

Turannıŋ sultānı Timurbäg üç yuz miŋ çärig bilä

İslām üçün Toqtamışqan bulɤar qanıqa yurıdı

Bu yergä yetip bälgü bolzun tep bu obanı qopardı

Promotional video:

Täŋri nısbat bergäy inşalla

Täŋri ul kişikä rahmat qılğay bizni duā bıla yād qılğay

Transcribed into modern Uzbek:

Tarix yettı yuz toqson üçinçi qoy yıli yozi oyi

Turonnıng sultanı Temurbek uch yuz ming cherig bilan

Islom uchun Toxtamishxon bulg or xoniga yurdi.

Bu yerga yetib belgi bo'lsin deb bu obani o'rnatdi

Tangri nisbat bergay inshalla

Tanri ul kishiga rahmat qilgay bizni duo bilan yod qilgay.

Russian translation of Timur's bilingual inscription:

“In the summer of seven hundred and ninety-three, in the middle month of the spring of the year of the sheep, the Sultan of Turan Timur-bek rose with three hundred thousand troops for Islam against the Bulgar khan Toktamysh-khan. Having reached this area, he erected this mound to be a memorial sign. God willing, may the Lord do justice! May the Lord show mercy to the people of the country! May they remember us with a prayer!"