Ruins Of Space Bases Of An Ancient Civilization On The Moon - Alternative View

Ruins Of Space Bases Of An Ancient Civilization On The Moon - Alternative View
Ruins Of Space Bases Of An Ancient Civilization On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: Ruins Of Space Bases Of An Ancient Civilization On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: Ruins Of Space Bases Of An Ancient Civilization On The Moon - Alternative View
Video: The Secret History of the Moon - 4K 2024, July

Earlier, I published an article in which I posted photographs of the ruins of an alien base on the Moon, which clearly show fragments of columns - hexagonal, various devices and bas-relief inscriptions on the fragments of walls. The inscription N: 4 stands out especially, and the Roman numeral IV is also found, from which we can conclude that the ruins near the crater of Giordano Bruno belong to the ancient lunar base at number 4.

Perhaps this lunar base once looked something like this photo. I am not claiming that it is genuine or that it was actually made by the Chinese. This is just an example of a structure, a reconstruction of what such a lunar base might look like.

This is not the first time I publish the results of the study of this region of the Moon from the photographs of the LROC mission, but I constantly encounter a strange phenomenon, the vast majority of people are simply unable to see in the photographs any fragments of walls, or hexagonal columns, or inscriptions. They don't really see anything. But for me personally, these inscriptions, columns and other artifacts of artificial origin are clearly visible and their presence is obvious. What is the reason for the strange blindness of other people, with the unpreparedness of consciousness to perceive shocking information, or is it some kind of brain blockage, I do not know.

Once again, I am trying to convey to people the fact that on the surface of the Moon in the past, there were bases of unknown origin. Rather, judging by the gigantic dimensions of these structures and various artifacts, based on the fact that the original photograph taken from a satellite flying in the orbit of the Moon is 100 meters per pixel, which is approximately equal to a millimeter in the original photograph - the structure was gigantic in size and build such, modern civilization is simply not able to. And the fact that the Moon was subjected to space bombardment, the purpose of which was to destroy the lunar bases of an unknown civilization, these events took place before our modern culture.


I will not go into hypotheses about what kind of giants built bases on the moon and who was stronger than them and was able to destroy them. Such hypotheses, legends from ancient sources can be found enough to draw appropriate conclusions. I just once again ask you to carefully look at the photos and videos so that you can see what I see.